First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Florence, AlaBAma

March 19, 2025

March 23, 2025

Sermon Title: “Riding The Rollercoaster"      

Scripture: Psalm 40

Reverend Diane Wood


We are pleased to have Kaye Fleming join our congregation. Kaye is the sister of Faye Sanders. Please be sure to say hello and welcome her to First Christian.


Saturday, March 29, 2025

 Soup Kitchen Contact: Judy Goode & Patsy Blasingame

Volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up at Soup Kitchen from 10:30 through clean up (around 2:00)

We also need volunteers to make dessert bars. Please cut and individually bag each bar. We ask each person to please make 2 dozen bars. Please have desserts at First Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. Thank you for your help.

Spiritual Life Retreat

Reminder: The Spiritual Life Retreat

has been rescheduled for this

Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 am

Help Center

The Help Center needs hand towels, wash cloths and bath towels. If you would like to help, you may take them to The Help Center or drop off at the church and James McCorkle can take to The Help Center.

Wednesday Night Study

Wednesday evening Bible Study through Lent will be led by Pastor Parvin and will focus on the daily devotions in our Lenten Devotional booklet Facing Jerusalem. Time will remain the same:  5:15 - 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

March Outreach - The Healing Place

The Healing Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization reliant on contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, as well as funds from foundations and grants.

The Healing Place provides help, healing, and hope to more than 500 children and their families each year.

Grief Services are provided free of charge at the office in Muscle Shoals as well as outreach in the schools and communities of the Shoals Area. Children and their families can participate in individual or group services.

The Healing Place is committed to offering support to grieving children and their families in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in order to promote a sense of well-being and productivity in its participants.

If you would like to support The Healing Place, please put your contribution in the offering plate marked outreach.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

During this season of Lent, take the opportunity to teach your young grandchildren the story of Easter with some of the books from our library, including He is Risen by Tess Fries. This easy-reader book is perfect for telling the story of Jesus from the beginning of Passover, through the betrayal of Judas, to Jesus' trial and crucifixion, and to His Resurrection. Another beautiful book is The Easter Story by Rachel Elliot. In this larger book with a bit-more-detailed narrative, one can relive the story of Jesus' Resurrection in this children's book that is beautifully illustrated  by Xuan Le. Your child will discover what happened in the days leading up to Jesus' miraculous Resurrection, and why we celebrate Easter! 


Lent Devotion study: Wednesdays through Lent @ 5:15 in the Fellowship Hall.

March 20: 1st day of Spring

March 22: Spiritual Life Retreat (This was rescheduled due to weather on March 16).

March 23: Called Board meeting in Library following worship.

March 24-28: Spring Break for all local schools.

March 25: Elders Meeting

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen

April 6: Board Meeting

April 12: Women’s Ministries Spring Luncheon @ First Christian Montgomery.

April 13: Palm Sunday - Candy for Easter eggs due today.

April 16: stuff eggs for Easter egg hunt @ 4 pm.

April 17: Maundy Thursday service: 7 pm

April 18: Good Friday

April 19: Easter Egg Hunt at FCC. 2-4 pm. Everyone invited. Hot dogs served.

April 20: Easter Sunday


We will be ordering Hydrangeas again this year for Easter. There will be order forms on the podium by the church office. All orders will need to be turned in no later than Monday, April 7 so they can be ordered in time for Easter. Cost: $35.00  Please be sure to print the name of who they are in Memory or Honor of so that may be put in the insert for Easter.

First Christian Church Easter Egg Hunt

April 19th - Easter Egg Hunt

2-4 pm at FCC, Florence.

This hunt is for our little ones, and our community!

Please invite your grandchildren or any family children, and your neighbors children! This is open to the community! We want to show the love of our church and Jesus through us!

We will have hot dogs, chips, drinks, and crafts.  

We need your help with Easter candy for the Egg Hunt.  

Please drop off bags of individually wrapped bags of

candy in the fellowship hall by April 13.

Please be sure they are small enough to fit in plastic

Easter eggs. Please NO HARD Candy. Thank you!!


Kanon & Lela Robbins in your prayers. Kanon is the grandson of Skip Hodges. Their baby, Theron, was born on March 10, several weeks premature and sadly passed away.

Bill Brackin is in NAMC and is in ICU.

Braxton Davis, student of Tonitia Butler is in PICU.

Terry McGee is having hip and back pain. He had injections on March 19 to try to help his pain.

Macon Jones is in Birmingham following treatment.

Roberta Shivers is recovering after hip surgery.

Continued Prayer Requests: Search and Call committee, Kay Stegall, Faye Sanders

Grace Carter, The Carter Family, Nadine Pate, Katrina Kelley, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, and All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Jon Wisdom, John Harr, Austin Bell, Pete & Tommie Lou Johnson, Danny Hines, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor March 11, 2025

March 16, 2025

Sermon Title: Riding The Rollercoaster"

Scripture: Psalm 40

Guest Preacher:  Reverend Diane Wood

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Since I have been re-visiting Christmas books, why not check out another Christmas novella, An Irish Christmas, by Melody Carlson? While this is only the second novel by Carlson that I have read, it appears that she focuses on characters who are flawed or who have missteps in their life-histories. Interesting...   Are those not the very people for whom Christ was sacrificed? Primary-character Colleen's life is spinning out of control. Her husband of 25 years has just died of a heart attack, and her relationship with her rather-deceptive college-aged son Jamie is crumbling. Is now the time that Colleen should confess to her son a secret that she has keep all of his life? When Colleen learns of Jamie's plans to join the military; she decides that this is indeed a good time for the two of them to take a trip together to Ireland. During this rather tumultuous visit, they will discover truths that could either create a greater chasm or fulfill both of their dreams in a way neither had ever thought possible. 

Guest SpeAKER

Reverend Diane Wood will be our guest leader for the retreat this Saturday, March 15, and she will be preaching Sunday morning.

Reverend Wood was ordained at Huntsville First Christian Church in 2008, after earning her MDiv at Lexington Theological Seminary. She previously had a 25-year career as a Registered Dietitian in various health care settings and earned her MS in Clinical Nutrition from UAB in 1991. Her BS in Dietetics was conferred at the University of Alabama in 1978.

Reverend Wood served Village Christian Church in Auburn for three years, worked at UAB for six years, and retired from hospice chaplaincy in 2021. She served the Region as the Young Adult Ministry staff person from 2008-2011.

Please welcome Rev. Wood as you see her this weekend.

Wednesday Night Study

Wednesday evening Bible Study through Lent will be led by Pastor Parvin and will focus on the daily devotions in our Lenten Devotional booklet Facing Jerusalem. Time will remain the same:  5:15 - 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

Spiritual Life Retreat

First Christian Church will be offering members a one-day Spiritual Life Retreat March 15

Rev. Diane Wood, retired Hospice Chaplain will be the resource leader.

The focus will be personal prayer life and Bible reading.

The event will begin at 9:00 AM at the church and conclude by 4:00 PM.

Rev. Wood will be bringing the sermon in worship the following morning.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There will be a catered lunch provided for the Spiritual Retreat. The menu consists of your choice of either Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo as the main entree. The caterer will be providing salad, salad dressing, bread, dessert, tea, water, or lemonade as well as all the disposables. She will also be providing set up, serving and clean up duties.

March Outreach - The Healing Place

The Healing Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization reliant on contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, as well as funds from foundations and grants.

The Healing Place provides help, healing, and hope to more than 500 children and their families each year.

Grief Services are provided free of charge at the office in Muscle Shoals as well as outreach in the schools and communities of the Shoals Area. Children and their families can participate in individual or group services.

The Healing Place is committed to offering support to grieving children and their families in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in order to promote a sense of well-being and productivity in its participants.


Grief Support Groups

Types of Support Groups: Children's Group (AGE: 4-12), Teen's Group (AGE: 13-18), Young Adult Group (AGE: 18-25), Adult Group

Healing Hearts In-School Program

Individual Support & Education

Crisis Intervention

Student Training Site

Community Training & Resources

If you would like to support The Healing Place, please put your contribution in the offering plate marked outreach.


Saturday, March 29, 2025

 Soup Kitchen Contact: Judy Goode & Patsy Blasingame

Volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up at Soup Kitchen from 10:30 through clean up (around 2:00)

We also need volunteers to make dessert bars. Please cut and individually bag each bar. We ask each person to please make 2 dozen bars. Please have desserts at First Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am

Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. Thank you for your help.

Help Center

The Help Center needs hand towels, wash cloths and bath towels. If you would like to help, you may take them to The Help Center or drop off at the church and James McCorkle can take to The Help Center.


We will be ordering Hydrangeas again this year for Easter. There will be order forms on the podium by the church office. All orders will need to be turned in no later than Monday, April 7 so they can be ordered in time for Easter. Cost: $35.00  Please be sure to print the name of who they are in Memory or Honor of so that may be put in the insert for Easter.


Lent Devotion study: Wednesdays through Lent @ 5:15 in the Fellowship Hall.

March 15: Spiritual Life Retreat

March 18: Ladies Luncheon

March 20: 1st day of Spring

March 24-28: Spring Break for all local schools.

March 25: Elders Meeting

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen


Kanon & Lela Robbins in your prayers. Kanon is the grandson of Skip Hodges. Their baby, Theron, was born on March 10, several weeks premature and sadly passed away.

Macon Jones has treatment this week, then will be in Birmingham for a month.

Jon Wisdom, son-in-law of Tammy Hendrix is in NAMC with Kidney issues.

Kay Stegall will be traveling this week for treatment.

Faye Sanders is having some health issues.

John Harr, brother-in-law of Thomas Harrison was diagnosed with ALS and has been released from the hospital.

Austin Bell, family friend of Thomas Harrison, is home with in-home healthcare services. Goes to UAB soon for follow-up brain scan.

Nadine Pate has been admitted to the hospital in Chattanooga with an extreme case of diverticulitis.

Continued Prayer Requests: Search and Call committee, Grace Carter, Kelley, The Carter Family, Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, and All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Pete & Tommie Lou Johnson, Danny Hines, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

March 5, 2025

March 9, 2025

Sermon Title: “A Tempting Offer”      

Scripture: Luke 4:1-13

Pastor Pat Parvin

Wednesday Night Study

The Elders of First Christian Church in consultation with the Education Committee have determined that our Wednesday evening Bible Study will follow a revised format for Lent. This Wednesday (March 5) the study will be our Ash Wednesday service.  Subsequent Wednesdays through Lent will be led by Pastor Parvin and will focus on the daily devotions in our Lenten Devotional booklet Facing Jerusalem. Time will remain the same:  5:15 - 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall.

Spiritual Life Retreat

First Christian Church will be offering members a one-day Spiritual Life Retreat March 15. 

Rev. Diane Wood, retired Hospice Chaplain will be the resource leader. 

The focus will be personal prayer life and Bible reading. 

The event will begin at 9:00 AM at the church and conclude by 4:00 PM.

Rev. Wood will be bringing the sermon in worship the following morning. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There will be a catered lunch provided for the Spiritual Retreat. The menu consists of your choice of either Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo as the main entree. The caterer will be providing salad, salad dressing, bread, dessert, tea, water, or lemonade as well as all the disposables. She will also be providing set up, serving and clean up duties.

Someone will be in the foyer on Sunday, March 2 & March 9th as this will be the cutoff date to sign up. I will have to get the final totals on Monday March 10th to the caterer. The cost is $15.00 per person. You can pay with cash or check and if using a check--please make it out to First Christian Church for the Retreat Luncheon. The Church will then write one check for all the meals to the caterer. 

 I hope everyone will be able to enjoy participating in the retreat which will include a wonderful lunch! 

Thank you, Amy McCorkle - Membership Committee 

March Outreach - The Healing Place

The Healing Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization reliant on contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, as well as funds from foundations and grants.

The Healing Place provides help, healing, and hope to more than 500 children and their families each year.

Grief Services are provided free of charge at the office in Muscle Shoals as well as outreach in the schools and communities of the Shoals Area. Children and their families can participate in individual or group services.

The Healing Place is committed to offering support to grieving children and their families in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in order to promote a sense of well-being and productivity in its participants.


Grief Support Groups

Types of Support Groups: Children's Group (AGE: 4-12), Teen's Group (AGE: 13-18), Young Adult Group (AGE: 18-25), Adult Group

Healing Hearts In-School Program

Individual Support & Education

Crisis Intervention

Student Training Site

Community Training & Resources

If you would like to support The Healing Place, please put your contribution in the offering plate marked outreach.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

One may wonder why I would post in March about the Christmas-book A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson. But does one only read books set in the spring during the spring season? The story does happen in December, and its events occur during the Christmas season, but it is a story that could otherwise happen during any month. This book is an easy, comfortable read with a positive message about friends and family. Adelaide Smith has been working hard to finish her law degree, and she is determined to remain focused on her goal. That is, until she receives a letter notifying her that she is a direct descendant of King Maximillian Konig V, the ruler of a small European principality called Montovia. Adelaide is ready to dismiss the letter, but following the prodding of her best friend, curiosity gets the best of her and Adelaide decides to take the pre-paid flight. Thus, she takes a Christmas-break trip that turns out to be full of surprises, finding herself in a charming fairy-tale-like village, staying in an actual palace, and discovering family mysteries and royal jealousies. Of course, what would any real-life fairy tale be without a handsome, kind, and honorable young man who happens to be a member of the Parliament.


Saturday, March 29, 2025

 Soup Kitchen Contact: Judy Goode & Patsy Blasingame

Volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up at Soup Kitchen from 10:30 through clean up (around 2:00)

We also need volunteers to make dessert bars. Please cut and individually bag each bar. We ask each person to please make 2 dozen bars. Please have desserts at First Presbyterian Church at 11:00 am

Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board. Thank you for your help.

New Member

We are so happy to have Elizabeth “Liz” Moore join our membership. Liz joined on Sunday, March 2, 2025. Please be sure to welcome her!


March Outreach – The Healing Place

Lent Devotion study: Wednesdays through Lent @ 5:15 in the Fellowship Hall.

March 9: Daylight Savings time begins -  Dare to Care 2 pm

March 11 & 25: Elders Meeting

March 15: Spiritual Life Retreat

March 18: Ladies Luncheon

March 20: 1st day of Spring

March 24-28: Spring Break for all local schools.

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen


Skip Hodges (soon to be great grandchild) needs prayers.

Kay Stegall will be traveling next week for Dr. apt. 

Faye Sanders is having some health issues.

Austin Bell, son of a friend of Thomas Harrisons family, was injured in  a head on collision and is in UAB.

Nadine Pate has been admitted to the hospital in Chattanooga with an extreme case of diverticulitis.

John Harr, brother-in-law of Thomas Harrison is in ICU in South Carolina.

Continued Prayer Requests: Search and Call committee, Grace Carter, Macon Jones, Kelley, The Carter Family, Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, and All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Danny Hines, Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

February 25, 2025

March 2, 2025

Sermon Title: " Called To Be One In the Spirit, One In the Lord”

Scripture: I Corinthians 3:12-4:2

Pastor Pat Parvin

March Outreach - The Healing Place

The Healing Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization reliant on contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, as well as funds from foundations and grants.

The Healing Place provides help, healing, and hope to more than 500 children and their families each year.

Grief Services are provided free of charge at the office in Muscle Shoals as well as outreach in the schools and communities of the Shoals Area. Children and their families can participate in individual or group services.

The Healing Place is committed to offering support to grieving children and their families in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in order to promote a sense of well-being and productivity in its participants.


Grief Support Groups

THP hosts group nights for those experiencing grief regardless of type of loss for free of charge to participants.

Types of Support Groups: Children's Group (AGE: 4-12), Teen's Group (AGE: 13-18), Young Adult Group (AGE: 18-25), Adult Group

Healing Hearts In-School Program

The Healing Place started the Healing Hearts In-School Program to provide grief support to children. Currently, the Healing Hearts Program is hosted in schools of Lauderdale, Colbert, and Franklin counties.

Individual Support & Education

The Healing Place provides children and families with grief support services such as private sessions with a Healing Place counselor and connecting families to community resources to help during their time of need.

Crisis Intervention

THP is here to help during cases of emergency. Our services include on-site crisis intervention for schools, churches, and the workplace.

Student Training Site

The Healing Place helps educate professionals through the hosting of seminars and bereavement training programs.

Community Training & Resources

The Healing Place helps educate the community through the hosting of "Hope For The Holidays," a community-wide grief support seminar, and providing support services for those with an ill family member.

If you would like to support The Healing Place, please put your contribution in the offering plate marked outreach.

Spiritual Life Retreat 

First Christian Church will be offering members a one-day Spiritual Life Retreat March 15.

Rev. Diane Wood, retired Hospice Chaplain will be the resource leader 

The focus will be personal prayer life and Bible reading.

The event will begin at 9:00 AM at the church and conclude by 4:00 PM.

Rev. Wood will be bringing the sermon in worship the following morning. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There will be a catered lunch provided for the Spiritual Retreat. The menu consists of your choice of either Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo as the main entree. The caterer will be providing salad, salad dressing, bread, dessert, tea, water, or lemonade as well as all the disposables. She will also be providing set up, serving and clean up duties.

Someone will be in the foyer on Sunday, March 2 & March 9th as this will be the cutoff date to sign up. I will have to get the final totals on Monday March 10th to the caterer. The cost is $15.00 per person. You can pay with cash or check and if using a check--please make it out to First Christian Church for the Retreat Luncheon. The Church will then write one check for all the meals to the caterer. 

 I hope everyone will be able to enjoy participating in the retreat which will include a wonderful lunch! 

Thank you, Amy McCorkle - Membership Committee 

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

As Black History Month nears its end, let us honor the memory of Harriet Tubman and the courageous slaves that she led to freedom. Within our library is Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent: How Daring Slaves and Free Blacks Spied for the Union During the Civil War by Thomas B. Allen, which is a 192-page book published by National Geographic that specifically targets junior-high readers. This small book collects fascinating information regarding the network of slaves and free blacks who advanced the Union cause during the Civil War. The narrative is framed by the story of Harriet Tubman, the ex-slave and conductor of the Underground Railroad, whose work to help others escape is well known; less known is her role as a spy. Tubman assisted Northern troops by tapping into a group of ex-slaves working in the South and passing information on to the Union forces. Readers will also meet others who participated in the espionage, such as Elizabeth Van Lew, who devised a numerical code to transmit information that she picked up at various society gatherings. We also have a beautifully illustrated storybook and biography that is also suitable for children and adults alike: Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom, which is a Caldecott Honor, with amazing illustrations by Kadir Nelson.


March Outreach – The Healing Place

Elders: Amy McCorkle & Judy Goode

Diaconate: Mark Sanders, Skip Hodges, Missy Bates, Russ Darracott

Security: Jeff Futrell & Terry McGee

March 5: Ash Wednesday Service 5:30 pm – No Bible study Class tonight.

March 8: Time Change: Move clocks ahead 1 hour before you go to bed.

March 9: Daylight Savings time begins

March 9: Dare to Care 2 pm

March 11 & 25: Elders Meeting

March 12, 19, 26: Bible Study class 5:15

March 18: Ladies Luncheon

March 20: 1st day of Spring

March 24-28: Spring Break for all local schools.

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen

Office Hours: Pastor Parvin office hours: Monday-Wednesday-9 am until noon


The family of JoAnn Davis, aunt of Faye Sanders and Kaye Fleming, passed away February 24, 2025.

John Harr, brother-in-law of Thomas Harrison is in ICU in South Carolina.

Continued Prayer Requests: Search and Call committee, Grace Carter, Macon Jones, Nadine Pate, Katrina Kelley, The Carter Family, Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, and All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Danny Hines, Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.



FEBRUARY 19, 2025

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sermon Title: " It’s a Gift, Not A Transaction”

Scripture: Luke 6:27-38

Pastor Pat Parvin

Spiritual Life Retreat

First Christian Church will be offering members a one-day Spiritual Life Retreat March 15.

Rev. Diane Wood, retired Hospice Chaplain will be the resource leader.

The focus will be personal prayer life and Bible reading.

The event will begin at 9:00 AM at the church and conclude by 4:00 PM

Rev. Wood will be bringing the sermon in worship the following morning. 

There will be a catered lunch provided for the Spiritual Retreat. The menu consists of your choice of either Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo as the main entree. The caterer will be providing salad, salad dressing, bread, dessert, tea, water, or lemonade as well as all the disposables. She will also be providing set up, serving and clean up duties.

I will be in the Church Foyer with a sign-up sheet starting this Sunday February 16th through Sunday March 9th as this will be the cutoff date to sign up. I will have to get the final totals on Monday March 10th to the caterer. The cost is $15.00 per person. You can pay with cash or check and if using a check--please make it out to First Christian Church for the Retreat Luncheon. The Church will then write one check for all the meals to the caterer. 

 I hope everyone will be able to enjoy participating in the retreat which will include a wonderful lunch! 

Thank you,

Amy McCorkle, Membership Committee 

Grace Carter Update - Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 16 weeks

Zephaniah 3:17 – NLT- For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.

It's been far too long, I know. I've waited for some things to happen to share with you. Casey and sister, Rachel, along with a few friends, have all been sick. Which meant Grace did not get to see her Valentine in person. Which was HARD. FaceTime has been a lifesaver with friends and family checking in to talk with Grace. Grace has cried a lot more in the last week. Dr. Brooks think she has become much more aware of how hard her recovery will be and the challenges she faces with recovery. Without our backup support, Bob and I have not had much time off and we are flat out tired. Today we have taken the day off. Since it is Tuesday, we know she will be working with therapists all day and the wonderful medical team will check in on our girl.

Updates: *Feet movement comes and goes. *Grace won a thumb war over Rachel weekend before last. It was pretty funny and Grace has quite the grip! *Tilt Table challenge up to 85 degrees! Hoping this week she reaches the goal of 90 degrees. It is not an easy task for someone who cannot hold their head up and have not been on their feet in four months! It places pressure on her feet the further up she goes. She has also had more e. Stim on her left leg. The electric current makes her laugh but also helps her leg bend at the knees and then lift her calf and foot: bend/lift x 70 reps!

*OT believes there is some double vision that is causing the consistent eye gaze to be an issue. Grace has an appointment to see a neuro optometrist in the near future. *Grace is communicating with us more and more with the alphabet flip chart. She is even making out sentences. Sister and friends have even got the iPhone passcode out of her, however, since we tried so many times to guess it in the beginning, we are permanently locked out without going back to factory settings. I'm not sure how that will affect Grace to get her phone without her contacts or other information in place. We are hoping to get her to spill the tea on her Apple ID and password but she has not been able to pull that one out - yet!

*ST still working with Grace on swallowing - it is improving but slowly. *Several of us have witnessed Grace making audible sounds - not words - but sounds! A few smiles have crept in that are also encouraging and seeing her move her tongue between her teeth have been encouraging signs in the Speech area. I have asked Grace that this time around that she says "Mom" first since "Dada" was first the last time! She laughed, which probably means it will be "Casey" first!!

Insurance has worked with Dr. Brooks on Grace's progression, however slow, and agree Kessler needs extended time to continue the progress before she moves on. We are taking one week at a time and are grateful that time has been extended. In the next few weeks, there is hope to remove the Trach! Yes! and to remove the IVC Filter(blocks blood clots) that was placed in November. Within the next few weeks, the move to JFK will take place. It is a step-down unit but still has skilled nurses in place for Grace and continued therapy. Also, quite a few people around Grace's age which might be a boost in spirits.

Despite how hard it has been and how slow progress is, several prayers have been answered. Extended time at Kessler! Audible sounds being made! Talk of the decannulation of the Trach! More communication with the alphabet board! Within 5 degrees of the 90-degree Tilt Table goal! Her smile returning!

Pray for continued fighting spirit within Grace; more progress with feet, legs, arms, hands; better consistency with her neck and head moves; less toning/spasticity and more on command movements; steadier eye gaze; the eye strength to work the Tobii; more facial expressions; complete healing and recovery from top of her head to the tip of her toes; discernment, wisdom, and knowledge on which path to take with Grace's continued recovery; strength to withstand the storm and come out on the other side! Continued progress with audible sounds and communication. Success with the decannulation of the trach and removal of the IVC filter and that they both happen in the next couple of weeks. Appointment with neuro optometrist is successful and brings us answers about Grace's eyes that can be resolved. Continued time at Kessler and continued support from professionals that make these decisions. Friends and family get well! And one more: ask God to give Grace the opportunity to be completely healed and to be a living testimony of His glory and healing.

Much love and forever grateful to our Lord and Savior for all of you, The Carters

Romans 12:12 - NLT - Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keep on praying.

Picture: Grace smiling at Casey on FT yesterday, Feb. 17, 2025. She has come a long way from tubes and wires all over her head and face to this! 2nd pic: Pizza night with Casey and meeting up with Oscar a few weeks ago!

February Outreach

Home Free Haven is part of the Homeless Care Council of Northwest Alabama. Home Free Haven began as a winter shelter program and expanded to provide a number of services to those in need throughout the years. In 2024, those services included street outreach, warm meal deliveries, laundry vouchers, hydration stations and a summer cool down program. The directors also accept supply donations.

Home Free Haven directors Tara and Will Willis said, There is a need for “ a dramatic increase in funding and dedicated volunteer support” for Home Free Haven to continue offering year-round support and winter shelter services. The work Home Free Haven does is so valuable, and their desire to “continue to push through and hope a path forward for Home Free Haven presents itself.”

If you would like to contribute to help them continue their services, you may place a donation in the offering plate marked Outreach.

Regional Men’s Retreat

March 7-8, 2025

Rev. Johnny Wray After serving 17 years as Director of Week of Compassion – the humanitarian response program of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Johnny and his wife Deb moved to High Hope Farm in Cedar Bluff, MS. where they regeneratively raise grass-fed beef and lamb and share hospitality to a steady stream of guests at the farm’s Grateful Guest House. Prior to coming to Week of Compassion, he served Disciples congregations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. He has an M. Div degree in social ethics from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS


Eloise “Ella” Cruze Wellford was born on February 4, 2025, weighing 9lbs, 4oz and 18” long. She is the daughter of Rachel and Cruze Wellford. Granddaughter of David Witt and the late Tracy Babcock Witt. Great Granddaughter of Paula and the late Roger Babcock.

Isn’t she precious!! Look at all that hair!!

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

The Fool of New York City by Michael D. O'Brien is a novel set-in present-day Manhattan, and the tale centers around two main characters, Francisco, and Billy. These men are the type of individuals who are very likely considered "fools" in the eyes of most of the people whom they encounter. Their story unfolds with Francisco finding himself in a dreamlike state that the author presents rather poetically within the first chapter. The seven-foot-something Billy finds Francisco in an abandoned building, with Francisco perceiving Billy as a giant who might literally eat him for his next meal.

Many years ago, empathetic Billy himself had suffered from amnesia, and he comprehends the anguish of those who have lost their identity. Billy's own life journey has transformed him into a simply living individual with an enormous and giving heart, leading him to take Francisco under his wing after they meet through a seeming coincidence. Together they undertake numerous adventures in their search to discover Francisco's true past. As a reader, I was impressed with O'Brien's skill in portraying the value of one's memories, the way in which they shape identity, and the human potential for survival under extremely challenging circumstances. "Michael O'Brien is a superior spiritual storyteller worthy to join the ranks of Flannery O'Connor, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, and C.S. Lewis." – Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., Author, Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction from Saint Thomas Aquinas


Continued Prayer Requests: Grace Carter, Macon Jones, Nadine Pate, Katrina Kelley, The Carter Family, Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, All Unspoken Prayer needs, Search and Call committee as they go through the process of finding a permanent Minister for our church.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Danny Hines, Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

February 13, 2025

February 23, 2025

Sermon Title: " It’s a Gift, Not A Transaction

Scripture: Luke 6:27-38

Pastor Pat Parvin

Spiritual Life Retreat


First Christian Church will be offering members a one-day Spiritual Life Retreat March 15.

Rev. Diane Wood, retired Hospice Chaplain will be the resource leader.

The focus will be personal prayer life and Bible reading.

The event will begin at 9:00 AM at the church and conclude by 4:00 PM.

Lunch will be provided.

Rev. Wood will be bringing the sermon in worship the following morning.

There will be a catered lunch provided for the Spiritual Retreat. The menu consists of your choice of either Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo as the main entree. The caterer will be providing salad, salad dressing, bread, dessert, tea, water, or lemonade as well as all the disposables. She will also be providing set up, serving and clean up duties.


I will be in the Church Foyer with a sign-up sheet starting this Sunday February 16th through Sunday March 9th as this will be the cutoff date to sign up. I will have to get the final totals on Monday March 10th to the caterer. The cost is $15.00 per person. You can pay with cash or check and if using a check--please make it out to First Christian Church for the Retreat Luncheon. The Church will then write one check for all the meals to the caterer. 


 I hope everyone will be able to enjoy participating in the retreat which will include a wonderful lunch! 


Thank you, Amy McCorkle, Membership Committee 

Grace Carter Update

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - Day 100

One hundred days. Sounds like a long time. In ways it has been, and yet, not long enough for the recovery we seek and hope for. One hundred days can play with your mind. They did with mine this week after we did not receive the answers we wanted from another facility in another city. It caused me a loss of faith and trust in the one who holds all the answers. Even though my trust wavered, His love and works did not.

Grace currently remains at Kessler. We hope she can stay longer but the pushback from insurance has started. We have visited JFK-Johnson Extended Recovery and Cognitive Rehabilitation. Not the new, spacious facility Kessler is but the rehabilitation program comes with a great reputation. A few God winks while visiting JFK: a box of white dishes setting in the floor of the administrator's office. She had no idea where they came from, who placed them there, or where they were to go. They just appeared. On the top of the dishes was a white Corelle bowl. In our storage room back home is a box full of my mom's Corelle dishes set aside for Grace! Wink! The second God wink comes in the form of a doctor doing his fellowship. This doctor graduated from UAB and grew up in Alabama! We were told they have NEVER had anyone from Alabama working there! Wink! Wink!

Last weekend, another of Grace's besties made the trip from Alabama to visit Grace. Christa and Grace have been friends since 4th grade! It was good for Grace's spirit to have an Alabama friend visit!

On Monday, one of Grace's Vandy/NYC friends contacted me about a donation someone wanted to make to Grace. This morning Bob and I picked up the donation. A Tobii Dynavox Pilot - the type of computer that helps those who cannot speak use their eye gaze to communicate! The SP and OT at Kessler have been working with Grace on a similar device. As reported before, Grace's eye gaze is not consistent but it is getting steadier by the day. We are so grateful for Emily, Tara, and the family who donated this gift to Grace. Hopefully, Grace will be able to pay it forward one day!

Yesterday, while listening to music, I suggested we remove the pressure boots and see if she could wave her left foot at Bob. She did! Then, I suggested we try the right foot, which has been slow and inconsistent, but it wasn't yesterday! Then she waved the feet at the same time, in sync, with the music of Harry Styles! At the same time Grace's fighting spirit kicked in - she turned red in the face and started grunting - like the Incredible Hulk! At first, we thought something was causing her pain but she was just mad! Mad about her situation! If mad makes the fight come out in her, so be it!

Other steps this week, she was able to spell out words with the flip chart the ST and OT have made. Words like her email address and password and the names of some of the therapists. Grace also remained consistent with 70 degrees on the tilt table. For Dr. Brooks, Grace was able to move her elbow, on the left side, with minimum assistance. And she gave the most beautiful smile, with teeth showing, to Casey on FaceTime. Slow but progress!

Pray for continued fighting spirit within Grace; more progress with feet, legs, arms, hands; better consistency with her neck and head moves; less toning/spasticity and more on command movements; steadier eye gaze; the eye strength to work the Tobii; more facial expressions; complete healing and recovery from top of her head to the tip of her toes; discernment, wisdom, and knowledge on which path to take with Grace's continued recovery; strength to withstand the storm and come out on the other side!

Thank you for your continued prayers - the Lord knows we need them! Be sure to hug all your Valentine's with giant squeezes!

Love, The Carters

--Matthew 14:27-32, NLT But Jesus spoke to them at once. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage. I am here!" 28Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water." 29"Yes, come," Jesus said. So, Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted. 31 Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. "You have so little faith." Jesus said. "Why did you doubt me?" 32When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped.


February Outreach

Home Free Haven is part of the Homeless Care Council of Northwest Alabama. Home Free Haven began as a winter shelter program and expanded to provide a number of services to those in need throughout the years. In 2024, those services included street outreach, warm meal deliveries, laundry vouchers, hydration stations and a summer cool down program. The directors also accept supply donations.

Home Free Haven directors Tara and Will Willis said, There is a need for “ a dramatic increase in funding and dedicated volunteer support” for Home Free Haven to continue offering year-round support and winter shelter services. The work Home Free Haven does is so valuable, and their desire to “continue to push through and hope a path forward for Home Free Haven presents itself.”

If you would like to contribute to help them continue their services, you may place a donation in the offering plate marked Outreach.

Sunday, February 16

Notes of interest for this Sunday.

v  There will be a congregational vote on the proposed budget Sunday, immediately following the service, please remain in the sanctuary. There are copies of the proposed budget on the entryway table and in the back of the Sanctuary.

v  The called board meeting from Feb. 9 will be this Sunday after the congregational vote. Please meet in the Library. This will be a short meeting. All Board members are asked to attend this short meeting.

v  Week of Compassion offering will be taken up this Sunday, Feb. 16 and also on Feb. 23. If you would like to contribute to the California fires or to the North Carolina recovery, please place donation in the offering plate and note what you would like your donation to go to.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Syndicated columnist and novelist Sharon Randall (The World and Then Some) published a lovely collection of her columns, Birdbaths and Paper Cranes, in 2001. This is a collection of "stories that inspire, bring tears, (and) bring joy... Randall's writing style is unmistakably authentic, and her love of the craft is obvious" (quote taken from the inside cover). Ms. Randall draws us into generational stories of her family with insights that at some level apply to each of us. For example, she speaks of her sightless brother's first attempt at driving; her husband's battle with cancer; her parents, her siblings, her children; and her Christian heritage. Her stories make one realize how special the little aspects of life can be the memories that they make, and the way that they form and reform us. This is a lovely collection that has been donated in honor of Mrs. Tommie Plunk.

Regional Men’s Retreat

March 7-8, 2025

Rev. Johnny Wray After serving 17 years as Director of Week of Compassion – the humanitarian response program of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Johnny and his wife Deb moved to High Hope Farm in Cedar Bluff, MS. where they regeneratively raise grass-fed beef and lamb and share hospitality to a steady stream of guests at the farm’s Grateful Guest House. Prior to coming to Week of Compassion, he served Disciples congregations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. He has an M. Div degree in social ethics from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS.



Congratulations to Ryan and Jessie Crane on the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Marie Crane. Charlotte was born on

February 10, 2025. Grandparents are Ben and Kim Crane. Great Grandparents are Ann and Gene Crane.



February Outreach - Home Free Haven

This Sunday, Feb. 16:

*Week of Compassion Special Offering

*Congregational Vote on Proposed Budget -following worship

*Called Board Meeting in Library (after congregational vote)

Feb 18,25: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 17: Presidents Day- Office closed

Feb 18: Ladies Luncheon

Feb 19: Staff Meeting 4 pm

Feb 25: Elders meeting

March Outreach – The Healing Place

March 5: Ash Wednesday Service 5:30 pm

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen


Grace Carter: prayers for her recovery.

Danny Hines is at The Shepherd center for Rehabilitation.

Search and Call committee. as they go through the process of finding a permanent Minister for our church.

Continued Prayer Requests: Macon Jones, Nadine Pate, Katrina Kelley, The Carter Family, Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


February 5, 2025

February 9, 2025

Sermon Title: "Culling The Catch”       

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Pastor Pat Parvin

February Outreach

Home Free Haven

A Mission of Compassion

Home Free Haven was created in memory and honor of Cody Benjamin Cozart, a U.S. Navy veteran, who in his brief life made impacts on others that are long lasting and far reaching. Despite tumultuous days struggling to cope with life’s experiences, Cody selflessly set examples of how we should treat those around us.

It is in the spirit of love, compassion, and caring, which was deeply embedded in Cody, that the leadership, volunteers, partners, and donors of Home Free Haven embrace our mission of providing shelter, support, and hope for the unhoused and underserved population of the Shoals Area.

Home Free Haven began as a winter shelter program and expanded to provide a number of services to those in need throughout the years. In 2024, those services included street outreach, warm meal deliveries, laundry vouchers, hydration stations and a summer cool down program. The directors also accept supply donations. Home Free Haven directors Tara and Will Willis said, There is a need for “ a dramatic increase in funding and dedicated volunteer support” for Home Free Haven to continue offering year-round support and winter shelter services. The work Home Free Haven does is so valuable, and their desire to “continue to push through and hope a path forward for Home Free Haven presents itself.” If you would like to contribute to help them continue their services, you may place a donation in the offering plate marked Outreach.

Congregational Vote

There will be a congregational meeting on February 16 to approve the budget. There are copies of the proposed budget on the entryway table and on the table in the back of the sanctuary. If you are not able to attend in person and would like a copy sent to you, please let Tammy know.

Called Board Meeting

There will be a short-called Board meeting on February 9 in the Library following worship. This will be to vote on a Trustee to fill the empty position.


February Outreach - Home Free Haven

Feb 11,18,25: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 9: Called Board Meeting in Library

Feb 9: Dare to Care

Feb 11, 25: Elders meeting

Feb 14: Valentines Day

Feb 16: Congregational Vote on Proposed Budget

Feb 16 & 23: Week of Compassion Special Offering

Feb 17: Presidents Day- Office closed

Feb 18: Ladies Luncheon

Feb 19: Staff Meeting 4 pm


Outreach – The Healing Place

March 5: Ash Wednesday Service 5:30 pm

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen

Week of Compassion

Our Week of Compassion offering will be taken up on February 16 & 23. Be sure to note if you would like your contribution to go to the California wildfire recovery or the North Carolina Flood recovery.

Regional Men’s Retreat

March 7-8, 2025

Rev. Johnny Wray After serving 17 years as Director of Week of Compassion – the humanitarian response program of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Johnny and his wife Deb moved to High Hope Farm in Cedar Bluff, MS. where they regeneratively raise grass-fed beef and lamb and share hospitality to a steady stream of guests at the farm’s Grateful Guest House. Prior to coming to Week of Compassion, he served Disciples congregations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. He has an M. Div degree in social ethics from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS.


Congratulations to Amy DeGroote, For being selected as the FHS Bryant-Jordan Scholar Athlete winner. Amy is an example of excellence in the classroom and on the Tennis court. Congratulations Amy!!

Amy is the daughter of Genna and Brad DeGroote and granddaughter of Ann and Gene Crane.

Ladies Luncheon – Hollands Restaurant Florence.

Everyone enjoyed time to gather for lunch at Holland’s restaurant in Florence. The food was good and the time to visit together was much needed. If you have never attended a Ladies Luncheon, we would love to have you next month. Our next luncheon will be on February 18 at 11:15– Place to be determined.

Nadine Pate Reception

February 2, 2025

We will miss you!


Macon Jones as he goes through his cancer treatment.

Grace Carter: prayers for her recovery.

Bob & Marsha Carter as they make the choices best for Grace’s health.

Nadine Pate as she moves to Chattanooga and gets settled.

Katrina Kelley has declined and needs your prayers.

Danny Hines is at The Shepherd center for Rehabilitation.

Search and Call committee. as they go through the process of finding a permanent Minister.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

January 28, 2025

Regional Men’s Retreat

March 7-8, 2025

Rev. Johnny Wray After serving 17 years as Director of Week of Compassion – the humanitarian response program of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Johnny and his wife Deb moved to High Hope Farm in Cedar Bluff, MS. where they regeneratively raise grass-fed beef and lamb and share hospitality to a steady stream of guests at the farm’s Grateful Guest House. Prior to coming to Week of Compassion, he served Disciples congregations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. He has an M. Div degree in social ethics from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS.

Nadine Pate Day

February 2, 2025

There will be a reception following worship to send Nadine love and well wishes as she moves to Chattanooga TN. There will be a basket at the reception for cards. Come wish her well on her move.

Week of Compassion

Our Week of Compassion offering will be taken up on February 16 & 23. Be sure to note if you would like your contribution to go to the California wildfire recovery or the North Carolina Flood recovery.

Congregational Vote

There will be a congregational meeting on February 16 to approve the budget. There are copies of the proposed budget on the entryway table and on the table in the back of the sanctuary. If you are not able to attend in person and would like a copy sent to you, please let Tammy know.

Called Board Meeting

There will be a short-called Board meeting on February 9 in the Library following worship. This will be to vote on a Trustee to fill the empty position.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison


Joy Berry has a collection children's story books called the Help Me Be Good series, stories that are directed at decreasing negative behaviors and increasing positive ones. From the author: "The normal egocentricity of young children often leads to misbehavior that evokes negative responses from others. These negative responses can lead to a destructive cycle of negative action and reaction. The purpose of the HMBG products is to break the cycle of negative action and reaction. This is accomplished by helping children replace misbehavior with acceptable behavior." I have diligently searched to collect these books, and we have a great deal of them in our library. These practical, current-day children's tales can easily be used in conjunction with scriptural examples of positive and negative behaviors.

January Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

From Sarah Jennifer Thompson, CEO of Sidney’s Safe Foundation: When Covid hit, the schools and other organizations started providing food bags and thankfully just continued after. We now focus on helping children and their families by purchasing their family groceries, paying their utility bill and other needs they are not financially able to afford. First Christian has supported SSF for so many years and I greatly appreciate it… you’re the Hands and feet of Jesus!!! – Sarah Jennifer.


If you would like to make a monetary donation to SSF, you may place it in the offering plate and note: Outreach. Your help will enable SSF to continue to provide for these families who otherwise may go without much needed necessities.

Thank You

Thank you so much for your generous donation to FOXG1 Research Foundation. Your support means the world to us and makes a significant difference in advancing critical research and improving the lives of children and families affected by FOXG1 Syndrome. Together, we are driving progress toward better treatments and, one day, a cure. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Nichole Johnso, Co-Founder - Mom to Josie



February Outreach - Home Free Haven

Feb: 4,11,18,25: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 9: Called Board Meeting in Library

Feb 9: Dare to Care

Feb 11, 25: Elders meeting

Feb 14: Valentines Day

Feb 16: Congregational Vote on Proposed Budget

Feb 16 & 23: Week of Compassion Special Offering

Feb 17: Presidents Day- Office closed

Feb 18: Ladies Luncheon

Feb 19: Staff Meeting 4 pm


Outreach – The Healing Place

March 5: Ash Wednesday Service 5:30 pm

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen


Macon Jones as he goes through his cancer treatment.

Grace Carter: prayers for her recovery.

Bob & Marsha Carter as they make the choices best for Grace’s health.

Nadine Pate as she moves to Chattanooga and gets settled.

Katrina Kelley has declined and needs your prayers.

Mary Grigsby, friend of The Hendrix family, is on hospice care.

Danny Hines is at The Shepherd center for Rehabilitation.

Search and Call committee. as they go through the process of finding a permanent Minister for our church.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Kay Stegall, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, All Unspoken Prayer needs.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Carl Gebhardt, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

JANUARY 22, 2025


January 26, 2025

Sermon Title: " The Shortest Sermon”      

Scripture: Luke 4:14-21

Pastor Pat Parvin

January Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

From Sarah Jennifer Thompson, CEO of Sidney’s Safe Foundation: When Covid hit, the schools and other organizations started providing food bags and thankfully just continued after. We now focus on helping children and their families by purchasing their family groceries, paying their utility bill and other needs they are not financially able to afford. First Christian has supported SSF for so many years and I greatly appreciate it… you’re the Hands and feet of Jesus!!! – Sarah Jennifer.  

If you would like to make a monetary donation to SSF, you may place it in the offering plate and note: Outreach. Your help will enable SSF to continue to provide for these families who otherwise may go without much needed necessities.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Are you aware that the late President Jimmy Carter published his first and only novel, The Hornet's Nest, when he was 80 years-old? This historical novel is set in the late 1700s, as colonial immigrants are settling further south and westward. Within this novel, President Carter addresses the growing political strife of the American South prior to and during the Revolutionary War, in particular in the Carolinas and Georgia. Prevalent concerns included religious persecutions and differences, taxation by and supplies from the British, and interactions with the Native Americans as the immigrants moved further into their territories. The novel chronicles the story of Ethan Pratt, his wife Epsey, and their friends and neighbors, Kindred and Mavis Morris, along with their Quaker and Native American neighbors (including Newota). Within the story, which contains much historical fact, the white settlers become caught up in conflicts with each other, the native Americans, and the British. There are numerous plot-events regarding the growing problems with remaining at peace with the local Indian tribes such as the Creeks and Cherokees. The following are a few noteworthy quotes from the novel: Ethan says, " 'Epsey, I believe in God, but there is no way that I could become a Quaker. I agree with their opposition to violence and to slavery, and I like their wanting to keep the government out of their personal business. But I can't abide their controlling each other.' " (p. 89) "Pioneer farmers believed almost unanimously that the Indians should be pushed further west, away from the land that they felt was ordained by God to be used exclusively by the Colonists." (p. 91) "One day as they discussed a belief in God, Newota said (to Kindred), 'We observe your religion and do not want it. For instance, we consider all days to be holy, and not just one out of seven. Your churches seem to teach people to quarrel about God. We never have disputes about  the nature of the Great Spirit." (p. 123)  

Disciples Respond to California Wildfires

Multiple fast-moving fires continue to burn and spread in Southern California, with extensive drought and significant Santa Ana winds combining to expand fires rapidly, with little-to-no containment. We will not know the full impact until the fires are under control and extinguished. Week of Compassion is in close contact with Regional leadership in the Pacific Southwest Region, the regional Disaster Response Team, state, and county VOADs, and local pastors in the area. ​

At present, it is predicted that these fires in Los Angeles could be the costliest in US history.

We are aware of several Disciples clergy and church members who are under evacuation orders, with many others on alert and prepared to evacuate when directed to do so. We know of at least two Disciples households that have lost their homes. Week of Compassion is responding to these needs and will continue to work with congregations in the affected areas to assist Disciples and to support them as they serve their neighbors. 

Week of Compassion is grateful to serve on behalf of and alongside Disciples, ready to respond to emergent needs, while fervently committed to the work of long-term recovery and restoration. We anticipate significant response needs, both in this immediate term and in the weeks and months of recovery ahead.

First Christian will be taking donations for Week of Compassion on February 16 & 23. Please consider donating to help with recovery from the California fires. All donations will go to WOC for the fire recovery.


The Alabama Northwest Florida Region and First Christian Church of Florence are proud and pleased to celebrate the call of Tonitia Butler to serve as President Elect for International Disciples Women’s Ministries. Tonitia will serve a 2-year term as President Elect, followed by a 4-year term as President. She will be installed in Indianapolis on Saturday January 25th. Please join us in prayer and celebration.

"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

From the Region:

The Disciples Women in the United States and Canada manifests itself through two structures: The International Womens Ministries(IDWM), and the Disciples Womens Leadership Council. These bodies work together to advance the mission, vision, and values of Disciples Women in the United States and Canada.

The  Purpose of the IDWM is: to live out the teaching of Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” IDWM is to be a conduit for diverse connections empowering each woman to find her voice and live out her call. We accomplish this through missions and ministry focused on justice, spiritual formation, and leadership development.

Tonitia writes: “I am humbled and profoundly honored to have been called to serve in this position, and I ask God’s blessings and the prayers of my region as I undertake this task.”

First Christian Church Florence and the Region, celebrate with Tonitia and hold her in our prayers as she begins this new journey. Congratulations Tonitia!


Jan. 29: Bible study: 5:15 pm

Jan. 28: Ladies Luncheon: 11:15 am. @ Hollands Restaurant

Jan 28: Elders Meeting: 5 pm


February Outreach - Home Free Haven

Feb: 4: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 9: Dare to Care

Feb 11: Elders meeting

Feb 11: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 14: Valentines Day

Feb 16: Week of Compassion Special Offering

Feb 17: Presidents Day- Office closed

Feb 18: Ladies Luncheon

Feb 18: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00

Feb 19: Staff Meeting 4 pm

Feb 23: Week of Compassion Special Offering

Feb 25: Elders meeting

Feb 25: All-Saints Chapel service: 12:30-1:00


March Outreach – The Healing Place

March 5: Ash Wednesday Service 5:30 pm

March 30: 5th Sunday Breakfast

March 29: Soup Kitchen

Thank You

Thank you to the Membership committee for the wonderful meal served at the Board meeting. You always go above and beyond to be sure there is a wonderful meal for those in attendance.

Regional Men’s Retreat

Rev. Johnny Wray After serving 17 years as Director of Week of Compassion – the humanitarian response program of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Johnny and his wife Deb moved to High Hope Farm in Cedar Bluff, MS. where they regeneratively raise grass-fed beef and lamb and share hospitality to a steady stream of guests at the farm’s Grateful Guest House. Prior to coming to Week of Compassion, he served Disciples congregations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. He has an M. Div degree in social ethics from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from Millsaps College, Jackson, MS


Please mark your calendar for a special celebration given in honor of a beautiful and special lady who will be relocating to Chattanooga TN next month! We will be having a Celebrate Nadine Pate Light Luncheon Reception after worship services on February 2, 2025. We will have a card basket available for well wishes cards for Nadine so you can bring one for her to keep and enjoy! I will have a sign-up sheet this Sunday for our luncheon as we look forward to celebrating

Nadine and how much she has not only meant to our Church Family

but the community as well!


Amy McCorkle

Search and Call Committee

Please continue to be in prayer for our search and call committee. We appreciate all they are doing.

All Saints Ministry

The All-Saints Ministry group at UNA will be using our Sanctuary on Tuesdays for a chapel service. The service will be open for the All-Saints students and any student from UNA who would like to attend. They hope to grow this service for the students over time.

Keep them in your prayers as they continue to grow in attendance and bring more students to know Jesus. There were nine here on the first Tuesday service, and 12 the following week. Prayerfully this will grow each week.


Macon Jones is receiving treatment for a cancer recurrence.

Grace Carter: has moved to a brain trauma rehabilitation center.

Danny Hines, nephew of Amy & James McCorkle has moved to Shepherd center for  Rehabilitation in Georgia.

Carl Gebhardt is recovering from a car accident.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Katrina Kelley, Kay Stegall, Nadine Pate, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Our custodian, Barbara Wallace’s mother Mattie Lee Madden, passed away on January 13. Barbara has been with our church a very long time; we ask that you keep her in your prayers.


January 19, 2025

Sermon Title: "When the Wine Runs Out”

Scripture:  John 2:1-11

Pastor Pat Parvin

January Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

From Sarah Jennifer Thompson, CEO of Sidney’s Safe Foundation: When Covid hit, the schools and other organizations started providing food bags and thankfully just continued after. We now focus on helping children and their families by purchasing their family groceries, paying their utility bill and other needs they are not financially able to afford. First Christian has supported SSF for so many years and I greatly appreciate it… you’re the Hands and feet of Jesus!!! – Sarah Jennifer.  

If you would like to make a monetary donation to SSF, you may place it in the offering plate and note: Outreach. Your help will enable SSF to continue to provide for these families who otherwise may go without much needed necessities.

Prayers & Sympathy

From Roger Tanner: We want to request prayers for the whole Tanner family; my son and Louise's stepson Theron Tanner, who has been suffering from early-onset Parkinson's disease for 20 years, passed away Tuesday, evening January 7, in Richmond, CA, at Shield's Nursing Center. He apparently suffered a fatal heart attack in his sleep between 10 PM and 3 AM. Funeral arrangements are still pending but it is likely he will be cremated in a few days and a memorial service scheduled for a later date. He was born in Portland, OR on April 14, 1969 but has lived in the San Francisco Bay area for the last 30+ years. In lieu of flowers, I suggest donations to the Michael J Fox Parkinson's Foundation.

Roger & Louise Tanner

Our sympathy goes out to Roger, Louise, and the entire family on the loss of Theron. From your First Christian Family, Florence.


Please keep Renee and Rick Barth in your prayers. Renee’s father, Aaron Michael passed away on January 11, 2025. Aaron was a long-time member of First Christian Church, where he served as Board Chair and taught Sunday School for youth. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.


Aaron L. Michael, 90, of Lexington passed away Saturday, January 11, 2025.

          Visitation will be Friday, January 17, 2025, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at Greenview Memorial Chapel, followed by a graveside service beginning at 2:30 p.m. in the Pettus Cemetery, Lexington.

          Mr. Michael, known by family and friends as “A,” was employed by the Reynolds Metals Can Plant in Sheffield for over 35 years.  He enjoyed baseball, farming, hunting, fishing, supporting Alabama sports, and playing on Bluewater and Second Creeks.

          Preceding Aaron in death were his wife, Agnes Spann Michael; his daughter, Angela Michael; his parents Roy and Elaine Michael; his brothers, Dennis and Roy Michael.

          Aaron is survived by his daughter, Renee’ Barth (Rick) of Killen; his sisters, Wylodean Nix of Lexington and Betty Howard (Billy) of Florence; his brothers, Mark Michael (Gail) of Killen and Dwain Michael (Cindy) of Birmingham; beloved nieces, nephews, grand-nieces and -nephews, and great-nieces and -nephews; and Hope, his canine companion.  

          Pallbearers will be Bill Howard, Marc Michael, Sean Michael, Matt Michael, Scott Nix, Daniel Nix, Chad Boughner, and Matt Zikovich.

          The family would like to thank Dr. Robert Mann and his staff; Dr. William Heaton and his staff; Dr. Norman McCoomer and his staff; Dr. Haley Eckl Scott; Hospice of North Alabama; Frances Allen; Melissa Collier, and others, too numerous to name, who have provided immeasurable kindness.

          In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Agnes Spann Michael Scholarship Fund at Midway University, the First Christian Church Discretionary Fund, or St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Disciples Respond to California Wildfires


Multiple fast-moving fires continue to burn and spread in Southern California, with extensive drought and significant Santa Ana winds combining to expand fires rapidly, with little-to-no containment. We will not know the full impact until the fires are under control and extinguished. In the meantime, Week of Compassion is in close contact with Regional leadership in the Pacific Southwest Region, the regional Disaster Response Team, state, and county VOADs, and local pastors in the area. ​

At present, it is predicted that these fires in Los Angeles could be the costliest in US history. The fires have caused at least 10 confirmed fatalities, and efforts are ongoing to reunify separated families and identify missing persons. (UPDATE: As of 1/13/2025 there are 25 confirmed deaths) Estimates as of Friday morning suggest that more than 10,000 structures have been damaged or destroyed, and at various times hundreds of thousands of residents have received evacuation orders or warnings.

We are aware of several Disciples clergy and church members who are under evacuation orders, with many others on alert and prepared to evacuate when directed to do so. We know of at least two Disciples households that have lost their homes. Week of Compassion is responding to these needs and will continue to work with congregations in the affected areas to assist Disciples and to support them as they serve their neighbors. 

The Region, along with several local congregations, is connected with SoCal VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) and the county VOAD organizations. As Rev. Norm Williams of the regional Disaster Response Team notes, “What is amazing is all of these [government and nonprofit] agencies day in and day out are doing great work meeting the needs of very diverse neighborhoods.” These strong partnerships will be critical to the local response.

ENLA, the Los Angeles County VOAD, has reiterated to partners the preference for donations of cash rather than material goods, as needs continue to shift. Individuals local to Southern California who are interested in volunteering can register at to be connected with local organizations in need of extra hands. With fires still uncontained and water systems under severe pressure or unusable, outside volunteers currently are more hindrance than help.

There is extensive news and social media coverage of all these events, and we encourage Disciples to listen and watch carefully and with great discernment. Week of Compassion is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to share updates and ways to respond as reliable information and clear needs emerge. Existing partners from past fires in the area have already begun coordinating to prepare for the long-term recovery and rebuilding.

Week of Compassion is grateful to serve on behalf of and alongside Disciples, ready to respond to emergent needs, while fervently committed to the work of long-term recovery and restoration. We anticipate significant response needs, both in this immediate term and in the weeks and months of recovery ahead.

 **As Pastor Parvin mentioned during Worship on Sunday, January 12, First Christian will be taking donations for Week of Compassion on February 16 & 23. Please consider donating to help with recovery from the California fires. All donations will go to WOC for the fire recovery.


Macon Jones is receiving treatment for a cancer recurrence.

Grace Carter: has moved to a brain trauma rehabilitation center.

Continued Prayer Requests: Katrina Kelley, Kay Stegall, Thomas Harrison,  Nadine Pate, Ann Murphy, Nancy Spry, Sid Fulford, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Danny Hines, Susan Shook, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Jan. 19: Board Meeting

Jan. 22, 29: Bible study: 5:15 pm

Jan. 15: Staff Meeting 4 pm

Jan. 19: Board Meeting

Jan. 28: Ladies Luncheon: 11:15 am, Hollands Rest.

Jan 28: Elders Meeting: 5 pm

Disciple Visitor January 8, 2024

January 12, 2025

Sermon Title: "Untouchable!”

Scripture:  Luke 3:15-17; 21-22

Pastor Pat Parvin

Office Hours

Pastor Parvin office hours will be: 


9 am until noon

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

In memory of our late President Jimmy Carter, who strove to make our country and the world a better, safer place, consider delving into some of his thought-provoking books. The following pictured titles are available in our library, ranging from biographical to spiritual works. “I have one life and one chance to make it count for something. I’m free to choose that something. That something - the something that I’ve chosen - is my faith. My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have, to try to make a difference.” “We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon.” ― Jimmy Carter


Jan. 8: Bible study: 5:125 pm

Jan. 12: Dare to Care: 2 pm

Jan. 14: Elders Meeting

Jan. 15, 22, 29: Bible study: 5:15 pm

Jan. 15: Staff Meeting 4 pm

Jan. 19: Board Meeting

Jan. 28: Ladies Luncheon: 11:15 am, Hollands Rest.

Jan 28: Elders Meeting: 5 pm

January Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Let’s work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like macaroni and cheese, ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti. (Please be sure these are individual serving containers).

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation of either SSF or August Outreach. You may place it in the donation box in the hall.


Danny Hines, nephew of Amy & James McCorkle who was involved in an auto accident on Jan. 6.

Susan Shook: Step-sister-in-law of Thomas Harrison has been diagnosed with Dementia.

Macon Jones is receiving treatment for a cancer recurrence.

Grace Carter: has moved to a brain trauma rehabilitation center.

Matt Forsythe: had a serious motorcycle accident and is currently in Birmingham in hospital. 

Continued Prayer Requests: Kay Stegall, Thomas Harrison, Ann Crane, Nadine Pate, Ann Murphy, Katrina Kelley, Nancy Spry, Sid Fulford, Bill Brackin, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Christmas Cards

As the holidays wind down and you are putting away, PLEASE save the Christmas cards you received and bring them to church.

There will be a basket in the fellowship hall to drop them in. We saved a couple of hundred last year and used the fronts of them to write notes to the children receiving Operation Christmas Child boxes from FCC. These lovely cards were sure to brighten their holidays along with the gift they received. Remember just drop them in the basket to be used for our Operation Christmas Child project in 2025! 

Disciple Visitor ~ December 17, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fourth Sunday in Advent

“Freedom to be New”

Luke 1:46b-55


Sunday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

5:30 p.m.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

1st Sunday of Christmastide

"Losing Jesus"

Luke 2:41-52

Office Hours

Pastor Parvin office hours will be: 


9 am until noon

Gift Wrapping

We all run into that last-minute gift-wrapping scenario….Let Taylor help you! 

Sharing for Taylor Henderson. She is home with both kids and is offering gift wrapping services as a source of income and help for those who might need it this holiday. Here is the post she shared. 

Hi friends! 

I am offering a gift-wrapping service for the holidays. If it’s something you’re interested in please send me a message and we can talk about color options, styles, pricing, etc. I have always enjoyed wrapping gifts and would love to help you with yours this season!

Taylor Henderson  -


December Outreach: FCC Discretionary Fund.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight service: 5:30 pm.

Dec 25: Christmas Day

Dec 23- Dec 30: Church offices will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.

Dec 29: Installation of Officers

Dec. 29: Fifth Sunday Breakfast.

Dec. 31 Tammy will be in part of the day to finish out the end of year deposit. All contributions you would like to count for 2024 must be in the church office before December 31 to go into that last deposit for the year.

Jan 1: New Years Day – office closed.

Jan 14: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Thank You!!

The Wonders of His Love

We are truly grateful for the talent and commitment of our wonderful choir. The combined effort with the choir of First Cumberland Presbyterian required additional rehearsals at two locations. The gift of the cantata was a wonderful blessing for both congregations. We also realize it could not have been possible without the extraordinary leadership of Peggy Davis and Chris Thomas. Thank you all. We are blessed.

Grace Carter Update

Thursday, December 12, 2024 - Six Weeks

Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting, "Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God. Isaiah 40:3 NLT


I know many of you are walking through the wilderness, as we are. Feeling lost, uncertain of the future, heartbroken, emotional, yet you are instructed by the prophet Isaiah to make a clean and straight highway for God to be with you. Six weeks ago, we entered the wilderness and we have been on a roller coaster ride of emotions ever since. But thankfully the highway has lost some of the curves and has been a bit straighter this week. And we praise our Lord for being with us and bringing progress on this journey.

I have to share with you that today Physical Therapy came into Grace's room on a mission: to sit her up in bed. Okay, I thought, so they are going to raise the bed. That should be easy enough. Wrong! They literally sat Grace up - one therapist behind her holding her head up and supporting her back while the other therapist took her body and turned her to the side of the bed and sat her up! On the SIDE of the bed with her feet over the side! I have not seen my daughter vertical in SIX EMOTIONAL WEEKS in the WILDERNESS! Our friend Cathy was there to witness this with me, and it was beautiful! Grace is beautiful! They worked with turning her head from left to right; they worked with her arms and hands and her legs. They asked her to look at pictures on her left, which she did, and on her right, which she tried. But Grace SAT ON THE SIDE OF A BED TODAY! Praise Jesus! Praise our most Gracious Father in Heaven!

After the therapy session, Grace slept pretty much for the rest of the day. The therapy session tired her greatly but it was PROGRESS!

Yesterday, Grace was visited by Oscar (see the attached pictures). Grace is like dog mom to Oscar, a beautiful two-year-old Shih Tzu, who actually belongs to Casey. You have seen other pictures of Grace and Oscar. Oscar misses Grace and he was happy to see her. He visited her a couple of times in the beginning of this journey but yesterday was the first time Grace has had her eyes open to see Oscar. Her expression was precious and she gave Oscar a "smile," a smirk with her dimples showing.

This Sunday, December 15, the last (hopefully) CT Scan of her brain will take place. Pray that there are no signs of any other brain bleeds (the last one was 4 weeks ago). If the CT Scan goes the way we hope, then the medical team will start Grace on a blood thinner. They have been advised by the internal radiologist that Grace should be on the blood thinner for at least a month before removing the IVC Filter - they do not wish to remove the filter before the blood thinner has time to start its work with possible blood clots. They will monitor the blood thinner for the first couple of days. If all goes well those initial first days, Grace will then move to an Acute Rehab Center for those with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).

As I told my Dad this evening, the progress is as slow as molasses, but it is progress and we are happy that we have seen progress, however slow. Six Weeks ago, we didn't know if we had six more weeks with our beautiful daughter. GOD IS GOOD! God is hearing YOUR PRAYERS!

Specific prayer requests: Thank God for progress, even at molasses speed! Thank God for small creatures, like Oscar, that bring smiles to Grace's face. Thank God for listening and keeping us all strong during this time in the wilderness. Thank God for phenomenal options in acute rehab facilities for TBI patients. Thank God for HIS SON!

Pray that the CT Scan comes back without any new concerns; pray that the blood thinners are started and work without repercussions; pray for the move to acute rehab facility; and pray that our choice is the right one for Grace's needs; pray for the medical team, physical, occupational therapists, nurses, and other support staff at Cornell, as well as the ones we have not met at the rehab facility. Pray that Grace's transition from the hospital to the rehab is as easy and smooth as silk. Pray that God brings glory to HIS name through the complete healing of Grace Helen Carter - from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Pray for our strength, discernment, our health, and comfort during this time.

Pray for Morgan, Bryan, Braxton, Christian, Ian, for the family of Zachary, and others who are in the wilderness and need a path cleared for God, through Your prayers and praises. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

We love you all and thank you for your messages, texts, calls, CARDS, gifts, and most of all, your love and your precious prayers to our Heavenly Father! The Carters         #PRAYFORGRACE

Thank You

First of all, I wanted to thank Chris Thomas and Peggy Davis as well as the combined choirs from our Church and First Cumberland Presbyterian Church for the most beautiful Christmas Cantata I have ever heard! Also, the ambience of our Sanctuary fully decorated for the Advent season is so stunning and divine--thank you to our Worship Committee and other volunteers! A special thank you Reverend Pat Parvin for making everyone feel so welcome as we had many visitors in the audience!

I would like to thank the following people who made our Reception such a wonderful success! The set up for the Reception: Bill Davis, Leon Nale and James McCorkle. The spectacular table decorations and bulletin boards/Christmas Tree: James McCorkle and Jessica Johnson. The food preparers: Faye Tash, Claire McCamy, and Judy Goode. The workers making sure all the food items were plated and replenished, serving punch and cider, as well as clean up duties: Liz Moore, Grace Simpson, Claire McCamy, and Faye Tash. I could not have had a more wonderful group of dedicated people to help this year!  I love and appreciate each one of you!

Blessings and Merry Christmas,

Amy McCorkle


There will not be a newsletter the week of December 23 due to Christmas Holidays,

Merry Christmas.


Grace Carter: as long as things with Grace continue in the direction they are going; she will be moving to an acute rehab facility soon.

Katrina Kelley has moved to El Reposo Nursing Facility.

Ann Crane will be having an aortic valve replacement surgery at UAB in the next few weeks.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Kenn Creitz, Kim Smith, Nancy Spry, Sid Fulford, Kaye Stegall, Barry Morris, Pam Watson, Bill Brackin, Dianne Martin, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Christian Russ, Brian Davis, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Merry Christmas!

Wishing each of you and your families a safe, happy and Blessed Christmas.

May the love of Christ surround you as you celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Pastor Pat, Tammy, Chris & Coby

~Your First Christian Staff

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Pastor Pat Parvin

Sermon: “Prepare the way with promise and hope”   

Scripture: Luke 1:68-79        


Cost this year will be $22.00 each. Sunday, December 8 is the last day to turn in your order form. We will not be able to add any late orders this year. Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve and you may take it home with you after our Candlelight service that evening. The order forms will be on the podium by the minister’s office where you pick up your Bulletin.


"Gloria! The Wonders of His Love"

(Tickets available (free), please pickup and hand out to your friends and family so they may enjoy this wonderful Cantata!)

December 15, 2024

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church (corner of Darby and Cloyd Blvd.)

10:45 a.m.


No morning service at First Christian Church.

We will gather at First Christian Church at 2 p.m. that afternoon.

Sid Fulford’s Sunday school class will meet that day before the Cantata, at 1:00 p.m. 

This will be our worship service including the Lord's Supper at the end, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.


Ladies Luncheon 

 Our December Ladies Luncheon will be at Robert Trent Jones on River Road, on December 17, 2024 @ 11:15. We will exchange our “Sneaky Santa” gifts again this year, so be sure to bring a gift to participate. Please keep gift items at $15. You will order your lunch and pay that day at Robert Trent Jones. Please let Lynne Davis or Judy Goode know if you plan to attend so they can get a count to Robert Trent Jones. If you have family or a friend you would like to bring, please do, just don’t forget your “Sneaky Santa” gifts. Questions? Please call Lynne Davis.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025.

 ~Tracy Futrell

Grace Carter Update – Saturday, November 30, Day 31

Update From Marsha

I don't know what to say. The last few days have been tougher than we thought this week would go. Grace was transferred early Thanksgiving morning to Weill Cornell. She spent 24 hours in ICU and then they moved her to the step-down unit. We have not seen the responses or the eyes opened as we did in the early part of the week. We haven't seen her eyes opened since early Thursday morning other than for a brief 5 minutes, if that. The Cornell Medical Team hasn't seen any of what we saw earlier in the week.

Today Grace has been "storming." Storming in a coma patient is the body's response to stimuli, for example, but not limited to, a minor change in environment, medication, or care routines . Storming is characterized by high temperature, high heart rate, increased blood pressure, agitation and rigidity of the muscles. When you think about all Grace has gone through THIS week - tracheostomy, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) put in place for feeding, change of hospitals, change of hospital staff, and change of environment, it is no wonder Grace is agitated.

Some bright spots to report: The CT Scan of her brain today shows no significant changes from the one done a week ago - that doesn’t mean her brain is healthy - it means no changes from a week ago or from the damages seen four weeks ago.

The chest X-ray from yesterday is showing the pneumonia is reacting to the antibiotic and is looking better. Her white blood count is down and getting back into normal ranges and her hemoglobin is looking good, as well.

The cold hard truth: The second opinion stands behind the first opinion, neither are optimistic. Now that leaves us where we are - laying our burdens at the feet of Jesus and praying that he heals Grace of the trauma that has occurred to her beautiful brain. The smart, funny, quick-witted, highly intelligent, beautiful brain of our daughter is in the hands of God. Only God knows the rest of Grace's story. Our hearts are dying inside and we have no choice but to ask you to pray. Pray God finds it in His will to heal Grace. Remind God that through Grace and His healing of her, without a doubt, will bring Glory to HIS Name and the name of HIS precious SON, Jesus Christ. Ask God to give Grace the chance to share her MIRACLE story with the rest of the world. Ask God to give Grace's miracle the chance to humble brilliant medical teams and leave the neurology world with dropped mouths while marveling over her healing. Pray for those whose lives have been touched by Grace's story and the power of prayer. PRAY. Please pray for Grace. And pray for her family and friends who are struggling with mental and physical exhaustion, heartbreak, and fear.

I hate to leave you with this raw update but it is where Grace is and where we are at this moment in time.

A God wink to report today: Oscar met a lady dog today, named GRACIE.


(Pics: #1 Sisters, #2Grace, Casey, Oscar, #3Family Photo 2022, #4Thanksgiving 2024 - where God brought Casey's family together with Grace's family.)

PRAY FOR GRACE bracelets are available in the church office or in the foyer.

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

Andrew Klavan's The House of Love and Death is the third entry in the bestselling Cameron Winter series. Cameron, the ex-spy-turned-English professor, has a special sense about crime (his "strange habit of mind"). After reading an intriguing news story about a wealthy family that was killed in the Chicago suburbs, Winter can't resist the chance to apply his deductive reasoning toward the pursuit of justice for the victims. Three members of this family, along with their live-in nanny, were pulled from their burning mansion, although they were already dead from gunshot wounds. The only survivor is a young boy whose memory of the event raises as many questions as answers. While the local police seem happy to settle on a simple explanation and arrest the most-obvious suspect, Winter chooses to defy the corrupt authorities and investigate the murder himself. In response, the lead detective makes it clear that he wants Winter to stop looking for answers and to stay out of his town altogether. As the inquiry reveals some all-too-familiar sins, Cameron will have to confront his own inner demons once and for all.

Thank You

Thank you, Dear Church family, for all the prayers, care and support you gave to me during my treatments! Your generous care and support enabled me to do well while being treated and helped me to know God’s Love through you and I am very grateful. It’s a blessing to be a part of this family. Kenn Creitz



December Outreach: FCC Discretionary Fund.

Dec. 1: First Sunday of Advent

Dec 10: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Dec. 15: Cantata at Cumberland Presbyterian Church: 10:45 am. Afternoon service at First Christian        

                 Church: A reception will follow the 2:00 pm service at FCC.

Dec 17: Ladies Luncheon @ Robert Trent Jones.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight service: 5:30 pm.

Dec 25: Christmas Day

Dec 23- Dec 30: Church offices will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.

Dec. 31 Tammy will be in part of the day to finish out the end of year deposit. All contributions you would like to count for 2024 must be in the church office before December 31 to go into that last deposit for the year.

Jan 1: New Years Day – office closed.

Jan 14: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Jan 28: Elders meeting 5:00 pm


Grace Carter has been transferred to Weill Cornell Hospital in New York.

Christy Wisdom, daughter of Tammy Hendrix, will have surgery on Dec 6 to remove a cancerous spot on her back.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Nancy Spry, Sid Fulford, Ann Crane, Kaye Stegall, Kim Smith, Barry Morris, Pam Watson, Bill Brackin, Kenn Creitz, Dianne Martin, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Christian Russ, Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

November 27, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Pastor Pat Parvin

Scripture: Jeremiah 33:14-16

Sermon:  “Hurry up and Wait”   


We are now taking orders for Poinsettias to place in the Sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like one, please pick up an order form, fill out and place in the offering plate with your check. Cost this year will be $22.00 each.

All orders must be in the church office no later than December 8 so they may be ordered. We will not be able to add any late orders this year.

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve and you may take it home with you after our Candlelight service that evening.

The order forms will be on the podium by the minister’s office where you pick up your Bulletin.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025.

 ~Tracy Futrell


Ladies LuncheoN 

   Our December Ladies Luncheon will be at Robert Trent Jones on River Road, on December 17, 2024 @ 11:15.

   We will exchange our “Sneaky Santa” gifts again this year, so be sure to bring a gift to participate. Please keep gift items at $15.

   You will order your lunch and pay that day at Robert Trent Jones.

Questions? Please call Lynne Davis.


"Gloria! The Wonders of His Love"

(Tickets available (free), please pickup and hand out to your friends and family so they may enjoy this wonderful Cantata!)


December 15, 2024

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

(corner of Darby and Cloyd Blvd.)

10:45 a.m.


No morning service at First Christian Church.

We will gather at First Christian Church At 2 p.m. that afternoon.

Sid Fulford’s Sunday school class will meet that day before the Cantata, at 1:00 p.m. 

This will be our worship service including the Lord's Supper at the end, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.


December Outreach: FCC Discretionary Fund.

Dec. 1: First Sunday of Advent

Dec 10: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Dec. 15: Cantata at Cumberland Presbyterian Church: 10:45 am. Afternoon service at First Christian Church: A reception will follow the 2:00 pm service at FCC.

Dec 17: Ladies Luncheon @ Robert Trent Jones.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight service: 5:30 pm.

Dec 25: Christmas Day

Dec 23- Dec 30: Church offices will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.

Dec. 31 Tammy will be in part of the day to finish out the end of year deposit. All contributions you would like to count for 2024 must be in the church office before December 31 to go into that last deposit for the year.

Jan 1: New Years Day – office closed.

Jan 14: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Jan 28: Elders meeting 5:00 pm

Thank You

The Membership Committee would like to thank all of the people who provided food for our Stewardship/Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal. All dishes/desserts/salads were very much appreciated, delicious and enjoyed by ALL. A very special thank you to two people--Tracey Johnson who cooked our Turkey Breast this year which was wonderful and also was a tremendous help to us in the kitchen and Liz Moore who worked helping get the food out, cutting desserts, washing dishes--she jumped in and did a phenomenal job too!  WE wish everyone a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving this year!

Blessings, The Membership Committee, Suzanne, Jessica, and Amy

Diaconate Meeting

There will be an organizational meeting on December 8th immediately following worship. Please meet in the fellowship hall. This is for all current and new Diaconate.

Questions, please see Iris Schumann.

Happy Thanksgiving

Please remember all of those who may be without family this holiday, those sick or in the hospital, those who have lost family recently, those lost or hurting, those who don’t know Jesus. Remember each one in our Prayers as we gather with loved ones. Remember Jesus sacrificed for us so we may know Him and be saved.

Blessings to each of you this Thanksgiving.


*Numbers 6:24-26: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

*Psalms 50:14: "Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High."

*Hebrews 13:15: "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."

*Psalm 107:1: "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!"

*Psalm 7:17: "I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High."

Grace Carter Updates

(We have ordered PRAY FOR GRACE BRACELETS; they are on the black entryway table. Please remember to pick one up.)

Marsha and Bob Carter have set up Grace a Caringbridge page so they may update regularly about how things are going with Grace. You may go to the website and register for a username and password and then will be able to read all updates as they are posted.

You can go to and search Grace Carter. If you have not used this website before, you will have to register. It is a safe website; we used it for Taylor during her treatment years ago.

Photo of what Grace’s page looks like. (You can also see where the box is asking for donations.)(**Note: The box on Graces page asking if you would like to make a donation to Caringbridge…This money is NOT required and does NOT go to The Carters.)


Kay Stegall had a treatment last week and is doing well.

Sid Fulford will be having hernia repair surgery on December 3.

Nelia Westenberger is in ICU with a brain bleed.

Grace Carter remains in ICU in New York.

Christy Wisdom, daughter of Tammy Hendrix, will have surgery on Dec 6 to remove a cancerous spot on her back.

Nancy Spry is in NAMC with Bronchitis & recovering from a fall.

Christian Russ, Christian has started treatment for a brain tumor.

Continued Prayer Requests: Ann Crane, Kaye Stegall, Kim Smith, Barry Morris, Pam Watson, Bill Brackin, Kenn Creitz, Dianne Martin, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Garry Rosenberger, Debra Jones, Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Pastor Pat Parvin

Scripture: Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25 and Mark 13:1-8   

Sermon:  Uncertainty and Provocation

Decorating for Advent

Please consider helping decorate our beautiful church for Advent. We will be decorating the Sanctuary on November 17 following our Thanksgiving/Stewardship Luncheon.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025.

 ~Tracy Futrell


    Our Stewardship/Thanksgiving meal will be November 17. You may turn in your Pledge cards and Time/Talent/Treasure forms before then by mailing to the church office OR placing in the offering plate/offering box by the office. If you would rather, you may also bring to the meal on November 17.

Wreath Creation Class 

  Sunday November 24, James McCorkle will lead us in a wreath creation class from 2-4 pm. Wreath’s will be provided and you have the option of a fresh wreath ($22) or an artificial ($5). You will need to bring the following to the class: hot glue gun, wire cutter, scissors, and an extension cord for the glue gun. You can get all of these items at the dollar store if you do not have them.

  All supplies to decorate your wreath will be provided, but if you have something in particular you want to put on yours, you are welcome to bring it. The only cost for you will be for the wreath. James will get that information closer to time once he gets with his floral supplier.

  The deadline to sign up for this class is November 12. This is so James has time to order and receive the wreaths.


"Gloria! The Wonders of His Love"

December 15, 2024

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

(corner of Darby and Cloyd Blvd.)

11:00 a.m.


No morning service at First Christian Church. 

We will gather at First Christian Church At 2 p.m. that afternoon. 

Sid Fulford’s Sunday school class will meet that day before the Cantata, at 1:00 p.m. 

This will be our worship service including the Lord's Supper at the end, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

Love Offering

Over the next few weeks, we will be taking up a Love offering for The Carters. This will be to help with any out-of-pocket expense incurred while Grace is in the hospital and to help with any other needs that arise with her care. You may place in an envelope with Love Offering: Carters on the envelope.

Please continue to keep Grace and the entire Carter family in your prayers.

Gift Card

Kenn Creitz will be in Birmingham while he is having radiation treatment. We would like to send him a gift card to help with food while there. A gift card for Door dash delivery would help tremendously. If you would like to contribute, you may place in the offering plate and note: Kenn Creitz. Tammy will combine and get one card.


Ladies Luncheon


   Our December Ladies Luncheon will be at Robert Trent Jones on River Road. Date to be announced closer to December.

   We will exchange our “Sneaky Santa” gifts again this year, so be sure to bring a gift to participate. Please keep gift items at $15.

   You will order your lunch and pay that day at Robert Trent Jones.

Questions? Please call Lynne Davis.


Our original Challenge to the congregation was Pastor Matts Challenge, since he is no longer with us, it is now Outreach Challenge. Please don’t stop raising funds for our community now. We still have numerous jewelry pouches available to purchase in the church office, $20 each. You may also contribute and note: Outreach Challenge. Prayerfully consider this contribution that will go towards helping our community needs.

Diaconate Meeting

There will be an organizational meeting on December 8th immediately following worship. Please meet in the fellowship hall. This is for all current and new Diaconate.

Questions, please see Iris Schumann.


We are now taking orders for Poinsettias to place in the Sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like one, please pick up an order form, fill out and place in the offering plate with your check. Cost this year will be $22.00 each.

All orders must be in the church office no later than December 8 in order for them to be ordered. We will not be able to add any late orders this year.

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve and you may take it home with you after our Candlelight service that evening.

The order forms will be on the podium by the minister’s office where you pick up your Bulletin.





Deryll Banning – MARINE

Craig Blasingame – MARINE

Jim Blasingame – ARMY

Bill Brackin Jr. – NAVY

Dick Burch - ARMY

Adam Clark – AIR FORCE

Holly Davis Clark – AIR FORCE

Kenn Creitz - ARMY

Wayne Collier – MARINE

Noah Coussons – AIR FORCE

Bill Davis – NAVY


Leon Nale – NAVY

Jim Noles – ARMY

Bill Simpson – NAVY

Jim Storie – NAVY

Andrew Walker – MARINE

Sam Walker – MARINE



November Outreach: FoxG1

Nov. 14: Tammy on vacation: Nov 14-20. Please contact Pastor Parvin with any needs.

Nov 17: Thanksgiving Special Offering

Nov 17: Thanksgiving/Stewardship luncheon, then decorate Sanctuary for The Christmas Holidays.

Nov 27 & 28: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.

Nov 30: Soup Kitchen

Elders: Pam Watson & Barry Morris

Diaconate: Bob Carter, Marsha Carter, Amy Lovelace & Russ Darracott

Security: Tracy Johnson & Deryll Banning


December Outreach: FCC Discretionary Fund.

Dec. 1: First Sunday of Advent

Dec. 15: Cantata at Cumberland Presbyterian Church: 10:45 am. Afternoon service at First Christian Church: A reception will follow the 2:00 pm service at FCC.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight service: 5:30 pm.

Dec 25: Christmas Day

Dec 23- Dec 30: Church offices will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.

Dec. 31 Tammy will be in part of the day to finish out the end of year deposit. All contributions you would like to count for 2024 must be in the church office before December 31 to go into that last deposit for the year.

Jan 1: New Years Day – office closed.


Ann Crane had a heart catheterization done on Nov. 12.

Kaye Stegall will have her next infusion on Nov 18.

Grace Carter remains in ICU in New York.

Kim Smith had surgery at UAB, Birmingham on Nov. 14.

Christy Wisdom, daughter of Tammy Hendrix, will have surgery on Dec 6 to remove a cancerous spot on her back.

Allison Morgan, daughter of Bill Brackin, had gall bladder surgery

Garry Rosenberger, friend of Bill & Lynne Davis.

Debra Jones, Clearwater Florida, sister of Iris Schumann.

Christian Russ, Christian has started treatment for a brain tumor.

Continued Prayer Requests: Barry Morris, Pam Watson, Bill Brackin, Kenn Creitz, Dianne Martin, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Sympathy to Marsha and Bob Carter and family on the passing of Marsha’s mother, Barbara Sharp on November 12, 2024.

Sympathy to The family of Kurtis Martin of New Orleans. Kurtis passed away on November 12. He is the brother of Grace Simpson’s son-in-law.


Disciple Visitor  ~ November 5, 2024

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Scripture: Mark 12:38-44

Sermon Title: It's About Choices

Wreath Creation Class

  Sunday November 24, James McCorkle will lead us in a wreath creation class from 2-4 pm. Wreath’s will be provided and you have the option of a fresh wreath ($22) or an artificial ($5). You will need to bring the following to the class: hot glue gun, wire cutter, scissors, and an extension cord for the glue gun. You can get all of these items at the dollar store if you do not have them.

  All supplies to decorate your wreath will be provided, but if you have something in particular you want to put on yours, you are welcome to bring it. The only cost for you will be for the wreath. James will get that information closer to time once he gets with his floral supplier.

  The deadline to sign up for this class is November 12. This is so James has time to order and receive the wreaths.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025. ~Tracy Futrell

Ladies Luncheon

Our November Ladies Luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 13 at 11:00 am. We will have box lunches from Honey Baked Ham and then we will be packing the Operation Christmas Child boxes.

There is a menu on the podium in the hallway where you pick up your bulletin.

Please get your order to Tammy, no later than Thursday, November 7.

All orders will be placed when they open on November 8. Cost before tax is listed on the menu.


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting

our church and community. Letters with Stewardship information have been mailed, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Time, Talent, and Treasure!!

    Our Stewardship/Thanksgiving meal will be November 17. You may turn in your Pledge cards and Time/Talent/Treasure forms before then by mailing to the church office OR placing in the offering plate/offering box by the office. If you would rather, you may also bring to the meal on November 17.

October Outreach - Operation Christmas Child 

We still need your help. It takes quite a bit to fill these boxes for the children. We want to make their Christmas boxes special. Please consider filling a box. You may either pick up a box from the hall and fill then return to the fellowship hall or purchase the items to fill one and we will pack it for you. Thank you for helping First Christian continue this tradition and making Christmas special for these children.  

Since 1993 over 200 million children worldwide have received a box through Operation Christmas child. Of those children, 50 million have committed their lives to Christ!!

There are printed lists of suggested items for the boxes on the table beside the boxes.

If you would like me to mail you a copy of these lists, please let me know. - Tammy

Please remember that it takes quite a few items to fill each box. OCC asks that each box be full.

Gift Card

Kenn Creitz will be in Birmingham while he is having radiation treatment. We would like to send him a gift card to help with food while there. A gift card for Door dash delivery would help tremendously. If you would like to contribute, you may place in the offering plate and note: Kenn Creitz. Tammy will combine and get one card.

*If you would like to send to him directly, you may do so by text or his address at the Hope Lodge is below.

Address  while at the Hope Lodge:

Kenn Creitz

c/o Hope Lodge

1104 Ireland Way

Birmingham, Al 35205


Our original Challenge to the congregation was Pastor Matts Challenge, since he is no longer with us, it is now Outreach Challenge. Please don’t stop raising funds for our community now. We still have numerous jewelry pouches available to purchase in the church office, $20 each. You may also contribute and note: Outreach Challenge. Prayerfully consider this contribution that will go towards helping our community needs.


"Gloria! The Wonders of His Love"

December 15, 2024

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

(corner of Darby and Cloyd Blvd.)

11:00 a.m.


No morning service at First Christian Church. 

We will gather at First Christian Church At 2 p.m. that afternoon. 

Sid Fulford’s Sunday school class will meet that day before the Cantata, at 1:00 p.m. 

This will be our worship service including the Lord's Supper at the end, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

Decorating for Advent

Please consider helping decorate our beautiful church for Advent. We will meet in the Sanctuary of November 23 at 9am to kick off decorating for Christmas! We need your help!!

Prayer Gathering

Prayer Gathering for Grace Carter and Bob, Marsha & Rachel Carter. We are so thankful for all who were able to come to the Prayer gathering for Grace Carter on Nov. 2nd, as well as those who stopped where you were and Prayed for her. Please continue to storm Heaven with prayers for Graces healing.

Diaconate Meeting

There will be an organizational meeting on December 8th immediately following worship. Please meet in the fellowship hall. This is for all current and new Diaconate.



November Outreach: FoxG1

Nov 10: Dare to Care will resume meeting, at 2 p.m.

Nov 11: Veterans Day- Office closed

Nov. 14: Tammy on vacation: Nov 14-20. Please contact Pastor Parvin with any needs.

Nov 17: Thanksgiving Special Offering

Nov 17: Thanksgiving/Stewardship luncheon.

Nov 27 & 28: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.

Nov 30: Soup Kitchen

Elders: Pam Watson & Barry Morris

Diaconate: Bob Carter, Marsha Carter, Amy Lovelace & Russ Darracott

Security: Tracy Johnson & Deryll Banning


December Outreach: FCC Discretionary Fund.

Dec. 1: First Sunday of Advent

Dec. 15: Cantata at Cumberland Presbyterian Church: 10:45 am. Afternoon service at First Christian        

                 Church: A reception will follow the 2:00 pm service at FCC.

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight service: 5:30 pm.

Dec 25: Christmas Day

Dec 23- Dec 30: Church offices will be closed for the Christmas Holidays.

Dec. 31 Tammy will be in part of the day to finish out the end of year deposit. All contributions you would like to count for 2024 must be in the church office before December 31 to go into that last deposit for the year.

Jan 1: New Years Day – office closed.


Grace Carter remains in ICU in New York. Our Prayers for Marsha, Bob, Rachel, and Grace as they navigate through this time with Grace and her care.

Kim Smith will be having surgery at UAB, Birmingham on Nov. 14.

Garry Rosenberger, friend of Bill & Lynne Davis.

Debra Jones, Clearwater Florida, sister of Iris Schumann.

Christian Russ, Christian has started treatment for a brain tumor.

Continued Prayer Requests: Barry Morris, Pam Watson, Bill Brackin, Kenn Creitz, Jim Kilgore, Dianne Martin, Kaye Stegall, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Kurtis Martin, Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

October 31, 2024

Dr. Patrick W. Parvin

Interim Pastor

    Pat is a native of North Carolina but has lived in the Montgomery, Alabama area since 1984.  He graduated from Barton College (then Atlantic Christian College) in Wilson, NC.  He pursued seminary studies at Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, KY graduating with the degree Doctor of Ministry (D. Min) in 1978.

    He has served pastorates in Kentucky, North Carolina and Alabama and retired in 2021 after serving the Disciples congregation in Auburn, AL for six years.

    Pat and his wife Cynthia established and operated a printing and mailing business in Montgomery for almost 30 years prior to selling it in 2008.

    Pat and Cynthia were married for 50 and ½ years prior to Cynthia’s death in 2021.  He has two daughters, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren, all living in the Montgomery area. Pastor Parvin will be in the office Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays 9-noon. Please be sure to introduce yourself.


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting

our church and community. Letters with Stewardship information have been mailed, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Time, Talent, and Treasure!!

    Our Stewardship/Thanksgiving meal will be November 17. You may turn in your Pledge cards and Time/Talent/Treasure forms before then by mailing to the church office OR placing in the offering plate/offering box by the office. If you would rather, you may also bring to the meal on November 17.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025. ~Tracy Futrell

October Outreach - Operation Christmas Child 

We still need your help. It takes quite a bit to fill these boxes for the children. We want to make their Christmas boxes special. Please consider filling a box. You may either pick up a box from the hall and fill then return to the fellowship hall or purchase the items to fill one and we will pack it for you. Thank you for helping First Christian continue this tradition and making Christmas special for these children.  

Since 1993 over 200 million children worldwide have received a box through Operation Christmas child. Of those children, 50 million have committed their lives to Christ!!  

Below is a list of suggested items needed to fill the shoeboxes we will send to children through Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Please be sure to read the “Do NOT include list.” All items should be new.  


Girls: • Doll • Large toy • Soccer ball and pump • Stuffed animal • Musical instrument

Boys: • Soccer ball and pump • Stuffed animal • Musical instrument • Large toy truck or car • Other large toy

PERSONAL CARE ITEMS: • Comb or brush • Toothbrush • Washcloth • Fun adhesive bandages • Eating utensils • Nail clipper and file

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: • Pencils and sharpener • Pencil case • Erasers • Pens • Crayons • Markers • Notebooks • Index cards • Calculator • Scissors • Ruler • Glue stick • Small adhesive tape

CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES : • Clothing and undergarments • Flip-flops or shoes • Cold weather items • Sunglasses • Bags, backpacks, or purses • Hats • Wristwatch or jewelry • Flashlight • Hair accessories

CRAFTS & ACTIVITIES: • Puzzles • Binoculars • Compass • Chalkboard and chalk • Fishing kit • Jump rope • Coloring books or pads • Dry watercolor set • Playdough • Stickers • Craft kits or colorful rope/twine • Books or picture books

TOYS: • Ball • Frisbee® • Building blocks • Finger puppets • Slinky® • Yo-yo • Magnets • Kaleidoscope • Interactive toys • Other small toys and figures • Toy cars

Do Not Include

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins: breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Ladies Luncheon

Our November Ladies Luncheon will be on Wednesday, November 13 at 11:00 am. We will have box lunches from Honey Baked Ham and then we will be packing the Operation Christmas Child boxes.

There is a menu on the podium in the hallway where you pick up your bulletin. Please let Tammy know what you want no later than Thursday, November 7.  All orders will be placed when they open on November 8. Cost before tax is listed on the menu. Please take one and then let Tammy know your order.



Nov 3: All Saints Sunday

Nov 10: Dare to Care will resume meeting, at 2 p.m.

Nov 11: Veterans Day- Office closed

Nov. 14:Tammy on vacation: Nov 14-20.

Nov 17: Thanksgiving Special Offering

Nov 17: Thanksgiving/Stewardship luncheon.

Nov 27 & 28: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.

Nov 30: Soup Kitchen

November Outreach: FoxG1

Elders: Pam Watson & Barry Morris

Diaconate: Bob Carter, Marsha Carter,

Amy Lovelace & Russ Darracott

Security: Tracy Johnson & Deryll Banning

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

With gratitude for a gift given in honor of Tommie Plunk, Birdbaths and Paper Cranes by columnist and novelist Sharon Randall has been added to our library. Randall gives her faithful readers pages full of emotional tales eliciting responses of inspiration, laughter, tears, and joy.

Her "unmistakably authentic and intimate style vaults her to a plateau few can match as she shares stories of her flawed and familiar clan that are full of people and places you've known, or wish you had." ( "Among the many poignant topics she tells us about are her sightless brother's first attempt at driving a car and her husband's courageous battle with a deadly disease. In Randall's hands, even a simple story about a birdbath has meaning. You will laugh and cry, sympathize and empathize. And when you are finished with Birdbaths and Paper Cranes, you will look at life in a different way - a better way. And you will be grateful for it." (Quote taken from the inside of the dust jacket.)

Gift Card

Kenn Creitz will be in Birmingham while he is having radiation treatment. We would like to send him a gift card to help with food while there. A gift card for Door dash delivery would help tremendously. If you would like to contribute, you may place in the offering plate and note: Kenn Creitz. Tammy will combine and get one card.

*If you would like to send to him directly, you may do so by text or his address at the Hope Lodge.

Note From Roger Tanner

Tammy: Thanks for continuing to send us the newsletter so we can keep up with the doings at our long-time church home. We have not been able to look for a church home here yet, but we now have a contract to sell our home in Florence and buy a new one that we have found here. So, the closings are scheduled for the week before Thanksgiving, and I will send details then.   Miss you guys, Roger Tanner

Decorating for Advent

Please consider helping decorate our beautiful church for Advent. We will meet in the Sanctuary of November 23 at 9am to kick off decorating for Christmas! We need your help!!


"Gloria! The Wonders of His Love"


December 15, 2024

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

(corner of Darby and Cloyd Blvd.)

11:00 a.m.


No morning service at First Christian Church.

We will gather at First Christian Church

At 2 p.m. that afternoon.

This will be our worship service including the Lord's Supper at the end, and a reception will follow in the fellowship hall.

Wreath Creation Class 

  Sunday November 24, James McCorkle will lead us in a wreath creation class from 2-4 pm.  Wreath’s will be provided and you have the option of a fresh wreath ($22) or an artificial ($5). You will need to bring the following to the class: hot glue gun, wire cutter, scissors, and an extension cord for the glue gun. You can get all of these items at the dollar store if you do not have them.

  All supplies to decorate your wreath will be provided, but if you have something in particular you want to put on yours, you are welcome to bring it. The only cost for you will be for the wreath. James will get that information closer to time once he gets with his floral supplier.

  The deadline to sign up for this class is November 12. This is so James has time to order and receive the wreaths.


Our original Challenge to the congregation was Pastor Matts Challenge, since he is no longer with us, it is now Outreach Challenge. Please don’t stop raising funds for our community now. We still have numerous jewelry pouches available to purchase in the church office, $20 each. You may also contribute and note: Outreach Challenge. Prayerfully consider this contribution that will go towards helping our community needs.

Diaconate Meeting

There will be an organizational meeting on December 8th immediately following worship. Please meet in the fellowship hall. This is for all current and new Diaconate.


Kim Smith will be having surgery at UAB, Birmingham on Nov. 14.

Barry Morris had a heart procedure last week for blockage.

Pam Watson had shoulder surgery and is doing well.

Suzanne Morris had a reaction to a medication she was taking for a dental procedure.

Bill Brackin is in NAMC with breathing issues.

Kenn Creitz has started radiation treatments for prostate cancer.

Jim Kilgore is home doing better.

Garry Rosenberger, friend of Bill & Lynne Davis.

Debra Jones, Clearwater Florida, sister of Iris Schumann.

Christian & Grace Russ, Christian has started treatment for a brain tumor. They are friends of Taylor & Sam Henderson.

Dianne Douglas had hip replacement surgery on Nov. 29 and is doing well.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Dianne Martin, Kaye Stegall, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Kurtis Martin, Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.



Suzette Robinson passed away October 25. Suzette was a long-time member of First Christian. She is the mother of Gwen Robinson Foote and Rob Robinson. Please keep both of their families in your Prayers.

Carl Bergfield, stepfather of Kim Smith, passed away Sunday, October 27. Mr. Bergfield lived in Tennessee. Please keep Kim, Truett and Logan as well as Kim’s mother in your Prayers.



During this Thanksgiving season how about if we all set aside a few minutes every morning to pray for our church, our incoming interim minister, the Search committee and for each other.

Barry Morris, Elder

Disciple Visitor

October 23, 2024

Sunday, October 20, 2024

“Blind Bart”

Mark 10:46-52

Pastor Pat Parvin - Interim


We want to welcome Pastor Pat Parvin as our Interim Minister. Pastor Parvin will begin his Interim this Sunday, October 27, 2024. Please be sure to introduce yourself and welcome him to our church.

Nominees for 2025 Board officers.


2nd Vice Chair

Rose McGee


Leon Nale


Tracy Futrell


Carol Hill



Garry Watson

Tonitia Butler

Patsy Blasingame

Jeff Futrell


Amy Lovelace

Bob Carter

Mark Sanders

Skip Hodges

Barbara Crittenden

Robert Crittenden

 There will be a vote by ballot this Sunday, Oct. 27.

Please stay in the sanctuary for a few minutes following worship.


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting

our church and community. Letters with Stewardship information have been mailed, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Time, Talent, and Treasure!!

    Our Stewardship/Thanksgiving meal will be November 17. You may turn in your Pledge cards and Time/Talent/Treasure forms before then by mailing to the church office OR placing in the offering plate/offering box by the office. If you would rather, you may also bring to the meal on November 17.


With the holiday season upon us, we look to sharing our appreciation for those who give of their special talents-- those who share their love of God with our church family. If you wish to donate to staff gifts for Christmas, please place your donation in the offering plate, marked “staff gifts.” All gifts must be in the church no later than Monday, December 16. Monies received after December 16 will be placed in the savings account to be given out Dec. 2025. ~Tracy Futrell

Dare to Care

Dare to Care will resume meeting on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. Please join us as we connect with those in our congregation and others, who need and want prayers, cards sent, or calls made. You can help by giving some of your Time and Talent by attending and helping shower the love of Jesus on those who are in need/sick/shut-in/alone.

October Outreach - Operation Christmas Child 

We still need your help. It takes quite a bit to fill these boxes for the children. We want to make their Christmas boxes special. Please consider filling a box. You may either pick up a box from the hall and fill then return to the fellowship hall or purchase the items to fill one and we will pack it for you. Thank you for helping First Christian continue this tradition and making Christmas special for these children.

Since 1993 over 200 million children worldwide have received a box through Operation Christmas child. Of those children, 50 million have committed their lives to Christ!!  

Below is a list of suggested items needed to fill the shoeboxes we will send to children through Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Please be sure to read the “Do NOT include list.” All items should be new.



Girls: • Doll • Large toy • Soccer ball and pump • Stuffed animal • Musical instrument

Boys: • Soccer ball and pump • Stuffed animal • Musical instrument • Large toy truck or car • Other large toy

PERSONAL CARE ITEMS: • Comb or brush • Toothbrush • Washcloth • Fun adhesive bandages • Eating utensils • Nail clipper and file

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: • Pencils and sharpener • Pencil case • Erasers • Pens • Crayons • Markers • Notebooks • Index cards • Calculator • Scissors • Ruler • Glue stick • Small adhesive tape

CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES : • Clothing and undergarments • Flip-flops or shoes • Cold weather items • Sunglasses • Bags, backpacks, or purses • Hats • Wristwatch or jewelry • Flashlight • Hair accessories

CRAFTS & ACTIVITIES: • Puzzles • Binoculars • Compass • Chalkboard and chalk • Fishing kit • Jump rope • Coloring books or pads • Dry watercolor set • Playdough • Stickers • Craft kits or colorful rope/twine • Books or picture books

TOYS: • Ball • Frisbee® • Building blocks • Finger puppets • Slinky® • Yo-yo • Magnets • Kaleidoscope • Interactive toys • Other small toys and figures • Toy cars


Do Not Include

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures;

chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or

vitamins: breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.



Oct 27: Board Meeting

Oct. 28: Tammy out of the office for Dr. apt in Huntsville.

October outreach:  Operation Christmas Child

Elders: Tonitia Butler & Bob Hill

Diaconate: Tracy Johnson, Jessica Johnson,

Arlene Burch, Dick Burch

Security: Jeff Futrell & Garry Watson


Nov 3: All Saints Sunday, we will honor all those who have passed from Nov 2023- Nov 1 2024.

Nov 10: Dare to Care will resume meeting,

beginning Sunday, Nov 10 at 2 p.m.

Nov 11: Veterans Day- Office closed

Nov. 14:Tammy on vacation: Nov 14-20.

Nov 17: Thanksgiving Special Offering

Nov 17: Thanksgiving/Stewardship luncheon.

Nov 27 & 28: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.

Nov 30: Soup Kitchen

November Outreach: FoxG1

Elders: Pam Watson & Barry Morris

Diaconate: Bob Carter, Marsha Carter, Amy Lovelace & Russ Darracott

Security: Tracy Johnson & Deryll Banning

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

With gratitude for a gift given in memory of George Pinkston, The Rowan by Davis Bunn has been added to our library. Davis Bunn serves as Writer-In-Residence at Regent's Park College, Oxford University. In this novel, Valentina Garnier is an award-winning investigative writer who cannot resist a good story. Thus, when she finds out that CIA director Agnes Pendalon wants her to travel to Kunashir Island in Russia's easternmost province, she leaps at the chance. Various influential people have previously taken inexplicable trips to the island, including top scientists, political aides, CIA agents, and even the vice president's daughter, all having come back changed from how they were. Upon arriving in Kunashir, Val is mesmerized by a magical rowan tree that she discovers, with its leaves that turn to goldenthreads, encircling its visitors with incredible and transformational effects. With the CIA determined to hunt down this unknown force as well as everyone affected by the rowan, could a new battle for the future of humanity soon begin?

Thank You

The Membership Committee would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following people who provided food/desserts for the Town Hall Meeting with Reverend Kerry Kesey this past Sunday: Pam Watson, Marsha Carter, Suzanne Morris, Lana Nale, Sandra Kilgore, Arlene Burch, Scott Jackson, Lynne Davis, Iris Schumann, Barbara Morgan, Amy Lovelace, Ruth Haynes, Deryll Banning, Tracy Futrell, Sherry Henn, Carol Hill, Judy Goode, Liz Moore and Myra Finch.  Also, a special thank you to Ann Murphy who provided a monetary donation for the coffee punch too! 

Everyone seemed to enjoy the luncheon and provided a quality time for all of us to enjoy being together in the group discussions.

Thank you, The Membership Committee

Wreath Creation Class

Sunday November 24, James McCorkle will lead us in a wreath creation class. Wreath’s will be provided and you have the option of a fresh wreath or an artificial. You will need to bring the following to the class: hot glue gun, wire cutter, scissors, and an extension cord for the glue gun. You can get all of these items at the dollar store if you do not have them.

All supplies to decorate your wreath will be provided, but if you have something in particular you want to put on yours, you are welcome to bring it. The only cost for you will be for the wreath. James will get that information closer to time once he gets with his floral supplier.

The deadline to sign up for this class is November 12. This is so James has time to order and receive the wreaths. If you decide you would like to attend after that date, you will need to bring your own wreath.

Hurricane Relief

Following Hurricane Helene (September 26) and Hurricane Milton (October 9), Week of Compassion is in close communication with Disciples’ Regional leadership and pastors, and with established partners in the impacted areas. Week of Compassion is currently sending solidarity grants to Disciples congregations and households, while connecting with ecumenical partners in the storm centers and surrounding communities, looking ahead and preparing for the immense long-term recovery to come. 

Hurricane Helene was the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Big Bend region of Florida, the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Maria in 2017, and the deadliest to strike the mainland US since Katrina in 2005. Destruction is estimated at $160 billion, one of the costliest storms in US history. 

Reports are slowly coming in from Disciples churches across Florida. As of Friday morning, we know of two church buildings that sustained minor or moderate damage and several Disciples households that had damage to their homes. With power and communications still out for so many, and with so many still evacuated and yet to return home, assessment and information is slow.

Across the entire Helene- and Milton-impacted region, communication infrastructure (electricity, internet) remains intermittent at best, and road closures, complete washouts, and bridge collapses makes access for assessment, assistance, and response incredibly difficult.

Week of Compassion’s goal and focus will be the long-term recovery of affected communities.

*You may donate to help by putting a check in the offering plate and note: Hurricane


During this Thanksgiving season how about if we all set aside a few minutes every morning to pray for our church, our incoming interim minister, the Search committee and for each other.

Barry Morris, Elder

Prayer Requests

Garry Rosenberger, friend of Bill & Lynne Davis.

Kenn Creitz has started radiation treatments for prostate cancer. He will be having treatment in Birmingham.

Jim Kilgore is in Keller hospital having tests run.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Bill Brackin Jr., Dianne Martin, Kaye Stegall, Liz Moore, Nelia Westenberger, Bobby Moore, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Kurtis Martin, Greg & Mary Simpson, Helen Smith, Sue Emminger, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor - October 16, 2024

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Reverend Kerry Kesey

Mark 10:46-52   “On The Way”   


Sunday October 20

Reverend Kerry Kesey will be here to preach for our worship service on October 20. Following worship, we will meet in the fellowship hall and Reverend Kesey will lead a town hall meeting to discuss the future direction of our church. Please plan to attend. There will be a light lunch during the meeting.

UNA Homecoming 2024.

UNA Alumni participated with The University of North Alabama Marching Pride Band to celebrate 75 years! Our very own Marsha Carter participated, twirling with old friends that she marched with every day between fall 1979 - fall 1982! See photos, also included is a great throwback photo from 1980!


 OCTOBER 23, 2024 - Starting at 5:00 p.m.

The next Wednesday Night Supper will be October 23. This will be a hot dog cookout and will include our annual Trunk or Treat. The Trunk or Treat is an annual way for children to “trick or treat” safely out of the trunks of vehicles in our parking lot. Children do not have to be a member of FCC in order to Trunk or Treat - invite your grandchildren, your neighbor’s children, and your friends’ children and grandchildren. The more children the more fun! Decorated trunks can be the bare minimum or over the top - YOUR CHOICE! Decorations can be of a Halloween or Fall nature and candy and treats should be included to hand out. These treats should be individually wrapped and store bought in order to ease the minds of parents. Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board for those who wish to participate in the Trunk or Treat portion of the evening. Separate sign-up sheets for those who wish to bring sides and dessert to accompany the dogs. It should be a howling good time!

They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity

 - Acts 2:46

Dare to Care

Dare to Care will resume meeting on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. Please join us as we connect with those in our congregation and others, who need and want prayers, cards sent, or calls made. You can help by giving some of your Time and Talent by attending and helping shower the love of Jesus on those who are in need/sick/shut-in/alone.

October Outreach

Operation Christmas Child


Pleases remember to bring items to pack our Operation Christmas Child boxes. These need to be new/unused items. A list of

suggested items is on the bulletin board. You may also donate to go toward shipping cost of the boxes. We need your help!

It takes quite a bit to fill all these boxes. Let’s help make them special for these precious children.

Do Not Include

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures;

chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or

vitamins: breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans



Wednesday Night Bible study: 5:15-6 pm

Oct 20: Following worship, we will meet in the fellowship hall with Rev. Kerry Kesey, to discuss our needs and what we want in a minister. Please plan to attend.

Oct 22: Ladies Luncheon at Mug Shots on Court Street, Florence.

Oct 23: Wednesday Night Supper & Trunk or Treat 5 pm.

Oct 27: Board Meeting

October outreach:  Operation Christmas Child

Elders: Tonitia Butler & Bob Hill

Diaconate: Tracy Johnson, Jessica Johnson,

Arlene Burch, Dick Burch

Security: Jeff Futrell & Garry Watson


Nov 3: All Saints Sunday, we will honor all those who have passed from Nov 2023- Nov 1 2024.

Nov 10: Dare to Care will resume meeting,

beginning Sunday, Nov 10 at 2 p.m.

Nov 11: Veterans Day- Office closed

Nov. 14:Tammy on vacation: Nov 14-20.

Nov 17: Thanksgiving Special Offering

Nov 17: Thanksgiving/Stewardship luncheon.

Nov 27 & 28: Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.

Nov 30: Soup Kitchen

November Outreach: FoxG1

Elders: Pam Watson & Barry Morris

Diaconate: Bob Carter, Marsha Carter, Amy Lovelace & Russ Darracott

Security: Tracy Johnson & Deryll Banning

Nominees for 2025 Board officers.


2nd Vice Chair: Rose McGee                                               

Trustee: Leon Nale

Treasurer: Tracy Futrell

Secretary: Carol Hill

 Elders: Garry Watson, Tonitia Butler, Patsy Blasingame, Jeff Futrell  

Diaconate:  Amy Lovelace, Bob Carter, Mark Sanders, Skip Hodges,

Barbara Crittenden, Robert Crittenden                                                                             

(These nominations will be posted for 2 weeks then there will be a congregational vote)


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting

our church and community.

     Letters with Stewardship information have been mailed, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Time, Talent, and Treasure!!

    Our Stewardship/Thanksgiving meal will be November 17. You may turn in your Pledge cards and Time/Talent/Treasure forms before then by mailing to the church office OR placing in the offering plate/offering box by the office. If you would rather, you may also bring to the meal on November 17.

Prayer Requests

Kurtis Martin, brother of Grace Simpsons son-in-law. He has started treatment for cancer.

Greg & Mary Simpson, family of Grace, Tammy, Taylor & Sam. They had damage in their home from Hurricane Milton. They live outside of Tampa, Fl.

Dianne Martin has been in the hospital with Pneumonia. No visitors at this time please.

Bill Brackin Jr., Tonitia Butlers brother, has been diagnosed with cancer.

Kenn Creitz has started radiation treatments for prostate cancer. He will be having treatment in Birmingham.

Hurricane victims: Please be in prayer for all those who had their lives effected by the storms. If you would like to donate to help with recovery, you may place a check in the offering plate and mark it Hurricane relief. We will be sure ALL money is designated for that purpose only.

Helen Smith, cousin of Skip Hodges, has cancer.

Sue Emminger, friend of Judy Goode.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Myra Finch, Kaye Stegall, Leon Nale, Taylor & Colette Henderson, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, , Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Hurricane Relief

Following Hurricane Helene (September 26) and Hurricane Milton (October 9), Week of Compassion is in close communication with Disciples’ Regional leadership and pastors, and with established partners in the impacted areas. Week of Compassion is currently sending solidarity grants to Disciples congregations and households, while connecting with ecumenical partners in the storm centers and surrounding communities, looking ahead and preparing for the immense long-term recovery to come. 

Hurricane Helene was the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Big Bend region of Florida, the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Maria in 2017, and the deadliest to strike the mainland US since Katrina in 2005. Destruction is estimated at $160 billion, one of the costliest storms in US history. 

Since Hurricane Helene first made landfall on September 26, Week of Compassion is aware of damage to six church buildings and the community at Christmount Christian Assembly and has provided solidarity grants to 70 households across the six affected states (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia). 

Hurricane Milton was an extremely powerful Atlantic hurricane which became the second-most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded over the Gulf of Mexico, behind only Hurricane Rita in 2005, and the strongest tropical cyclone worldwide in 2024 so far. Milton was the thirteenth named storm, fourth major hurricane, and second Category 5 hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. Nearly 2.5 million customers were without power in Florida on Friday morning. With six more weeks left in the 2024 hurricane season, Milton was the third hurricane to impact Florida this year, with many of the same communities being impacted by all three storms. 

Reports are slowly coming in from Disciples churches across Florida. As of Friday morning, we know of two church buildings that sustained minor or moderate damage and several Disciples households that had damage to their homes. With power and communications still out for so many, and with so many still evacuated and yet to return home, assessment and information is slow.

Across the entire Helene- and Milton-impacted region, communication infrastructure (electricity, internet) remains intermittent at best, and road closures, complete washouts, and bridge collapses makes access for assessment, assistance, and response incredibly difficult.

Week of Compassion’s goal and focus will be the long-term recovery of affected communities.

*You may donate to help by putting a check in the offering plate and note: Hurricane

Disciple VISITOR ~ October 2, 2024

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Reverend Dr. Deborah Matthews

“Remember, You Are a Child of God”

Job 1:1, 2:1-10


Our annual luncheon honoring Fire Fighters and their support staff will be

Wednesday, October 9.

We are asking for 5 fresh cakes, preferably 9x13.

Because of allergies, please do not use nuts or peanut butter. 

We also need 4 additional volunteers to work from 10:00 until approximately 1:30 to serve and clean up.

If you are willing to help in either way, please sign up on the bulletin board. 

Questions? Please see Marsha Carter

October Outreach

Operation Christmas Child

Pleases remember to bring items to pack our Operation Christmas Child boxes. These need to be new/unused items. A list of suggested items is on the bulletin board. You may also donate to go toward shipping cost of the boxes.



Starting at 5:00 p.m.

The next Wednesday Night Supper will be October 23. This will be a hot dog cookout and will include our annual Trunk or Treat. The Trunk or Treat is an annual way for children to “trick or treat” safely out of the trunks of vehicles in our parking lot. Children do not have to be a member of FCC in order to Trunk or Treat - invite your grandchildren, your neighbor’s children, and your friends’ children and grandchildren. The more children the more fun! Decorated trunks can be the bare minimum or over the top - YOUR CHOICE! Decorations can be of a Halloween or Fall nature and candy and treats should be included to hand out.  These treats should be individually wrapped and store bought in order to ease the minds of parents. Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board for those who wish to participate in the Trunk or Treat portion of the evening. Separate sign-up sheets for those who wish to bring sides and dessert to accompany the dogs. It should be a howling good time!

They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity

 - Acts 2:46  

Do Not Include

Candy; toothpaste; gum; used or damaged items; scary or war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

Embark on a character's life-altering journey with the complete five-book set of the New York Times bestselling-series, The Walk, by Richard Paul Evans, which includes these titles: The WalkMiles to GoThe Road to GraceA Step of Faith and Walking on Water. Published approximately a decade ago, these stories encompass one man’s search for hope. If you had lost everything - your job, your home, and the love of your life - all within a very-brief period of time, what would you do? Seattle ad-executive Alan Christoffersen experiences all of these losses, which tempted him with dark thoughts. Instead of succumbing, he begins an extraordinary walk. Taking with him only the barest essentials, Alan endeavors to leave behind all of his losses in Seattle and head for the farthest point on his map, which is Key West, Florida. On his journey, Alan is subject to a vicious roadside stabbing; encounters a mysterious woman who follows him for nearly a hundred miles; meets a ghost hunter searching through graveyards; befriends an elderly Polish man who shares his haunting story; and makes new friends and meets people who teach him lessons about love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent, and Treasure.

What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting our church and community.

     Letters with Stewardship information have been mailed, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Time, Talent, and Treasure!!


October reminders:

Wednesday Night Bible study: 5:15-6 pm

Oct 9: Firefighters Luncheon

Oct 13: Dare to Care will resume meeting, beginning Sunday, Oct 13 at 2 p.m.

Oct 20: Kerry Kesey will preach. Following worship, we will meet to discuss our needs and what we want in a minister. Please plan to attend.

Oct 22: Ladies Luncheon at Mug Shots on

Court Street, Florence.

Oct 23: Wednesday Night Supper & Trunk or Treat

Oct 27: Board Meeting

October outreach:  operation Christmas Child

Elders: Tonitia Butler & Bob Hill

Diaconate: Tracy Johnson, Jessica Johnson, Arlene Burch, Dick Burch

Security: Jeff Futrell & Garry Watson

Board Officer

Nominating Committee

Last Sunday in your bulletin was a form to nominate members for positions on our board. This Sunday, October 6, will be the last day to fill those out and drop them in the offering plate.

Please look for and fill out the nomination form on Sunday. Consider positions that you might like to fill using your talents for the church and congregation! There are numerous opportunities!

Thank you.

Sunday October 20

Reverend Kerry Kesey will be here to preach for our worship service on October 20.

Following worship, we will meet in the fellowship hall and Reverend Kesey will lead a town hall meeting to discuss the future direction of our church. Please plan to attend.

There will be a light lunch during the meeting.


We will be acknowledging all our veterans in our congregation with an insert in our bulletin on Sunday, November 10. This is in Honor of Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

Please be sure to let Tammy know if you are a veteran so she can be sure to include your name. We do not want to leave anyone out.

If you were on the list last year, we have those names. Thank you!

Dare to Care

Dare to Care will resume meeting on Sunday, Oct 13 at 2 p.m.

Please join us as we connect with those in our congregation and others, who need and want prayers, cards sent, or calls made.

You can help by giving some of your Time and Talent by attending and helping shower the love of Jesus on those

who are in need/sick/shut-in/alone.

Prayer Requests

Helen Smith, cousin of Skip Hodges, has cancer.

Sue Emminger, friend of Judy Goode.

Taylor Henderson Prayers for a safe and healthy delivery for baby and mom.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Myra Finch, Kaye Stegall, Leon Nale, Taylor, Sam & Wallace Henderson, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, , Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Liz Moore, friend of Lynne Davis, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor September 25, 2024

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Larry Bates

 Mark 9: 38-50  

The Hand-Chopped Sermon


Our annual luncheon honoring Fire Fighters and their support staff will be Thursday, October 9.

We are asking for 5 fresh cakes, preferably 9x13. Because of allergies, please do not use nuts or peanut butter. 

We also need 4 additional volunteers to work from 10:00 until approximately 1:30 to serve and clean up.

If you are willing to help in either way, please sign up on the bulletin board.

Questions? Please see Marsha Carter

Sunday October 20

Reverend Kerry Kesey will be here to preach for our worship service on October 20.

Following worship, we will meet in the fellowship hall and Reverend Kesey will lead a town hall meeting to discuss the future direction of our church. Please plan to attend.

There will be a light lunch during the meeting.

Amy McCorkle will be in the foyer the next two Sundays with a sign-up sheet for sandwiches and desserts.

Henderson Family Update

Taylor  had a Dr appointment Monday, September 23, she was given a great report!! Baby is doing great and their previous concerns with placenta previa have changed, it is no longer a concern!! Your prayers have helped tremendously!!! Because Taylor is still considered high-risk, the Dr’s prefer she be close by (within 15 minutes or so of the hospital) for that reason they will remain in Birmingham until Colette is born. Just a couple more weeks, if not before! 😊

Several of you have asked if they need anything while they are in Birmingham. Gift cards for restaurants, or door dash, or one similar would be great. Those can be sent by email or by text, or, If you would like to drop one off to Tammy and she will get it to them.

Fifth Sunday Breakfast


This Sunday, September 29, we are having our 5th Sunday breakfast, cooked by the men of our church. Breakfast will be during Sunday school hour, so please join us in the fellowship hall for a time of fellowship and breakfast.


First Christian Church

Wednesday, October 23

More information to come next week!

Please plan to attend, enjoy fellowship, decorate your trunk, or just hand out candy to our community trick or treaters!!

Let’s show our community the love of Jesus through our church!!!


Sept. 29: Fifth Sunday Breakfast during Sunday school.

Sept 29: Reconciliation Offering

October reminders:

Wednesday Night Bible study: 5:15-6 pm

Oct 9: Firefighters Luncheon

Oct 20: Kerry Kesey will preach. Following worship, we will meet to discuss our needs and what we want in a minister. Please plan to attend.

Oct 23: Trunk or Treat

Wednesday Night Bible study:

Each Wednesday from 5:15-6 pm, unless we have a Wednesday Night dinner scheduled.



Online giving is now available on our website.


We will be acknowledging all our veterans in our congregation with an insert in our bulletin on Sunday, November 10. This is in Honor of Veterans Day on Nov. 11.

Please be sure to let Tammy know if you are a veteran so she can be sure to include your name. We do not want to leave anyone out.

If you were on the list last year, she has those names. Thank you!


    The time is here for our Stewardship campaign. Be thinking about your Time, Talent and Treasure. What talents do you have that you can offer to help the church? Can you give your time to serve in some aspect? Treasure: all Tithes go directly to supporting our church and community.

     Letters with Stewardship information will be going out very soon, look for yours and consider a commitment to the church through your Tithe, Time and Treasure!!

Prayer Requests

Sue Emminger, friend of Judy Goode, has been in hospital with a UTI, she is home now recovering.

Myra Finch has had whooping cough but is doing much better now.

Taylor Henderson to continue to do well and for a safe delivery and healthy baby and mom.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Kaye Stegall, Leon Nale, Taylor, Sam & Wallace Henderson, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, , Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Liz Moore, friend of Lynne Davis, Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor September 18, 2024

Sunday, SeptEMber 22, 2024

Reverend Pat Parvin

Mark 8:27-38   - "A Question of Identity"

First Christian Church Celebrates 107 Year Anniversary 

     Sunday September 15th, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Florence, Alabama celebrated its 107th Anniversary!

Thank you, Kay Stegall, and Thomas Harrison, for the lovely tables displayed with History of our church!

September Elders

     Each month a set of Elders will be serving to help with any needs that may arise until we have an Interim Pastor. If you need someone to talk to, are dealing with a health issue, have a situation arise that you need spiritual help, please contact the Elder on call, or your Elder assigned to you.

     For anything else needed, you may call Tammy in the office.

Monday: John Sutherland

Tuesday: Barry Morris 

Wednesday: Connie Lard

Thursday: Pam Watson

Friday: Judy Goode


Sept. 25: Wednesday Night Pizza Supper and Bingo to raise money for Operation Christmas Child.

Sept. 29: Fifth Sunday Breakfast during Sunday school.

Sept 29: Reconciliation Offering

Wednesday Night Bible study:

Each Wednesday from 5:15-6 pm, unless we have a Wednesday Night dinner scheduled.



Online giving is now available on our website.

Called Board Meeting

There will be a short, called board meeting in the Library, this Sunday, September 22, after church services to approve the Nominating Committee Chair and members.

~Bill Davis

Pulpit Supply 

Sept. 22: Pastor Pat Parvin

Sept. 29: Larry Bates

Oct. 6: Debra Matthews

Wednesday, September 25 5:30pm

BINGO night and Pizza supper.


All money raised goes toward paying for the Operation Christmas Child boxes to be shipped. ($10 each) 

Please bring a new item to donate for the boxes.

Bingo cards will be $2 each or 3 for $5.

What to expect:


Fellowship time with friends!!


What you will be helping with:

 Raising funds for Operation Christmas child boxes

Henderson Family Update

Sam, Taylor & Wallace Henderson are in Birmingham staying in an apartment close to UAB Women’s hospital, where Taylor will have the baby. The Dr’s want her close by and thankfully, we have friends who have a vacant, furnished apartment they will be staying in only a few blocks from the hospital. They will be there until Colette is born.

Several of you have asked if they need anything while they are in Birmingham. Gift cards for restaurants, or door dash, or one similar would be great. Those can be sent by email or by text, or, If you would like to drop one off to Tammy and she will get it to them.

September Outreach: Childhood Cancer Research Fundraising

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation funded research and treatment that Taylor (Hendrix) Henderson had. Please consider supporting pediatric cancer research funding, in honor of Taylor and all those children who are or have fought this battle, it makes a difference! ~Tammy Hendrix  Research helps

A donation will be made to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Organization, who provides funding for research for childhood cancers. If you would like to donate, note on your check Sept outreach

**If you would like to read more about what Alex’s Lemonade Stand

does for pediatric childhood cancer research, you can go to

There are Childhood cancer awareness items on the black table by the fellowship hall (bracelets, ink pens, lapel pens and stickers).

Please pick one up to show support for these precious children and their families.

Prayer Requests

Kaye Stegall will be having a treatment next month. Your prayers appreciated.

Leon Nale is home and doing much better, your continued prayers are appreciated.

Liz Moore, friend of Lynne Davis will be having heart surgery. (Not the Liz Moore in our congregation).

Thomas Harrison has had some stomach issues, your prayers appreciated.

Taylor, Sam & Wallace Henderson are in Birmingham until the baby is born. If you would like to help with food, digital gift cards are a great help for meals. Taylors cell is 256-394-3282, or you can contact Tammy

Continued Prayer Requests:

Liz Moore, , Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

September 11, 2024

First Christian Church Celebrates 107 Year Anniversary



     Sunday September 15th, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Florence, Alabama will celebrate its 107th Anniversary as a congregation, serving the communities of the Shoals area with love, honor, and joy!

     107 years ago, a small group of individuals, meeting together determined that their purpose was to unite people in the love of Almighty God, and to find ways to be servants of the God of Creation, children in the family of God, brothers of Jesus, His Son, being gifted with His Holy Spirit. We are still

united in our purpose to be God's hands and feet, serving Him here in this place. We are called to bring wholeness to a world that is broken, to bring peace and purpose to All of mankind!

   We rejoice in our calling and earnestly pray for continued strength and ability to do His Will.

Happy Birthday, Dear Church!!  We love and honor you, and each other!!

Pastor Pat Parvin

     Pastor Parvin will be filling our pulpit on September 15 & 22. He is originally from Smithfield, NC., and received his Doctor of Ministry from Lexington Theological Seminary, Lexington, KY in 1978. He was ordained at Lanie’s Chapel Christian Church in Kinston, NC in May 1978, and recommended by The Christian Church of North Carolina.

     He was a student Pastor from 1969-1973 in both North Carolina and Kentucky. Pastor Parvin served as the Pastorates in North Carolina and Kentucky. from 1979 – 1984,

     From 1984-1986 he was a Pastor developer with Montgomery East Christian Church, Montgomery, Al. Pastor Parvin along with his wife, Cynthia, founded and led the Action Mailing Co., a printing and direct mail service company (1986-2008). He also filled pulpit supply during this time.

     Pastor Parvin was Pastor at Village Christian Church in Auburn, Al., from 2015-2021. He Retired in 2021 but continues to provide pulpit supply when needed.

     Pastor Parvin is widowed. He has two daughters, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

We appreciate Pastor Parvin for filling pulpit supply for our congregation and look forward to hearing his Sermon!

September Outreach: Childhood Cancer Research Fundraising

Our September outreach is Childhood Cancer Research. A donation will be made to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Organization, who provides funding for research for childhood cancers. If you would like to donate, note on your check Sept outreach or cancer research.

**If you would like to read more about what Alex’s Lemonade Stand

does for pediatric childhood cancer research, you can go to

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation funded research and treatment that Taylor (Hendrix) Henderson had. Please consider supporting pediatric cancer research funding, in honor of Taylor and all those children who are or have fought this

battle, it makes a difference! ~Tammy Hendrix  Research helps! There are Childhood cancer awareness items on the black table by the fellowship hall (bracelets, ink pens, lapel pens and stickers). Please pick one up to show support for these precious children and their families.

Thank You

Sam, Taylor & Wallace Henderson will be leaving for Birmingham this Saturday, Sept 14 to stay in an apartment close to UAB Women’s hospital, where Taylor will have the baby. The Dr’s want her close by and thankfully, we have friends who have a vacant, furnished apartment they will be staying in only a few blocks from the hospital. They will be there until Colette is born.

Several of you have asked if they need anything while they are in Birmingham. Gift cards for restaurants, or door dash, or one similar would be great. Those can be sent by email or by text, or, If you would like to drop one off to Tammy and she will get it to them.

Taylor has done wonderfully at sending out thank you cards for all your prayers, love, support, gifts, and meals during her pregnancy. She is still working on some of those, so more coming soon. You have helped Taylor and Sam so much and showed so much love for their family. I thank you sincerely for all you do for them and our family. I love this church and our congregation for showing so much compassion and love! ~Tammy


September Outreach: Childhood Cancer Research

Sept 17: Ladies Luncheon: At Southern Grocery on Second St.

Sept. 25: Wednesday Night Supper and Bingo to raise money for Operation Christmas Child.

Sept. 29: Fifth Sunday Breakfast during Sunday school.

Sept 29: Reconciliation Offering

Wednesday Night Bible study:

Each Wednesday from 5:15-6 pm, unless we have a Wednesday Night dinner scheduled.



Online giving is now available on our website.

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

On Sunday, September 15th, as part of the celebration of our 107th anniversary as a congregation, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Florence, Alabama, there will be on display in the fellowship hall the notebook that Bob and Kay Stegall compiled for our Centennial Celebration in 2017. Kay recently donated the impressive notebook to the library for our enjoyment. A few other historical items will be present for your perusal; among others, there are two of our lectern Bibles (published in 1907 and 1952), the Dedication of the Sanctuary program (May 21, 1950), and a cookbook compiled by ladies of the church in 1948.

Thank You

Thank you Kenn Creitz for your time and

willingness to share your message with us on September 8.

We are so happy to have you as part of our congregation

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be on Tuesday, September 17 at Southern Grocery on 2nd street, across from Champy’s. Please let Lynn Davis know if you will be attending so she can plan for enough seating.  Thank you, Lynne, for continuing to organize this wonderful time of fellowship for our women!!

September Elders

     Each month a set of Elders will be serving to help with any needs that may arise until we have an Interim Pastor. If you need someone to talk to, are dealing with a health issue, have a situation arise that you need spiritual help, please contact the Elder on call, or your Elder assigned to you.

     For anything else needed, you may call Tammy in the office.

Elders on call for September: 

Monday: John Sutherland

Tuesday: Barry Morris 

Wednesday: Connie Lard 

Thursday: Pam Watson

Friday: Judy Goode

Prayer Requests

Kaye Stegall will be having a treatment next month. Your prayers appreciated.

Liz Moore, friend of Lynne Davis is having heart surgery on Sept. 20. (Not the Liz Moore in our congregation)

Leon Nale remains in the hospital having tests, no visitors at this time please. Your prayers are appreciated.

Taylor, Sam & Wallace Henderson will be staying in Birmingham starting Sept 14 until the baby arrives. Taylor will deliver at UAB Women’s hospital and they want her close until delivery, so they will be in an apartment close by. If you would like to help with food, digital gift cards are a great help for meals. Taylors cell is 256-394-3282, or you can contact Tammy

Continued Prayer Requests:

Liz Moore, , Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

September 5, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Chaplain Kenn Creitz

The Paradox of Walking The Way”

Galatians 5: 22& 23 - Mark 7: 24-37

Chaplain Kenn Creitz

     Kenn worked in the Virology Division of United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and worked evenings and weekends in the clinical lab at a regional hospital while serving in the Army Medical Service Corps.

    After going to seminary, Kenn became a chaplain at Hershey Medical Center, then served as a chaplain with Hospice of Lancaster.

     Kenn also served as a chaplain with Masonic Village of Elizabethtown, a retirement community. He served residents throughout the campus and especially focused on care with residents in secured dementia units.

     In February of 2023 Kenn began attending First Christian Church in Florence. He moved to the area later that summer and purchased a home in Killen.

     We are happy to have him as part of our congregation and appreciate his willingness to serve our church when needed. 

First Christian Church Celebrates 107 Year Anniversary


     Sunday September 15th, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Florence, Alabama will celebrate its 107th Anniversary as a congregation, serving the communities of the Shoals area with love, honor and joy!

     107 years ago, a small group of individuals, meeting together determined that their purpose was to unite people in the love of Almighty God, and to find ways to be servants of the God of Creation, children in the family of God, brothers of Jesus, His Son, being gifted with His Holy Spirit. We are still

united in our purpose to be God's hands and feet, serving Him here in this place. We are called to bring wholeness to a world that is broken, to bring peace and purpose to All of mankind!

   We rejoice in our calling and earnestly pray for continued strength and ability to do His Will.

Happy Birthday, Dear Church!!  We love and honor you, and each other!!

September Outreach: Childhood Cancer Research Fundraising

Our September outreach is Childhood Cancer Research. A donation will be made to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Organization, who provides

funding for research for childhood cancers. If you would like to donate, note on your check Sept outreach or cancer research.

**If you would like to read more about what Alex’s Lemonade Stand does for pediatric childhood cancer research, you can go to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation funded research and treatment that Taylor

(Hendrix) Henderson had. Please consider supporting pediatric cancer research funding, in honor of Taylor and all those children who are or have fought this battle, it makes a difference! ~Tammy Hendrix  Research helps!

There are Childhood cancer awareness items on the black table by the fellowship hall (bracelets, ink pens, lapel pens and stickers).

Please pick one up to show support for these precious children and their families.

Outreach:  Soup Kitchen August 31, 2024

First Presbyterian Church hosted our Outreach this past Saturday as our volunteers served 136 meals to our guests.  Thank you, Barbara Morgan, Terry Martin, Thomas Harrison, Barbara Crittenden, Arlene and Dick Burch, Patsy Blasingame, Judy Goode, Faye and Mark Sanders, Kaye Fleming, Rose McGee and Carol Hill.  Kaye, Faye, Arlene and Kay Stegall donated delicious desserts that were in high demand.  Our next Soup Kitchen is November 30th.  We will be out the door by 1:30, so please consider volunteering.  You will be glad you did. 

Called Board Meeting

There will be a called board meeting this Sunday, September 8, 2024, immediately following worship. Board meetings are always open to the congregation and invite everyone to attend. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. The meeting is in regard to:* approval of the Search and Call committee, * discussion regarding paying those who will provide pulpit supply.


**The Hendersons will begin staying in Birmingham on Sept 14, until the baby arrives so that they will be closer to the hospital. (Taylor will deliver at UAB Women’s hospital)

For that reason, restaurant gift cards are also great if you would rather help that way.

Meal Calendar

As many of you are aware, or own Taylor Henderson (Tammy’s daughter) has been experiencing quite a few early contractions and has been advised to rest as much as possible. We can ease the burden on the Henderson family by helping with meals. If you would like to help by providing a meal, please use the following link to sign up for a day that works for you. Thank you so much for sharing the love of Jesus with this precious family! If you have any questions, text, or call me at 256-412-4850. Thanks! Tonitia

Link to meal calendar:

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be on Tuesday, September 17 at Southern Grocery on 2nd street, across from Champy’s. Please let her know if you will be attending so she can plan for enough seating.  Thank you, Lynne, for continuing to organize this wonderful time of fellowship for our women!!


September Outreach: Childhood Cancer Research

Sept. 8: Called Board Meeting

Sept 17: Ladies Luncheon: At Southern Grocery on Second Street.

Sept. 25: Wednesday Night Supper and Bingo to raise money for Operation Christmas Child.

Sept. 29: Fifth Sunday Breakfast during Sunday school.

Sept 29: Reconciliation Offering

Wednesday Night Bible study:

Each Wednesday from 5:15-6 pm, unless we have a Wednesday Night dinner scheduled.



Online giving is now available on our website.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

The Wednesday evening Bible study class will continue with John Sutherland and Sid Fulford teaching. The class will meet in the fellowship hall from 5:15-6:00 pm. The class will be studying James. *If there is a Wednesday night supper scheduled one of these days, the Bible study class will not meet. 

Prayer Requests

Continued Prayer Requests:

Liz Moore, Leon Nale, Taylor Henderson, Nelia Westenberger, Joe Miller, Barry Morris, Mike Hillis, Bobby Moore, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Sara Phillips, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Disciple Visitor

August 20, 2024

Guest Speaker 

     Reverend Kerry Kesey, Disciples of Christ ALNWFL Regional Minister, will be our guest speaker this Sunday, August 25.

Please stay in the sanctuary after worship for a time of discussion with her regarding our church and what is to come next.

     Rev. Kesey grew up on Oregon and NW Arkansas. She graduated from Northwest Christian College (now Bushnell University) in Eugene, OR with a BS in Church, Society and Family. She received her Master of Divinity from Lexington Theological Seminary and went on to serve churches in Kansas, Washington, and Hawaii, and most recently, Missouri. Kerry’s daughter, Annie, graduated from Brite Divinity School and now pastors in Seattle. Kerry’s son, Micah, teaches High School U. S. History and has an 11-year-old daughter, Sophia. Kerry is engaged to Joe Grill, a former PGA Golf professional who now works remotely in the data management field.

     Rev. Kesey, grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, going to church with her grandmother. Kerry discovered the Disciples in college and has been in ministry for 25 years. Rev. Kesey has a deep love for the Church in its many manifestations, and especially for the Christian Church (DOC). The diversity of the Disciples gives witness to the unity of the Church found in Christ. Kerry also deeply appreciates the Church’s polity which provides for mutual accountability and freedom for congregations to express faithfulness in many ways.

     Kerry loves getting to know people and hearing their stories of life and faith. Her varied experiences and background enable her to relate well to people of all ages. With a heart for serving God and one another, one of Kerry’s guiding scriptures is “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself,” (Mt. 22: 37-40) Kerry is excited about serving God alongside this Region and partnering together to bring “wholeness to a fragmented world.”

     Some of Kerry’s joys in life are reading, traveling, music, and kayaking, and of course her granddaughter. She will gladly show you pictures.

All Saints Progressive Dinner

    On Sunday, August 25, The All-Saints Ministry through UNA will have their progressive dinner. This helps let the students become familiar with the All-Saints Partner churches.

   Our church, like last year, will be their starting point. The All-Saints leaders and students will meet here at First Christian for fellowship, yard games and cold drinks. We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

    We would love to have some of these students choose our church be their church away from home while here in school. We can show them what a wonderful church and congregation we have by fellowshipping with them for about 30 minutes that afternoon.

    If you have any yard games that we may use that evening, You may bring them and leave in the fellowship hall any time before that evening.

Let’s support UNA All-Saints campus Ministry and fellowship with these students by showing them the love of Christ through our congregation and church!


This is a reminder that we are hosting a Baby shower for Taylor & Sam Henderson, this Sunday, August 25. Please come by between Sunday school and Worship (9:30-10) to visit and celebrate them as they await the arrival of their new baby girl, Colette Gean! Big brother, Wallace is excited too!!!

            Since we have a guest speaker this Sunday and will be staying after worship for a question-and-answer time with Reverend Kesey, we want to be sure to celebrate The Hendersons baby shower between 9:30- 10:00. 

Meal Calendar

As many of you are aware, or own Taylor Henderson (Tammy’s daughter) has been experiencing quite a few early contractions and has been advised to rest as much as possible. We can ease the burden on the Henderson family by helping with meals. If you would like to help by providing a meal, please use the following link to sign up for a day that works for you. Thank you so much for sharing the love of Jesus with this precious family! If you have any questions, text, or call me at 256-412-4850.

Thanks! Tonitia

Link to meal calendar:

Wednesday Night Bible Study

The Wednesday evening Bible study class will continue with John Sutherland and Sid Fulford teaching. 

The class will meet in the fellowship hall from 5:15-6:00 pm. The class will be studying James and this week will be in chapter 3. 

*If there is a Wednesday night supper scheduled one of these days, the Bible study class will not meet. 

August Outreach - Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Let’s work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation of either SSF or August Outreach. You may place it in the donation box in the hall.

Disciple Visitor ~ August 14, 2024

Sunday, August 18, 2024 

 Sid Fulford

Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-7  

Sermon Title: “Ah Sweet Mystery”


From the Board: Pastoral Update

After much deliberation and prayerful thought, the elders and church leadership came to an agreement with Pastor Matt Ricks and have accepted his resignation as our pastor. His severance package will include three months of his salary including monthly retirement. The church will also pay his rent through the month of September, which was previously approved by the board.

This decision was not taken lightly, but based upon concerns regarding differences in the philosophy of ministry and pastoral care held by this church and those of Matt. Great consideration was also given to concerns which were expressed by many church members over the past 6 months. Please be prayerful as we go through this time of change and transition.

William L. Davis, Board Chairperson


All Saints Progressive Dinner

On Sunday, August 25, The All-Saints Ministry through UNA will have their progressive dinner. This helps get the students become familiar with the All-Saints Partner churches.

Our church, like last year, will be their starting point. The All-Saints leaders and students will meet here at First Christian for fellowship, yard games and cold drinks. We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

We would love to have some of these students choose our church be their church away from home while here in school. We can show them what a wonderful church and congregation we have by fellowshipping with them for about 30 minutes that afternoon.

If you have any yard games that we may use that evening, please let Tammy know. You may also bring them and leave in the fellowship hall any time before that evening.

Let’s support UNA All-Saints campus Ministry and fellowship with these students by showing them the love of Christ through our congregation and church!



August Outreach: Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Aug 20: Ladies Luncheon @ Red Lobster.

Aug 25: Baby Shower at First Christian for Taylor and Sam Henderson.

Aug. 25: All Saints Progressive dinner begins at FCC.

Aug. 31: Soup Kitchen



Online giving is now available on our website.



Ladies Luncheon Update

If you would be willing to head up the future Ladies Luncheons starting January 2025, please contact the church office, or Lynne Davis/Judy Goode. We have had so much fun at each luncheon and it has been a wonderful way to get to know ladies in the church too! Let’s keep this wonderful time of fellowship going!! ~ Tammy

**Our Next Ladies Luncheon will be at Red Lobster on August 20.





Thank You for your cards. Thank You for your calls. Thank You for texts. But most of all, Thank You for your prayers and encouragement.

Everybody tells me I’m doing really well. Let me tell you that it is largely attributable to the love of all of you.

Be joyful in hope

Patient in affliction

Faithful in prayer.

God’s Peace to you all,



Thank You

First Christian Church,

Thank you so much for sharing in the excitement of my graduation from Auburn. Your kindness was touching and I am so thankful for the Bible and pen. Thank you for your prayers during this exciting time in my life. They are certainly felt and I am so blessed.

Thanks again, Gracie Owens


August Outreach - Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Let’s work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation of either SSF or August Outreach. You may place it in the donation box in the hall.



Prayer Requests

Patricia Vandiver, friend of Missy Bates is having heart issues.

Taylor Henderson has been having some early contractions. Prayers for a safe continued pregnancy for her and the baby, and no early labor.

Sara Phiilips, granddaughter of Paula Babcock.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Barry Morris, Nelia Westenberger, Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, Joe Miller, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

August 8, 2024

Sunday, August 11, 2024 

 Pastor Matt

Scripture: John 20:11-18               

Sermon Title: “The Cape of Storms”

August 5, 2024 Leadership Team Recap

The Leadership Team met on August 5, 2024. We followed up on our last meeting where we took stock of some of the church’s physical and intangible assets. Tonitia was kind enough to not only write them on the board you can see in the Fellowship Hall, but she also typed them for us. I’d like to share them with you at the end of this document. Some assets were added as we talked this time.

The next step we wanted to take was to think about the whole congregation and its staff. We want to know what it is that you are passionate about. What are the gifts that God has given you, whether it is something physical or an ability that you have. As we get ready to set goals at our next meeting in September (15th), it is important to know what you feel called to do, what your gifts are, and what you are passionate about. Knowing those things about all of you will strongly guide us as we set our goals and work together to achieve them. You are more than welcome to talk to me one on one and share your gifts, passions, and callings with me. We will also be emailing a very short and easy to take survey out. Paper copies of the survey will also be distributed. I would like to ask you to get either one back to me by September 14, 2024.

We also had a preliminary discussion about what goals have been floating around in our minds. We already have two huge goals we have tackled (the sound system update and the donation to local outreach associations the Derryl is leading). I suggested to the group that they not shoot ideas down yet. I remembered a saying: Shoot for the moon and even if you miss at least you will land among the stars. That is my encouragement for us. I also advised them to stay positive as they are your leaders and positivity (with a dose of realism) will take us a LONG way down the road. I also asked them to think if there were any goals that were small so that we could see progress. Additionally, I told them I hoped we would set one goal that better allows us to reach out to our shut-ins and one goal that involves them and allows them even some small way to contribute to the mission of First Christian Church.

We talked about Jesus’ first two beatitudes in Matthew. Both talk about someone who has lost just about everything or someone who is nearly at the end of their rope and hopeless. These passages often describe the way churches feel. They feel like they have lost the young people, enough donations, enough volunteers, and more. However, Jesus says we are blessed at times like this because it makes more room for God to do something amazing. I believe that can easily happen here. I know that because it already has. We’re just moving into the next chapter God has in store for us. ~Pastor Matt

some of the assets of First Christian Church Florence.


The Gospel

People are WELCOME

Community outreach

Great staff!

Good structure (board, committees, etc.)

We will rise to meet a challenge

Educators, realtors/businesspeople, retirees

Live streaming

People (Christian people)

Two really good guys who take care of the property


Good choir


Outreach: Meals on Wheels, Soup Kitchen, Sydney’s Safe, The ARC, Firefighter/Police luncheon’s, Childhood Cancer, Safeplace, The Help Center, The Dream Center, Samaritan’s Purse, VOAD, The Healing Place, Bereavement Committee, Medicine Bottles, Ronald McDonald House, Community Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk or Treat, FoxG1, Operation Christmas Child, Utility help, Food Help, Back to school assistance, Dare to Care, UNA


Building is paid for (no debt)

Empty space not being utilized

2 small/1 large classroom empty upstairs

Downstairs (worship and wonder)


Nice Fellowship Hall

Great lawn

Beautiful windows

Soon-to-be new sound system

Room available for community use

Great library and person taking care of it as a volunteer

Bell – it works and we ring it

Office space

Newly remodeled kitchen

Wi-Fi with extenders

Nursery available

Functioning baptistry

Camera/Security system

Ring doorbell


AUGUST 14, 2024    5:30 - 7:30 P.M.


    Let’s celebrate the dog days of summer and back to school for our kiddos with an Ice Cream Social and Wednesday Night Salad Supper. Last year was a huge success and the MOST AMAZING salads were made along with some delicious homemade ice creams.

    We are asking everyone to bring their favorite summer salad to share, whether it be a corn salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, pasta salad, or whatever! FCC will provide drinks. Please sign up on the Activities Board in the church hallway if you plan to bring a salad and which kind you plan to bring.

    We are also asking for a handful of you to bring your favorite homemade ice cream for dessert to share with your congregation! This year we will just enjoy the flavors without competition! Please sign up on the board if you plan to bring an ice cream and the flavor you plan to make. (We would like a variety if at all possible)!

All salads and ice cream will need to be at the church by 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, August 14.

Ladies Luncheon Update

If you would be willing to head up the future Ladies Luncheons starting January 2025, please contact the church office, or Lynne Davis/Judy Goode. We have had so much fun at each luncheon and it has been a wonderful way to get to know ladies in the church too! Let’s keep this wonderful time of fellowship going!! ~ Tammy

**Our Next Luncheon will be at Red Lobster on August 20.

All Saints Progressive Dinner

     On Sunday, August 25, The All-Saints Ministry through UNA will have their progressive dinner. This helps get the students become familiar with  the All-Saints Partner churches.

     Our church, like last year, will be their starting point. The All-Saints leaders and students will meet here at First Christian for fellowship, yard games and cold drinks. We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

     We would love to have some of these students choose our church be their church away from home while here in school. We can show them what a wonderful church and congregation we have by fellowshipping with them for about 30 minutes that afternoon.

     If you have any yard games that we may use that evening, please let Tammy know. You may also bring them and leave in the fellowship hall any time before that evening.

     Let’s support UNA All-Saints campus Ministry and fellowship with these students by showing them the love of Christ through our congregation and church!

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

Lauraine Snelling's novel, Fields of Bounty, has been added to our library in honor of Mrs. Kay Stegall. In this story, the handsome young Reverend Ethan Pritchard has taken notice of Lilac Nielson, a happening for which she has been yearning. Lilac's pursuit of another dream, to publish her artwork in a New York paper must be balanced with her burgeoning courtship. Lilac has been secretly submitting a series of drawings under a pen name because Lilac's entire Nielsen family could be in danger if anyone were to trace those drawings back to her, likely resulting in their discovering that she and her sisters have settled in Nebraska. As the family farm expands and Lilac's relationship with the reverend grows, a family crisis back in Ohio shakes the Nielsen sisters, putting into question whether they can continue to build the new life they have begun. Can Lilac and Ethan set aside their own plans and rely on their faith to bring their true destiny to light?

August Outreach - Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Let’s work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation of either SSF or August Outreach. You may place it in the donation box in the hall.

Jewelry Pouches

If you would like to purchase one of the beautiful jewelry pouches, they are in Tammy’s office. These pouches have been made and donated to raise money for our church outreach through Pastor Matts Challenge. They would make great gifts! Please consider purchasing one to help with our outreach. **Alabama Fan? There are two BAMA print pouches available!

Thank You

Safeplace would like to thank you so much for your continuing support and help for the families served. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are essential in helping meet current needs. While needs are great and growing Safeplace provides the services that empower survivors and their children to live in peace. Without you none of this would be possible.

Thank you, Safeplace

Meal Calendar

As many of you are aware, or own Taylor Henderson has been experiencing quite a few early contractions and has been advised to rest as much as possible. We can ease the burden on the Henderson family by helping with meals. If you would like to help by providing a meal, please use the following link to sign up for a day that works for you. Thank you so much for sharing the love of Jesus with this precious family! If you have any questions, text, or call me at 256-412-4850. Thanks! Tonitia              

Link to meal calendar:

Baby Shower ~ It’s A Girl!!

Sunday, August 25, we will be having a  baby shower for Taylor and Sam Henderson. You can drop off gifts during the Sunday school hour or before church, then come by to say hello following worship. They are expecting a baby girl, due in October. Taylor and Sam are registered at Target, Gretchens Haus in Sheffield (inside the Emporium) and on Amazon.


August Elders: Pam Watson & Deryll Banning

August Outreach: Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Aug 14: Wednesday Night Salad supper and ice cream social. 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. (No study group tonight)

Aug 18: Baby Shower for Taylor Henderson@ Buffler House. All ladies welcome.

Aug 20: Ladies Luncheon @ Red Lobster.

Aug 21: Study Group with Pastor Matt meets @ 5:15-6pm

Aug 25: Baby Shower given by First Christian Church for Taylor & Sam Henderson in the fellowship hall. Please stop by after worship.

Aug. 25: All Saints Progressive dinner begins at FCC.

Aug 28: Study Group with Pastor Matt meets @ 5:15-6pm

Aug. 31: Soup Kitchen


Congratulations to Sarah Cox and Lauderdale County School on the Stanley awards received for the theater department!

Memorial Service

A memorial service will be held for Charlie Highfield on August 17 @ 3 pm at First Christian Church, Danville, KY. There will be a brief visitation with family prior to the service.

Dare to Care

Dare to Care was started at the suggestion of Cameron Douglas when he was interim. The ladies who ran it since have decided to step down. If anyone would like to take on this program, even adjust it some to fit your availability, please contact Tammy in the office. (This can be done from your home if a group would rather not meet at the church) This is a great way for those who want to contribute but are not able to get out often!

Primarily what we need is 3-4 people willing to send cards/notes or make a call to:

·         shut-ins

·         those on our sick list

·         those on our Prayer lists

·         check on those who have not been in church recently

·         follow-up with families after a loss

·         Send out monthly Birthday cards

·         Any other situations or specific needs that may arise

·         You can use the Prayer list in the newsletter and get an updated shut-in list from Tammy as needed.

This is a great program and I hate to see it end. I will say from personal experience that a short note after/during an illness or unexpected event or loss of a loved one, is a great way to let someone know they are in your thoughts and prayers.

Yes, Elders do a lot of this, but why only have their elder contact them? This is such a great way for the church to have contact with those who need a kind note or call, or just to stay in touch! Many of us miss those “we have not seen in a while,” a note could be sent to check on them and let them know they are missed!

Let’s reach out and show the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need us!


 All cards and stamps are provided by the church.

Prayer Requests

Patricia Vandiver, friend of Missy Bates is having heart issues.

Taylor Henderson has been having some early contractions. Prayers for a safe continued pregnancy for her and the baby, and no early labor.

Sara Phiilips, granddaughter of Paula Babcock

Continued Prayer Requests:

Barry Morris, Nelia Westenberger, Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, Joe Miller, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor

July 31, 2024

Sunday, August 4, 2024 

 Pastor Matt

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Sermon Title: “We’re On a Mission From God” 


AUGUST 14, 2024

5:30 - 7:30 P.M.


Let’s celebrate the dog days of summer and back to school for our kiddos with an Ice Cream Social and Wednesday Night Salad Supper. Last year was a huge success and the MOST AMAZING salads were made along with some delicious homemade ice creams.

We are asking everyone to bring their favorite summer salad to share, whether it be a corn salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, pasta salad, or whatever! FCC will provide drinks. Please sign up on the Activities Board in the church hallway if you plan to bring a salad and which kind you plan to bring.

We are also asking for a handful of you to bring your favorite homemade ice cream for dessert to share with your congregation! This year we will just enjoy the flavors without competition! Please sign up on the board if you plan to bring an ice cream and the flavor you plan to make. (We would like a variety if at all possible)

All salads and ice cream will need to be at the church by 5:15 p.m., Wednesday evening, August 14.

August Outreach - Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Let’s work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation of either SSF or August Outreach. You may place it in the donation box in the hall.


August Outreach: Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Aug. 1: Activities committee feeding UNA women’s soccer team.

Aug. 4: Leadership team meeting following worship.

Aug 14: Wednesday Night Salad supper and ice cream social. 5:30 - 7:30 P.M.

Aug. 25: All Saints Progressive dinner begins at FCC. We will provide cold drinks, games, and fellowship.

Aug. 31: Soup Kitchen

All Saints Progressive Dinner

On Sunday, August 25, The All-Saints Ministry through UNA will have their progressive dinner. This helps get the students become familiar with  the All-Saints Partner churches.

Our church, like last year, will be their starting point. The All-Saints leaders and students will meet here at First Christian for fellowship, yard games and cold drinks. We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

We would love to have some of these students choose our church be their church away from home while here in school. We can show them what a wonderful church and congregation we have by fellowshipping with them for about 30 minutes that afternoon.

If you have any yard games that we may use that evening, please let Tammy know. You may also bring them and leave in the fellowship hall any time before that evening.

Let’s support UNA All-Saints campus Ministry and fellowship with these students by showing them the love of Christ through our congregation and church!

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Before Lisa Wingate released her best-selling novel, Before We Were Yours, she published the 2003 novel Good Hope Road.  This story centers on twenty-year-old Jenilee Lane, a young lady whose dreams have always been rather limited. Thus, Jenilee cannot imagine any good resulting from the tornado that has ripped across the Missouri farmland that she calls home. Nonetheless, an inner spark compels her to take action. Jenilee rescues her trapped elderly neighbor, Eudora Gibson. She also takes action toward collecting fragments of lives that lie strewn in the wake of the tornado: letters, photographs, and mementos that are very likely meaningful to people who have lost almost everything. Jenilee is a girl that Eudora has hardly noticed over the years, and now Jenilee is surprising Eudora with her bravery. This change in Jenilee inspires Eudora to face her own bitter past and ultimately, they are brought closer by the tragedy that they share. Among the common outcomes will be enlightenment about the resilience of the human spirit and the ties that make a community strong. 

Ladies Luncheon Update

From Lynne Davis:

It’s been fun the last few years coordinating the Ladies Luncheon. A fellowship I hope will continue with new vision. A new year often brings change and so December will be my last month to take lead. Hoping 2025 will allow Bill and I more time to travel and enjoy our grandchildren. Again, I was thrilled Judy and I were able to bring this program back and hoping to see it continue. Sincerely, Lynne Davis

**If you would be willing to head up the future Ladies Luncheons starting January 2025, please contact the church office, or Lynne Davis/Judy Goode. We have had so much fun at each luncheon and it has been a wonderful way to get to know ladies in the church too! Let’s keep this wonderful time of fellowship going!! ~ Tammy

Jewelry Pouches

A very kind member of our congregation has offered to make and donate jewelry pouches for the church to sell. All money raised will go towards Pastor Matts Challenge. (This money will go to our outreach committee to distribute in our local community). This sweet person wishes to remain anonymous; they will donate all supplies and time to making these. Once the sale is over a they will also match up to $500 from monies raised from this sale. You can request certain colors as well. These pouches may also be used for makeup or any other use you find will work for you. Thank you so much to our sweet contributor for offering to do this. What a great way to help raise funds for this challenge! If you would Like to purchase a jewelry/makeup pouch, please see Tammy in the office. There are numerous pouches available that have already been made. Let’s support this mission to raise funds for outreach in our community. Cost: $20.00 each.**To see pouches available, they are in Tammy’s office window.

Note From The Tanners

To All Our First Christian Friends: Yes, the rumor is true: after 29 years in Florence and the Shoals, Louise and I are moving to the Denver, CO, area in early August. Age takes its toll and we want to be nearer to our children, two of which live in the Denver area. After being members of 1st Christian, Florence for over a dozen years, we will miss most the community of Christian brothers and sisters we found there. Most of all, I enjoyed singing in the choir under the several directors we have had over the years. Although she has been disabled and home-bound for several years, Louise has also felt the warmth and Christian love shown by so many FCF members. We will miss you all and hope the Grace and Love of God will continue to bless you in the future.

In the love of God, Roger and Louise Tanner

From Pastor Matt

Starting Wednesday, July 31 Pastor Matt will be having a study group from 5:15 - 6 pm, every Wednesday. He will give more information before the first class. (Wednesdays that we have dinners or other events planned, this group will not meet.) No study group on August 14 (night of our salad supper and ice cream social.

Thank You

First Christian Church,

Thank you so much for your recent donation to Meals on Wheels! Our seniors appreciate your love and compassion! We couldn’t do what we do without donations like yours!

With Much Gratitude,

Community Action Agency NW-AL

Prayer Requests

Taylor Henderson has been having some early contractions. Prayers for a safe continued pregnancy for her and the baby, and no early labor.

Sara Phiilips, granddaughter of Paula Babcock had a seizure over the weekend and is having tests run. Sara lives in Huntsville and is the daughter of Debra.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Barry Morris, Nelia Westenberger, Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, Joe Miller, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

July 24, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024 

 Pastor Matt

Scripture: James 5:13-15

Sermon Title: “The Circle Maker”

Notes from Pastor Matt

   I am nowhere near settled in since we arrived. Our house is a disaster. There just doesn’t seem to be enough places to put things. The same is true of my office. This is the smallest office I’ve ever had so I have to whittle away at the things I have. It is hard for me to focus on work when everything is a mess. I have decided that things are just going to have to be a mess for a while.

Since I got here, it seems like there have been many deaths of people who were close to the church. That is a normal part of the life cycle of a church. However, it is still sad. So, we need things as a church that bring us joy. I encourage the leadership, committees, and staff to find those things that will breathe fresh life into us.

   Also, I am trying to get into a normal routine, which is hard to do considering every week of ministry is different. Generally speaking, I will be off on Tuesday, and I will take about half of Saturday off as I have to get ready for Sunday. Typically, I will work from home on Monday as that is when I will write my sermons and prepare for some mid-week study groups. That is the best place for me to concentrate. Tuesday I am off unless something comes up. I will strive to be in the office on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to noon. Friday morning, I work from home as that is when I go over the sermon and record it for the podcast. Silence and privacy are necessary for that. After that, I will try to make a visit or two. This is a week that I strive for, but I would tell you to always call me to make sure that something else didn’t interrupt my schedule, especially during those times I try to be in the office. Meetings come up, emergency hospital visits arise, and more that can all disrupt my schedule. I told the search committee over and over again that getting out and visiting people is a priority over me sitting behind a desk. My goal, once I finish getting your contact numbers in my computer, is to email you every Sunday roughly what my week looks like and if I must make any changes to that typical week. You are always welcome to call me any day or time of the week if you need anything (314-341-9558). I do take breaks from the phone, especially on Tuesday, which is my sabbath. However, even then I check it from time to time for emergencies. You can also call my wife after she is of work if you really need to hunt me down (Lisa 636-369-2450).

   My goal is to constantly visit the shut-ins. They come first. However, I still want to visit all of you. Anytime you want to get together or go grab something to eat, just let me know and I’ll be happy to have the company.

   Thank you all for all the help you have given us. For example, someone cut our grass while we were on vacation. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and our shut-ins and look forward to getting to know the rest of you. Peace, Pastor Matt

Thank You

Dear Church family,

I want to take a moment to thank you so much for the love offering. You have treated us with so much kindness since Matthew started preaching here back in February. My family appreciates all of you very much! Thank you for your generosity.
With love, Lisa, Matthew, Macey, and Cadyn Ricks

Leadership Team Update

Church, I wanted to give you a short update of what we talked about at our last Leadership Team meeting. We opened with an old prayer:

Prayer of Saint Richard of Chichester

Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ,

for all the benefits thou hast given me,

for all the pains and insults thou hast borne for me.

O most merciful redeemer, friend, and brother,

may I know thee more clearly,

love thee more dearly,

and follow thee more nearly, day by day.


We then continued with a leadership lesson. All too often churches are focused on what they don't have, what they can't do, or that things are not like they were in the good ol' days (even Job longed for the good ol' days in his suffering). We learned that if we keep our minds open and think about things from another perspective and let go of how we have always done it, we might be able to do amazing things with God at our side. 

A couple of meetings ago, we assessed where we're at as a church. We decided we weren't in the best place, but that can be fixed. We decided we have good staff; we have good structures to keep the church safe and sound. The main thing we are lacking is a strong vision that most of us can get behind and support. At this meeting we moved forward to the stage of assessing what we have. It is all written on the white board in my office on both sides. We also wrote down where the needs are in our community.

The last stage before setting goals and a vision is to look at ourselves. We need to look at what we are all passionate about and what gifts God has given you that can help the church in its work. I would encourage you to feel free to email me your passions and gifts so we can take them into consideration as we plan. Lastly, keep praying for us to make good decisions and have the insight to hear what God is telling us.

Pastor Matt

July Outreach: Let's help drill a well.

After the war erupted and water supply lines were destroyed, many villages in Ukraine have been left without a water source. Let's reach out and join with Samaritan's Purse to help fund drilling wells for this devastated area. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help these struggling villages.

From Pastor Matt

Starting Wednesday, July 31 Pastor Matt will be having a study group from 5:15 - 6 pm, every Wednesday. He will give more information before the first class. (Wednesdays that we have dinners or other events planned, this group will not meet.)

Pastor Matt will also be out of town for a funeral from July 25-27, but you can get him by phone if you need him for anything. (This is a funeral for a lady that used to be a member of his church in Virginia that he promised he would do her service when she passed). 

Thank You

Dear First Christian church,

Thank you so much fort the thoughtful Senior gifts and recognition. It is such a blessing to have so much prayer, love, and thought coming from so many fellow believers. Thank you again for all that you do. My grandparents definitely found the right place to call “home.”

Much love, Maggie Owens

(Carol Nell & John Sutherland’s granddaughter)

Thank You

Thank you so much for my graduation gifts. That was very generous of you all. I appreciated it greatly.

Sincerely, John Luke Sutherland

(Carol Nell & John Sutherland’s grandson)

Jewelry Pouches

A very kind member of our congregation has offered to make and donate jewelry pouches for the church to sell. All money raised will go towards Pastor Matts Challenge. (This money will go to our outreach committee to distribute in our local community). This sweet person wishes to remain anonymous; they will donate all supplies and time to making these. Once the sale is over a they will also match up to $500 from monies raised from this sale. You can request certain colors as well. These pouches may also be used for makeup or any other use you find will work for you. Thank you so much to our sweet contributor for offering to do this. What a great way to help raise funds for this challenge! If you would

Like to purchase a jewelry/makeup pouch, please see Tammy in the office. There are numerous pouches available that have already been made. Let’s support this mission to raise funds for outreach in our community. Cost: $20.00 each.**To see pouches available, they are in Tammy’s office window.

Have you seen me?

Six white folding chairs are missing

from Sid’s Sunday school classroom.

They would like them returned.

If you borrowed them and have just forgotten to return, would you please bring them back to their classroom downstairs. Several people need the hardback chairs for support.

If you know anything about where they may have been moved, or who may have borrowed them, Please let Tammy or Pam Watson know. Thank you!

All Saints Progressive Dinner

On Sunday, August 25, The All-Saints Ministry through UNA will have their progressive dinner. This helps get the students become familiar with  the All-Saints Partner churches.

Our church, like last year, will be their starting point. The All-Saints leaders and students will meet here at First Christian for fellowship, yard games and cold drinks. We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

We would love to have some of these students choose our church be their church away from home while here in school. We can show them what a wonderful church and congregation we have by fellowshipping with them for about 30 minutes that afternoon.

If you have any yard games that we may use that evening, please let Tammy know. You may also bring them and leave in the fellowship hall any time before that evening.

Let’s support UNA All-Saints campus Ministry and fellowship with these students by showing them the love of Christ through our congregation and church!


July Outreach: Drill a Well!

July 28: Board Meeting

July 31: Pastor Matt study group. Open to all.

                 5:15 - 6 pm:


August Outreach: Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Aug. 1: Activities committee feeding UNA women’s soccer team.

Aug. 4: Leadership team meeting following worship.

Aug 14: Wednesday Night Salad supper and ice cream social. 5:30 - 7:30 P.M.

Aug. 25: All Saints Progressive dinner begins at FCC. We will provide cold drinks, games, and fellowship.

Aug. 31: Soup Kitchen


AUGUST 14, 2024

5:30 - 7:30 P.M.


Let’s celebrate the dog days of summer and back to school for our kiddos with an Ice Cream Social and Wednesday Night Salad Supper. Last year was a huge success and the MOST AMAZING salads were made along with some delicious homemade ice creams.

We are asking everyone to bring their favorite summer salad to share, whether it be a corn salad, chicken salad, tuna salad, pasta salad, or whatever! FCC will provide drinks. Please sign up on the Activities Board in the church hallway if you plan to bring a salad and which kind you plan to bring.

We are also asking for a handful of you to bring your favorite homemade ice cream for dessert to share with your congregation! This year we will just enjoy the flavors without competition! Please sign up on the board if you plan to bring an ice cream and the flavor you plan to make. (We would like a variety if at all possible)!

All salads and ice cream will need to be at the church by 5:15 p.m., Wednesday evening, August 14.

Let’s feed the UNA Women’s Soccer Team

On August 1, the UNA All Saints Group will host a dinner for the UNA Women’s Soccer Team.

First Christian Church will be catering the event and we are in need of THREE, 9x13 homemade cakes.  They will need to be brought to the church by 4 pm on Thursday, August 1.

Thank you for your willingness to help with this outreach group.

We would love to have as many of you as possible, come and show them the love of our church family.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

In our library, there are hundreds of

new friends just waiting to meet you!

Prayer Requests 

Barry Morris is continuing to recover at home and is doing well.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Nelia Westenberger, Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, Joe Miller, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor for the week of July 15, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024 

Larry Bates

Scripture: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56    

Sermon Title: “Bed…and Breakfast”


July Outreach: Drill a Well!

July 19: Funeral Service: Bill Coussons

July 28: Board Meeting


August Outreach: Sidney’s Safe Foundation

Aug. 1: Activities committee feeding UNA women’s soccer team.

Aug. 4: Leadership team meeting following worship.

Aug. 25: All Saints Progressive dinner begins at FCC. We will provide cold drinks, games, and fellowship.

Aug. 31: Soup Kitchen

July Outreach: Let's help drill a well.

After the war erupted and water supply lines were destroyed, many villages in Ukraine have been left without a water source. Let's reach out and join with Samaritan's Purse to help fund drilling wells for this devastated area. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help these struggling villages.

Jewelry Pouches

A very kind member of our congregation has offered to make and donate jewelry pouches for the church to sell. All money raised will gotowards Pastor Matts Challenge. This sweet person wishes to remain anonymous; they will donate all supplies and time to making these. Once the sale is over a they will also match up to $500 from monies raised from this sale. You can request certain colors as well: UNA, BAMA, AU. These pouches may also be used for makeup or any other use you find will work for you. Thank you so much to our sweet contributor for offering to do this. What a great way to help raise funds for this challenge! If you would Like to purchase a jewelry/makeup pouch, please see Tammy in the office. There are numerous pouches available that have already been made. Lets support this mission to raise funds for outreach in our community. Cost: $20.00 each.**To see pouches available, they are in Tammy’s office window.


Our sympathy is extended to Russ & Robin Coussons and family on the passing of Bill Coussons on July 10, 2024.

Service Information:

July 19, 2024

Private Family Burial: 9 am

First Christian Church Florence

July 19, 2024

Visitation: 11 am – 1 pm

Service: 1 pm

Thank You

Dear First Christian Church,

Thank you so much for the Bible gifted to me for my graduation. I’m so grateful to have grown up in such a tight knit church and the love and lessons I’ve been taught is something that I will always carry with me. Love Abbey Sanford

Thank You

We want to thank you for the food and love you showed us during our trying time and loss of our dad, George Pinkston. Dad served First Christian over many years. He thought a lot of all of you. Love, Gail Willis, Robert Pinkston & Scott Pinkston

Prayer Requests

Barry Morris is continuing to recover at home and is doing well. 

The Coussons Family as they go through this time of loss of Bill Coussons.

Continued Prayer Requests:

Nelia Westenberger, Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, Jim Miller, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, , Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor for the week of July 8, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024 

 Pastor Matt    

Scripture: Matthew 7:12             

Sermon Title: “What If Jesus Was Serious? ... The Fred Factor”

Soup Kitchen - June 29, 2024

Huge shoutout to the volunteers who helped with the Soup Kitchen this past month! Kaye Fleming, Anne Crane, Mark & Faye Sanders, Cadyn Ricks, Amy & James McCorkle, Bob & Marsha Carter, Dick & Arlene Burch, Patsy Blasingame, Don & Claire McCamy, Judy Goode, and Pastor Matt & Lisa Ricks for helping serve the homeless and homebound in our area. Fifty-seven boxes were delivered and another 56 people were served. Several came back for seconds which ending up being a total of 136 meals served! That is the largest number we have served in some time! Great work First Christian Church! The next soup kitchen will be on August 31. If you are looking for a way to express your God given Servant’s Heart then look no further! The Outreach Committee and our volunteers have streamlined the Soup Kitchen process and anyone can help serve! Look for sign-up sheets on the bulletin board beginning the first of August!

July Outreach: Let's help drill a well.

After the war erupted and water supply lines were destroyed, many villages in Ukraine have been left without a water source. Let's reach out and join with Samaritan's Purse to help fund drilling wells for this devastated area. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help these struggling villages.


July Outreach: Samaritans Purse

July 16: Ladies Luncheon: Sweet Basil

July 28: Board Meeting


Elders: Judy Goode, Doug Evans

Diaconate: Larry Bates, Missy Bates, Russ Darracott, Garry Watson

Security: Larry Bates, Bob Hill

Ice Maker

The church has an ice maker that does not get used often unless we are having a meal. If you are having a cookout this summer, or any gathering where you need ice, please come by the church, and fill up your cooler!!

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

The Lady's Mine is the latest novel, a western romance, from the New York Times bestselling author, Francine Rivers. In this novel, Rivers returns to the California frontier in a tale of a displaced New England suffragette, Kathryn Walsh, who has been banished from Boston by her wealthy stepfather. Kathryn thus seeks to claim an inheritance from an uncle that she never knew, a defunct newspaper office within tiny Calvada, a rather-lawless mining town situated within the Sierra Nevadas. As Kathryn grows aware of the oppression of the local miners and their families, she becomes determined to relaunch her uncle’s newspaper, a decision that will place her in the middle of a dangerous whirlpool and pit her against the town's most powerful men. To her good fortune, Kathryn will be joined in her endeavor by a former Union soldier, who similarly has been disinherited by his Southern family. They must deal with Matthias Beck, the owner of a local saloon and hotel, who has a special interest in Ms. Walsh, having recognized the Walsh's familial tenacity in this beautiful and outspoken redhead.

Jewelry Pouches

A very kind member of our congregation has offered to make and donate jewelry pouches for the church to sell. All money raised will gotowards Pastor Matts Challenge. This sweet person wishes to remain anonymous; they will donate all supplies and time to making these. Once the sale is over a they will also match up to $500 from monies raised from this sale. You can request certain colors as well: UNA, BAMA, AU. These pouches may also be used for makeup or any other use you find will work for you. Thank you so much to our sweet contributor for offering to do this. What a great way to help raise funds for this challenge! If you would like to order one, please see Tammy in the church office and she will get your order turned in. Cost: $20.00 each.

**To see a sample, they are hanging in Tammy’s office window

Thank You

I am so  grateful for what each of you have given to me . I was amazed at just how much you served the community and the world too and it was definitely felt through me. From the time I entered the choir room each of you showed me much kindness and wisdom.

Rose picked me up when I had a surgery. Barry  helping me find transportation in cars all the time. Tammy always going above and beyond with attention and love when I needed it. Nadine fascinated and entertained me. Faye  always had treats. Tanita came when I had fallen at home and made sure I was gotten safely to the hospital with such a gentle spirit as always . Too many others to name them all .I just wanted to let you know how very grateful I am for all your acts of kindness and being an example of the body to me, especially. Words are too weak a vehicle to convey an emotion too deep for tears .

Once again thankful for you all, Katrina Kelley

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests

Pete and Tommie Lou Johnson, parents of Missy Bates. Tommie Lou had a fall last weekend and hit her head. She was admitted for observation due to a minor brain bleed and being on blood thinners.

Nelia Westenberger had a heart Cath on Tuesday and a lumpectomy on Wednesday. She asks for your prayers.

Barry Morris is home recovering after bypass surgery.

Continued Prayers:

Jim Miller, Myra and John Finch & family, Wayne & Mary Collier, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Nelia Westenberger, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, , Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor for the week of July 1, 2024

Sunday, July 7, 2024 

 Pastor Matt 

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

Sermon Title: “What if Jesus Was Serious? Kintsugi”

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

Stephen R. Lawhead is a multi-award-winning Christian author of mythic history and imaginative bestsellers, who has created a believable tale of science fiction in Dream Thief, a book first published in 1983 and now available in the 2020 Enhanced Edition. The plot connects humans and other beings to the Supreme Being of God. This is a rare and exceptional story in which a species other than humans believes in the Biblical God. The novel makes one wonder if there could be intelligent life on other worlds; would it be too far-fetched to believe that they have their own history of God's story in their world? At thetime this book was written, Lawhead knew nothing about Stephen Hawking, but when one reads the book, one will understand why that is a big deal. While this book could be described as a "Christian" novel, the content is not overtly preachy, but it presents a strong message of hope. This novel has been added to our library in honor of its librarian with a gift given by Judy Goode."In the sweeping style of George R.R. Martin and J. R. Tolkien, Lawhead has created a diverse universe and a rich cast of characters." - Library Journal   

July Outreach: Let's help drill a well.

After the war erupted and water supply lines were destroyed, many villages in Ukraine have been left without a water source. Let's reach out and join with Samaritan's Purse to help fund drilling wells for this devastated area. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help these struggling villages.

Fifth Sunday Breakfast

Thank you to everyone involved in making our Fifth Sunday Breakfast happen! It was a great meal and everyone enjoyed time together before church!



Judy Goode

 Doug Evans


Larry Bates

Missy Bates

Russ Darracott

Garry Watson


Larry Bates

Bob Hill

Ice Maker

The church has an ice maker that does not get used often unless we are having a meal. If you are having a cookout this summer, or any gathering where you need ice, please come by the church, and fill up your cooler!!



July Outreach: Samaritans Purse

July 4: Office closed

July 16: Ladies Luncheon: Sweet Basil

July 28: Board Meeting


Eva Knight passed away on July 1. Her son Chris was able to be with her. Please keep all those close to her in your prayers.


Prayer Requests

Barry Morris had surgery on July 1 in Birmingham. Everything went great!

Joe Miller had injections in his back. Everything went well, prayers appreciated that the injections help give him relief.

Continued Prayers:

Myra and John Finch & family, Wayne & Mary Collier, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Nelia Westenberger, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Ernie Colvin, Michael Stutts & family, Barbara Sharp, Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, June 30, 2024 

 Pastor Matt

Scripture: Luke 7:1-10

Sermon Title:

“What if Jesus Was Serious? :I Dare You to Move”

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Sometimes we need to nourish our brains. Find spiritual nourishment in your library at First Christian.

Soup Kitchen – June 29

Reminder: Soup Kitchen is Saturday, June 29.

All volunteers please be at First Presbyterian by 10:30 a.m. If you signed up to make a dessert, please have it at First Presbyterian on Saturday, no later than 11:00 am.


June Outreach: Meals on Wheels

June 29: Soup Kitchen

June 30: Fifth Sunday Breakfast

June 30: Leadership Team meeting in the fellowship hall following worship.


July Outreach: Samaritans Purse - Help build a well in Ukraine.

July 4: Office closed

July 16: Ladies Luncheon: Sweet Basil

July 28: Board Meeting

Thank You

Thank you so much for allowing our family to hold our Aunt, Martha Wiggins service at the church. We know our aunt would have been so pleased. Thank you for such a lovely service. Traci Welch

Note: Pastor Matt and Tammy received a nice note from Traci Welch, Martha’s niece. She noted Martha’s son, Mark was able to watch the live stream (he lives in Texas), and really appreciated us having that available, he thought it was wonderful. It helped give him closure he really needed, along with a good cry.

Thank You

Dear First Christian church family.

My gratitude for all your cards, calls, texts, food, and transportation cannot be sufficiently expressed. Your payers have guided and supported me through surgery and rehabilitation. I am so blessed by your love, and I pray that God’s abundant love and grace surround each of you.

Love, Thomas Harrison

Thank You

Dear First Christian Church,

I want to thank the Board for deciding to assist us in paying our rent for a few months until our house sells in Missouri. You have all shown so much warmth, kindness, and compassion. We feel very welcomed and can’t wait to get settled. We are very excited to be here with you! -Lisa

With Christian Love, Matthew, Lisa, Macey, and Cadyn Ricks

Pinkston Service

Pall bearers for George Pinkston’s service: Jim Blasingame, Sid Fulford and Skip Hodges wearing some of George’s ties.

Pastor Matt’s Challenge

Sunday, Pastor Matt issued a challenge to me and the Stewardship Committee and to you. After some discussion, here are the terms of the challenge.

In order to inspire and enhance our sense of giving and reaching out to our community, we are challenged to raise $21,000 by December first.

This money will be allocated by the Stewardship Committee and Pastor Matt, in the name of First Christian Church, to the organizations below, according to their demonstrated need, on December 20 as a Christmas present from our church to them. 

Potential Recipients:

Healing Place, Sidney's Safe, SafePlace, Help Center, Arc of the Shoals, Meals on Wheels, Soup Kitchen, First Christian Church Discretionary Fund.

Please join me in meeting this challenge.

Deryll Banning


Meals on Wheels

Reminder to be sure to donate before July 1st.

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthly deliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please let Tammy know.

July Elders & Diaconate

Elders: Judy Goode & Doug Evans

Diaconate: Larry & Missy Bates,

Russ Darracott & Garry Watson

Board Meeting

Our next Board meeting will be on Sunday, July 28.

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Barry Morris will have bypass surgery on July 1 in Birmingham. He will be in the hospital 3-5 days.

Ernie Colvin, friend of Judy Goode, has many health problems and needs prayers.

Myra and John Finch and family.

Michael Stutts, grandfather of one of Tonitia Butler’s former students has had a stroke and is need of prayers.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter, has been moved to NAMC for pneumonia.

Continued Prayers:

Wayne & Mary Collier, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Nelia Westenberger, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, , Fred McCluskey, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

June 19, 2024

Sunday, June 23, 2024 

 Pastor Matt     

Scripture: 2 Samuel 23: 8-17         

Sermon Title: "Black Bart Syndrome."  

Soup Kitchen – June 29

Reminder: Soup Kitchen is Saturday, June 29. There are still a few openings for volunteers and we need one more person to make a dessert. Questions, See Marsha Carter.


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthly deliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please let Tammy know so she can forward your information.

Thank You

Dear Church Family, I so appreciate the love expressed by the cards and the visitation and funeral attendances for my stepmom.

Blessings,  Thomas Harrison

Thank You

We just wanted to say “thank you” for thinking of us during National Police week. It truly means a lot to the members of our department. Respectfully, Chief Jackson, University of North Alabama Police Dept.


June Outreach

Meals on Wheels

June 23: There will be a short-called Board meeting in the Library following worship.

June 29: Soup Kitchen

June 30: Fifth Sunday Breakfast

For your convenience, online giving is now available. The link is located on our church website.

2024 Stanley Award Nominees

Congratulations to Tonitia Butler (Central High School) and Sarah Cox (Lauderdale County High School). Both were nominated for a Stanley award. Congratulations ladies, we know so much hard work went into what you both did!

Individual Nominations:

Best Musical Direction for a High School Musical:

Tonitia Butler–Mary Poppins Jr.

Best Direction for a High School Play: Sarah Cox–Radium Girls

Best Costumes for a Play: Sarah Cox–Radium Girls

Best Scene Design: Sarah Cox–Radium Girls

Central High School and Lauderdale County High School were also

 nominated for numerous other Stanley Awards for their musicals.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

The Modern Library Classics edition of Saint Augustine's The City of God (c. 413–426 CE) is is a complete and unabridged version of the Marcus Dods translation that has been placed in our library with a gift given in memory of Jean Harrison by Mrs. Ann Murphy. This work is considered to be a great cornerstone in the history of Christian philosophy, and it provides an insightful interpretation of the development of modern Western society and the origin of most Western thought. "The City of God is a completion of the project he began in Confessions... Augustine created a theology of the self in Confessions, and in The City of God he initiates a theology of history… Augustine presents the four essential elements of his philosophy: the church, the state, the City of Heaven, and the City of the World." ( Augustine is said to have written the book "in response to pagan claims that the sack of Rome by barbarians in 410 was one of the consequences of the abolition of pagan worship by Christian emperors. Augustine responded by asserting, to the contrary, that Christianity saved the city from complete destruction and that Rome’s fall was the result of internal moral decay." ( Its contrast of earthly and heavenly cities is representative of the ongoing struggle between good and evil. In Thomas Merton's introduction, he states, "The City of God is the autobiography of the Church written by the most Catholic of her great saints."

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Barry Morris will consult with a heart doctor in Birmingham regarding surgery.

Ernie Colvin, friend of Judy Goode has many health problems and needs prayers.

Continued Prayers:

Charlie Highfield, Wayne & Mary Collier, Mike Hillis, Thomas Harrison, Nelia Westenberger, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Martha Wiggins

     Martha Lee Edmiston Wiggins, 87, passed away peacefully in her sleep Thursday morning, May 9.

     Martha was born in Cove Creek, Watauga County, NC on June 25, 1936. As a teenager, her family moved to Longview, TX where she graduated high school. She married Bill Bennett on June 4, 1955 and they had two sons, Mike, and Mark. While they moved a bit with Bill’s job, they ultimately settled in Bonham, TX. During her time in Bonham, Martha spent many happy years working at the VA. Later in life, she married Jimmy Wiggins and they eventually moved to Florence, AL to be close to her sister and brother-in-law, Margaret, and Jo Bob Taylor.

     Martha enjoyed playing bridge, reading, working jigsaw puzzles, spending time with Margaret and Jo Bob and her favorite little dog, Jasmine, and being with her family whenever she could.

     Martha is survived by her two sons Michael Bennett (Sarah) and Mark Bennett; stepsons Jimmy Wiggins, Rob Wiggins (Paige) and Mike Wiggins (Andrea); and her nieces Cris Taylor Stephenson (Robert) of Florence and Traci Taylor Welch (Don) of Muscle Shoals; as well as numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

     She was preceded in death by her husband, Jimmy Wiggins; her parents, Grady Clyde Edmiston, and Mary Ethel Greer Edmiston; her sisters, Barbara Anderson, and Margaret Taylor; and her brother-in-law, Jo Bob Taylor.

     A memorial service will be held to remember Martha at First Christian Church, located at 700 N Wood Ave in Florence on Thursday, June 20, at 4:30pm. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to First Christian Church or to your favorite charity.

George Pinkston

     George Allen Pinkston, 91, Sheffield Alabama, passed away on Saturday, June 15, 2024. Visitation will be Friday, June 21, from 10:00 am - 12:00 p.m. at Morrison Funeral Home, Tuscumbia, Al. The funeral service will immediately follow in the funeral home chapel with Pastor Matthew Ricks officiating. Interment will be in Oakwood Cemetery, Sheffield.

     George was a member of First Christian Church, Florence. He worked as a service technician with AT&T for thirty-five years. George was a loving father and was crazy about his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Rosemary Jones Pinkston; parents, George, and Jewel Pinkston; stepbrother, Durrell Rutledge; and granddaughter, Emily Pinkston.

     George is survived by his children, Gail Willis, Robert Pinkston, and Dennis Scott Pinkston (Dina); grandchildren, Chris Willis, Tim Willis, Warren Pinkston, Matthew Pinkston, Michael Pinkston, and Joshua Pinkston; great-grandchildren, Ally Willis, Josie Willis, and Emily Willis; and great-great-grandson, Suede Hill. Family and friends will serve as pallbearers.

Charlie Highfield

 From Jennifer Highfield: Daddy passed away peacefully at home this morning. We are shocked at how quickly he declined, but grateful he is not suffering anymore - his big heart finally gave out. Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind words and prayers - it means so much to all of us. He was so loved. Jonathan wrote a beautiful tribute for his obituary that I would like to share, and we are planning a memorial service in the future. Please keep Marilyn L. Highfield in your thoughts - Thursday would have been their 70th wedding anniversary.

    Charlie was the son of James Taylor Highfield and Esther Lee (Sullivan) Highfield. He was born in Lexington, Kentucky, on November 12, 1933, though his father always claimed it was November 11. We thought his mother probably knew best. He was a third-generation Disciples minister, following his grandmother and father.

    Charlie served Disciples of Christ churches in Memphis, Tennessee; Cleveland, Tennessee; Lancaster, Kentucky; Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Owensboro, Kentucky; and was chaplain at the Christian Church Home in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He was the Chief Moderator of the Disciples of Christ in Tennessee, served as a long-time counselor at Bethany Hills Youth Camp, sang bass in any choir that would have him, and had an ecumenical television show in Kentucky, with an audience of ten people on a good week. He was an early advocate of the Pioneer Workshop in Danville, Kentucky, and was instrumental in the rejuvenation of the Garrard County Public Library.

    Charlie was an avid fisherman, something he came by honestly from his father, and shared with his son, Jonathan, and his three grandchildren. He was a car fanatic, driving faster than he should have, and rebuilt engines with a gaggle of teenage followers. He was particularly fond of Ford Mustangs, and was a proud member of the Florence, Alabama, Mustang Club, winning Best in Class with two different cars. He will be sorely missed.

Sunday, June 16, 2024 

 Pastor Matt

Scripture: John 8:1-11

Sermon Title: Liberation

JUNE OUTREACH - Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthlydeliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels,please let Tammy know so she can forward your information.

Pastor Matt and Family

Pastor Matt, Lisa, Macey & Cadyn will be moving here next week. The movers will be at their house on June 17. Please keep them all in your prayers as they transition to Florence, to a new home, new jobs, new schools, new friends. They need our prayers so this transition is as easy as possible. I know they are ready to be here and settled, and we are all excited to have them here and get to know each one of them as they are now part of our First Christian family

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

Frederick Buechner (1926-2022) is one of Pastor Matt's favorite authors. Fortunately, I have recently located a copy of Buechner's 1982 spiritual biography, The Sacred Journey, to add to our collection of Buechner's works, both nonfiction and fiction. The Sacred Journey recalls the author's life from his childhood to his conversion to Christianity in 1953, at the age of 27. Buechner introduces the book with the dual observations that "all theology, all fiction, is at its heart autobiography" and that "if God speaks to us at all in this world, if God speaks anywhere, it is into our personal lives that he speaks." (p. 1) This first memoir maps the turbulent early years of his life, addressing his idyllic childhood that was shattered by suicide, the flight of the family to Bermuda, and his road back to the United States and to adulthood. Buechner reveals how God speaks to us in a variety of ways every moment of every day. The final chapter describes the author's conversion experience while attending New York City's Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, highlighting the effects of the particularly transformative sermon delivered by George A. Buttrick. Buttrick had stated that "Jesus Christ refused the crown that Satan offered him in the wilderness, but he is king nonetheless because again and again he is crowned in the heart of the people who believe in him. And that inward coronation takes place 'among confession, and tears, and great laughter.' It was the phrase 'great laughter' that did it, did whatever it was that I believe must have been hidden in doing all the years of my journey up till then. It was not so much that a door opened as that I suddenly found that a door had been open all along which I had only just then stumbled upon." (p, 109)

Soup Kitchen – June 29

First Presbyterian Church

Our next Soup Kitchen is June 29 at First Presbyterian Church. If you would like to volunteer or provide desserts, please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board. Questions, See Marsha Carter.


June Outreach: Meals on Wheels

June 16: Father’s Day

June 29: Soup Kitchen

June 30: Fifth Sunday Breakfast

** For your convenience, online giving is now available. The link is located on our church website.



Shoals Sav-A-Life is currently holding their annual Baby Bottle fundraiser. If you would like, you may pick up a bottle and fill it with coins, cash or a check, to donate towards their fundraiser. Bottles are located on the table in the foyer.

Ladie’s Luncheon 

June 18 at 11:15

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be at The Red Clay Table on Montgomery Avenue in Sheffield. Please let Judy Goode or Lynne Davis know if you plan to attend so that they may arrange seating.

Dare to Care

If you have a special prayer concern or request for a contact to be made by the Dare to Care team, please call, or text Claire McCamy


June Helton passed away on June 6, 2024. Services were held at Greenview in Florence on June 10. June and her husband were long time members at First Christian Church Florence.

Martha Wiggins passed away on May 9, 2024. She would have been 88 on June 25. Martha waws a long-time member of First Christian Church Florence. Her family has contacted us about having a memorial service here at the church hopefully next week. More information will be sent out via the phone tree once everything is finalized. Martha had been living in Texas near her sons since moving from Florence.

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

*Charlie Highfield: From Jennifer Highfield on June 11, 2024: I wanted to give a quick update on Daddy. He’s not doing great at all - he’s back in the hospital now, and his heart is just not keeping up and he’s in congestive heart failure. We have decided to bring him home with Hospice to make him as comfortable as possible. Jonathan is on his way here to help get him home and comfortable. Please send lots of strength to my mom - this is going to be very hard on her, but I’m doing all I can to make it as easy as possible for them both. We all appreciate the love and thoughts everyone has sent - it has meant so much to them both.

Wayne & Mary Collier: Wayne will be going to Vanderbilt for a stent. Mary is having an injection for arthritis.

Mike Hillis has blockage in both legs and has surgery scheduled.

*Thomas Harrison had hip replacement surgery and is home recovering and doing well.

*Nelia Westenberger is in cancer treatment.

*Jerome Glaister’s health is declining. He is currently in a nursing home in Georgia.

Pastor Matt and family as they transition to Alabama and begin new jobs, new schools and find a new home.

Continued Prayers:

Roger Tanner, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston.

Friends and Family of First Christian:

Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, June 9, 2024 

 Pastor Matt    

Scripture: John 8:1-11

Sermon Title: “Liberation”

From Pastor Matt  -  6-2-2024

     For a while, I have been in a virtual group that meets every week. I found it through the men’s spiritual group I am in called Illuman. It is an international group of people from all walks of life. A lot of them are Christians as Illuman was founded by Father Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk. The organization and all things that they do are solely for men. Not long ago, I was looking for something to do with Illuman since I can’t make it to the meetings in Alabama, which are held on Sundays at 2:00 PM. As I scrolled around on their web site to look at the virtual groups they had and the meetings going on, I saw one that immediately struck me, and I knew I had to join.

     47 is a group that meets for men going through the middle passage of life (what some call the midlife crisis men are notorious for going through). By the way, men rarely go through the midlife transition by buying sports car and having affairs with young women as you often see on TV. That does happen, but it is a minority situation I would say. No, men typically go through midlife and its necessary transition in a different way, but I don’t have time to write about that and that is not even my point here. My point is I will turn 47 in December. They call the group 47 because that is the average age that men go through the middle passage of life. Considering some things going on in my life, I knew I had definitely entered the middle passage. I felt good that at least I had entered it six months earlier than the average man.

     Man, I could tell you so much that I have learned from this group, the book we are reading, and three of the friendships I have formed. One of the things that I have learned is how many personas I have developed or been forced upon in my life. I will explain. A persona is any appearance you put on that is not your genuine self. I have a demeanor and way of living that is truly me. However, I know that the world doesn’t always like or approve of that. So, I (and we all) use personas to please people and get by in the world. I (used to use) one persona when I am at church. I try to be lively, excitable, talk to everyone that I can, and smile as much as I can. When I visit my wife’s family, I try my best to be a very talkative and not play on my phone all the time. When I call my mom, I try to act interested in all her stories. When I am at funerals, I have always tried to act strong and extremely hopefully for the families of the deceased (especially when I am doing funerals for my own family). I could go on and on with the personas that I use to get by in the world.

     However, what I am learning about the second half of life is that I need to find my true self, not all those personas that I put on for the world. I have reached a point in life where I will only put out a persona for two occasions: funerals and weddings. People at both of those events really need those personas. However, I have come to realize that the rest of my life, I need to be my true self and if people accept that great and if not, that is fine too.

     Several years ago, I was very close to taking a call to a church in Sherridan, Wyoming. The only reason we didn’t is Lisa could not find a job and the housing was crazy expensive. I had interviewed with the search committee quite a few times on Zoom. Everything was basically set. So, they flew me and my family out there. I asked for the agenda and one of the items was an evening meal at the church where I could meet the members. I pulled out my church persona and tried to do all the things I have come to find churches are looking for. I was a little shocked at the meet and greet dinner, when after I had stood up and introduced myself and my family. The people asked me a lot of questions, but I kept that church persona on despite the surprise. The next day, I met with just the search committee, and they gave me feedback and discussed the final details of offering me the position. Their comments were all very nice. However, one man said something I’ll never forget. He said, “You seem really nice, but you have low energy.” Instantly, it was apparent that even my persona wasn’t good enough.

     What I am getting at with all of this is that at this age in my life and with what I have come to learn about psychology and myself, I rarely try to wear those personas except for at weddings and funerals. Sometimes I am happy, sometimes I am sad, and sometimes I just want to withdraw into my office or somewhere and just be alone. I just don’t have the energy to have a “church persona” anymore like most pastors do. So far, you have seemed to accept me very well without any personas on and I am thankful for that. Ok, I am out of space and have said enough. Just know that I love all of you and you will almost always get the true, authentic version of myself.

~ Pastor Matt

Called Board Meeting

There will be a short-called board meeting this Sunday, June 9, immediately following worship. Please meet in the Library. This is regarding the new sounds system quotes for the church. 


June Outreach: Meals on Wheels

June 9: Called Board Meeting in Library

June 16: Father’s Day

June 29: Soup Kitchen

June 30: Fifth Sunday Breakfast

** For your convenience, online giving is now available. The link is located on our church website.

JUNE OUTREACH - Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthly deliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please let Tammy know so she can forward your


Dare to Care

If you have a special prayer concern or request for a contact to be made by the Dare to Care team, please call, or text Claire McCamy:

Soup Kitchen – June 29

First Presbyterian Church

Our next Soup Kitchen is June 29 at First Presbyterian Church. If you would like to volunteer or provide desserts, please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board. Questions, See Marsha Carter.


Congratulations Kathryn Sanford for making the President’s List at UNA.

Ladies Luncheon ~ May 2024

The Elegance Tea Room on Court Street, Florence.

Good food, great friends, and fancy hats!

Prayer Requests

*New Prayer Requests:

*Roger Tanner will be having a procedure on June 7.

*Thomas Harrison had hip replacement surgery and is home recovering and doing well.

*Charlie Highfield is in the hospital with pneumonia and heart issues.

*Jerome Glaister’s health is declining. He is currently in a nursing home in Georgia.

Liz Moore has started chemotherapy.

Pastor Matt and family as they transition to Alabama and begin new jobs, new schools and find a new home.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

May 30, 2024 Disciple Visitor

Sunday, June 2 2024  ~~  Pastor Matt 

Scripture: John 2: 1-11

Sermon Title: “A Sign”                      

From Pastor Matt

May 19, 2024 Leadership Meeting Recap

As I have mentioned in worship and wrote about in a previous newsletter, I established what I simply call my Leadership Team. It is basically made up of the officers of the Board, the chair of the Elders, and the chair of the Deacons. I also asked Tonitia to be on the committee since she has been a great support to me since I first interviewed with the church.

At our May 19, 2024, meeting we talked about the purpose of this group. Essentially, they help me make tough decisions that I must make. But, more importantly, they will be the group that helps me set goals and a vision for the church along with input from committees and the rest of the church.

We opened with a prayer from St. Ignasius of Loyola in which he said, "Lord, I don’t fix my desire on health or sickness, wealth or poverty, success or failure, a long life or a short one. I understand that everything has the potential of calling out of me a more loving response to my eternal life with You. Let my only desire, my single choice be this: to want and choose what better leads to Your kingdom taking root in me."

That set the tone for this group and their work. We are not pursuing what we want, but what God wants for this church.

We read a scripture from Deuteronomy 1:1-8. In that scripture Moses told the people they had gotten comfortable where they were and that was not what God wanted for them. God’s vision for the Jewish people all along had been for them to live and prosper in Canaan. Deuteronomy 2:14 says, “It took us thirty-eight years to get from Kadesh Barnea to the Brook Zered.” Folks, that is only about a fifty-mile journey, but it took them basically forty years to make it. It should have only taken about three weeks. God did this to them because they were scared to go to Canaan and face the challenges that laid ahead … they failed to trust God so God said that they would wander around until every last person in that generation had died off except two people.

There is a lesson there for our church. I absolutely bet we all get comfortable, don’t like change, are worried we won’t have enough money to tackle something we have been called to do, and so much more.

The last thing we did was set the tone for our following meetings. I explained that you don’t just jump in and start setting goals. First, you assess where you are as a church, then you see what assets you have (this covers a wide range of items and people), next you canvas your community and outwards to see where the needs are, then you do the necessary work to discern what God is calling us to do, and you examine what it is you are passionate about doing. Then, just like Moses reminded the Israelites, you do it! You do whatever you feel called to do.

In this first meeting we spend time assessing where we are as a church in general. We used a tool made by Rev. Dr. George Bullard called “The Life Cycle of a Church.” I could write a ton about that. We all pretty much agreed that our church is in mid-life crisis. You can see the model at Life Cycle of a Church. Basically, this means we are fairly healthy in general. However, we need to work on our vision, mission, and goals. The good news is that is just what this group is doing.

I will try to explain more and keep you updated as we do our work regularly. Thanks for being a part of this exciting adventure and work.

God be with you, Pastor Matt

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

 The World and Then Some  is the vastly enjoyable debut novel from columnist Sharon Randall. This is a multigenerational saga set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Cora Lacy's mother dies on an August day in 1898, following childbirth, an event exacerbated by a snake bite, leaving newborn-Cora and her three brothers to be raised by their father, Harlan Lacy. Harlan is a beloved minister who also owns their farm as well as running a logging company. Like the mother that she never knew, Cora cherishes their farmland, and while her life will be marked by tragedy, she learns that every loss brings gifts. Men will bring her heartbreak and loss,along with great love. Her three sons will go off to war, leaving her to care for a fiery, pregnant daughter-in-law. Her first grandchild will be born, bringing love as well as agony. And then, years later, a little girl in a tattered dress will show up at her door, giving Cora a renewal to her life and a sense of newfound purpose. This mountain tale is one of hope and the ever-present thread of unwavering love that parents and grandparents feel for their children, who to them mean "the world and then some." The World and Then Some was presented to the library in memory of Jean Jones Harrison, my dear stepmom, at the recommendation of and with a gift from Tommie Plunk.

JUNE OUTREACH - Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthly deliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please reach out to the Community Action Agency: Eva Graham 256-766-4330.


June Outreach: Meals on Wheels

June 16: Father’s Day

June 29: Soup Kitchen

** For your convenience, online giving is now available. The link is located on our church website.

Soup Kitchen – June 29

First Presbyterian Church

Our next Soup Kitchen is June 29 at First Presbyterian Church. If you would like to volunteer or provide desserts, please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board. Questions, See Marsha Carter.

Online Giving

For your convenience, online giving is now available.

We have a link on our church website at:


On the top right side of our website, there are three lines (see photo). If you will move your mouse over and click on those lines a menu will open. The top listing is “Contributions link.” Click on that and it will take you to our contributions page through “” Once on that page you simply fill in the sections and that’s it. You can set up for reoccurring donations, or you may do a one-time donation. That is up to you. At the top of the giving form, you may choose what you want your contribution to go towards, such as: general fund, special giving, memorial, etc. just choose where you want your contribution to go to. Photos below to help.

**If you have not explored our website, this is a good time to see what all we have listed.


Congratulations to Cloie and Ethan Trousdale for making the President’s Lists for making straight A’s at Alabama and UNA!

Pictured with their grandfather.

Congratulations Abbey Sanford for making the Top Five Percent at Florence High School!

Congratulations Logan Smith for making the President’s List at UNA!

Memorial Day Display

Thank you to James McCorkle for the beautiful display placed at the Baptistry for Memorial Day! It was lovely and we appreciate all you do!

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Thomas Harrison had hip replacement surgery on May 29. Everything went well.

Liz Moore has started chemotherapy.

Pastor Matt and family as they transition to Alabama and begin new jobs, new schools and find a new home.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Madi Simons, Bob Harrison, Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Disciple Visitor ~ May 22, 2024

Sunday, May 26, 2024 

Scripture: Luke 23:32-43

Sermon Title: Testimony” Pastor Matt                                                     



June Outreach: Meals on Wheels

May 27: Memorial Day Office closed

May 28: Office Closed, Tammy off.

May 28: Ladies Luncheon

Dare to Care will not meet for the summer


M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

The summer of 1977 was supposed to be the best summer of Summer Wilde's life, as she and her best friends - Spring, Autumn, and Snow- aka the Four Seasons - had big plans. Unfortunately, their great plans never became reality. After a teenage prank went awry, the Four Seasons found themselves on a bus headed for Tumbleweed, Oklahoma to serve as camp counselors for eight weeks. Each of them arrived with concealed secrets and fears. During their two months at camp, events unfolded that would forever alter their friendships, lives, and futures. Now, 20 years later, Summer is a thirtysomething adult who is at a crossroads. Summer's latest girl-band has left her in a motel outside Tulsa, forcing her to confront shadows from her past. Returning to Tumbleweed, Oklahoma, a place where everything has changed, Summer soon learns it is more than a town that she never wanted to visit again. Tumbleweed is now a place for healing; it is a place for Summer to reconcile her past with the present and to finally listen to love's voice. "The Best Summer of Our Lives blends faith and hope into a story about the seasons of life, the seasons of friendship, and the seasons of love."- Lisa Wingate, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Before We Were Yours.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades to remember and honor those served and are no longer with us.

Please remember all the families who have lost a loved one and keep them close in your prayers.

Law Enforcement Luncheon

May 14, 2024

We had a great response to our luncheon this year with law enforcement and support personnel attending. We 39 guests and a few that could not stay to eat but came to thank us. Thank you, Patsy, Barbara, Grace, Tammy, Rose, Bob, Bill, and Barry, for all you did. Thank you, Ann Crane, Kay Stegall, Tracy Futrell, and Abbey Sanford, for our homemade desserts. Barry delivered our leftovers to Fire Station No. 1. Our annual luncheon is always appreciated by our men and women of law enforcement.

Five Generations

What a great photo of George Pinkston and five generations of family! George, his daughter, Gail Willis, and her son Chris, Chris’ daughter Josie and her son Steve. Thank You George for sharing this wonderful photo with us! We miss seeing you!


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels has been greatly affected by the reductions in government funding over recent years. The meals provided to needy shut-ins in our area are greatly appreciated. Please prayerfully consider reaching out to help with this important ministry with a monetary donation. Your donations help provide sustaining meals for a great many. Volunteers are needed for our one monthly deliveries. Deliveries take less than an hour of your time. If you feel lead to help, please call Tammy at the church office.

Pentecost Sunday

We had a wonderful service on Pentecost Sunday. 

In honor of Pentecost, the choir dressed all in red, and of course sounded wonderful. 

James McCorkle hung a dove in front of the stained-glass windows and placed candles in the windows, it was beautiful!  

The nursery was full of fun and laughter; thank you to Coby Futrell and Faye Tash for

your continued faithful service for our littlest congregation participants.  

Cadyn Ricks even won a bet that her dad didn’t think she would win. Never bet a teenager they won’t wear a

Burger King hat through the church service, you will lose! 

We also honored all graduates: those who have grown up in this church, as well as grandchildren of many members.

Matthew Johnson, we appreciate your continued service lighting our candles!! Thank you.

It was a wonderful service and we are all continually blessed by this wonderful

church and our congregation!

Graduates Honored

                          High School:

                       Annie Champagne

                             Ella Coussons

                               Abby Owens

                            Maggie Owens

                             Gracie Ozbirn

                            Emme Sanders

                            Abbey Sanford

                               Sam Storie

                         Luke Sutherland


                            Jessica Grosso

                        Ann Lilly McDaniel

                            Gracie Owens

                            Leelee Ozbirn

                           Caroline Pierce

                        Dr. David Salchert


Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

The family of Kristy Schollenberger. Kristy passed away on May 20. Please keep her husband and daughters and families in your prayers.

Thomas Harrison will be having hip replacement surgery on May 2.

Bob Harrison, father of Thomas Harrison during this time of intense grief after the passing of his wife.

Liz Moore began chemotherapy this week.

Family of Neal & Carolyn Davis who both passed away recently. They are family of Paula Babcock.

Madi Simons, great niece of Leon and Lana Nale has surgery on May 20. She lives in Florida.

Pastor Matt and family as they transition to Alabama and begin new jobs, new schools and find a new home.

Continued Prayers: Joyce Ruth, Dianne Martin, Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton.


Friends and Family of First Christian: Debra Frazier, Brixton Peters, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.



May 16, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024 

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11

Sermon Title: "The Terror of Night”       


 Pastor Matt Note

In the future, we will be talking much more about what I want to share with you here.

Last week, I had lunch with a guy I have really become close to. He went to my church in Missouri. JR is about 10 years younger than me, and I don’t mind admitting it: he has the most incredible hair. It’s practically jet black, a little longer than my grandma would have approved of, and it just flows like a supermodel’s hair. I’ve always told him how jealous I was of his hair considering my huge bald spot.

JR and I had a lot of lunches together when I was his pastor. We saw a couple of Cardinals games and a Battlehawks game. I enjoyed all the time we spent together. He is a good guy and a good friend. When we were having dinner last week, we started talking about something that is near and dear to my heart. I don’t know what brought it up. Oh, I remember what it was. I am in a group of men that meets weekly for a couple months virtually. The group is just call “47.” 47 is the average age when an American man goes through his mid-life crisis. I think “mid-life passage” is a better term. I was telling JR how much this group of men has meant to me because they are so different from most men that I meet. What’s different about them? I’ll tell you.

47 is an offshoot of Illuman, an organization started by Father Richard Rohr (a Franciscan monk). What I love about Illuman and 47 is that they are groups of men who are learning to become men. Many of them are men who are learning to become a man by unlearning all the trash they have been taught in American culture about what a man should be. I think one of the hallmarks of these men is that they are more vulnerable than most men I have ever met. Ask them a question about themselves and they aren’t too proud to be an open book, even if it means showing their scars and brokenness. It is the only place I can go, open up, and freely be vulnerable without fear of judgment. It’s the only place I’ve really been able to go and meet other men older than me and learn from them because they are willing to be vulnerable.

This article so far should be like a 60 mile per hour fast ball. You should be able to see what I am going to say from a mile away. What I have found in these groups and with these men … that is how the church should be. I’ve got a whole sermon up my sleeve about this. First Christian Church is the one place you should be able to come and completely be yourself, open up, and find other brothers and sisters who will walk that trail with you as long as the trail lasts.

In the last couple of years, I have started doing something that completely throws a lot of people off. I learned it from Rev. Dr. Paul Koch, one of the Regional Ministers from the Mid-America Region. Very often now, when I am finishing a lunch or visit with someone I will either shake their hand or hug them and quickly say, “Love ya.” Doesn’t matter who it is. So, don’t be surprised if I ever tell you that. If we are indeed brothers and sisters in Christ, then we should love one another. We should say it. You never know who will need those two simple monosyllabic words and you may never know how powerful they are.

My encouragement to you is to really get to know people around you, especially here in church. Tell them you love them. Don’t just have superficial relationships with one another. God doesn’t want to have that kind of relationship with us. We shouldn’t want that kind of relationship with one another either. In John 4, Jesus is talking to a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. The conversation starts off innocently and superficial enough. They were talking about getting a drink of water from the well … the ancient version of water-cooler talks at the office. Before you know it, Jesus is knee deep in this woman’s business. He reminds her that not only has she had many husbands (a sin), but that the man she was sleeping with now wasn’t even her husband. Talk about getting below the surface and being vulnerable.

But it worked. Because of the vulnerability and being honest, she found the messiah. You never know what it can do for you.

If you are ever curious about the philosophy of ministry I have and where I randomly got it in 2003, just ask me.   Much love, Pastor Matt

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

- Cicero

“What better room than a library with books about the soul? ”

- T. Harrison


ARC of the Shoals


Let's reach out to Arc of the Shoals. The Arc is a non-profit organization that provides a safe adult day care facility for developmentally impaired individuals. It provides a great environment for those attending while giving their caring families a respite. They also provide 24/7 group homes for those without families or those who cannot be taken care of by their families. There is no fee for the families of those attending The Arc. While there is partial governmental  support for this outreach, they are on a shoestring budget. We are asking you to search your heart and help with their mission.

Ladies Luncheon - Elegance Tea Room

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

This lunch is by pre-order only, and all orders must be in the church office no later than 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 22. Please call Tammy with your order. You will pay for your meal at the Tea Room the day of lunch.  Desserts will be offered that day. If you choose, wear a hat, after all, this is a Tea Room! The Tea Room seats 25, so be sure not to wait too late to call in your lunch order.

Location: Corner of Mobile & Court St. across from the Rogers Bldg.


Chris and our choir always do such an amazing job, and we wanted to acknowledge them!

Thank you for always blessing us with your talent and time!

Janie Clasgens Rutherford - UPDATE

I am sure many of you would love to see the update Janie posted this week. Congratulations to Janie on all her hard work, we know she is excited to have this opportunity!!

Her post:

I’ve been overflowing with gratitude for the last month as some big changes have come my way.

After two years of teaching music at my sweet school in Celebration, this week I started a full-time position with the Voices of Liberty in EPCOT at Walt Disney World. I have loved every minute of subbing with this group over the past year, and I feel incredibly honored to get to make music with such talented and encouraging people every day. I sure will miss my students at school, but I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be a tiny part of the legacy that the Voices of Liberty have carried since EPCOT opened. I’m so thankful for my music teachers who filled me with a passion for music and a love for singing. I sure am lucky to have had some of the best!

If you’re ever in EPCOT, come say hi!


Our Sympathy is extended to Thomas Harrison and family on the loss of his stepmother, Jean Harrison on May 11.

Our Sympathy is extended to Don & Claire McCamy on the passing on Don’s sister, Mary Beachum on May 3, 2024. Mary lived in Augusta Georgia.


Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Joyce Ruth and Dianne Martin have both been sick.

Debra Frazier, neighbor of Barbara & Robert Crittenden. Debra’s husband passed away and Debra has no local family. She needs your prayers.

Pastor Matt will be having eye surgery as soon as the Dr’s can coordinate a date.

Continued Prayers: Liz Moore, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Brixton Peters, Neal & Carolyn Davis, Christy Schollenberger, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, May 12, 2024 

Mother’s Day

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11

Sermon Title: "The Terror of Night”            

Happy Mother’s Day

Wishing each of you a very Happy Mother’s Day.


Outreach: ARC of the Shoals

May 12: Mother’s Day

May 14: Law Enforcement Luncheon

May 19: Pentecost

May 19: Graduate recognition

May 27: Memorial Day

May 28: Ladies Luncheon


MAY 14, 2024

Volunteers are needed from 10:00 - 2:00.

Our Law enforcement and their support staff always compliment the bakers of our church on their wonderful cakes! We are asking for 5 cakes, 9x13. Please sign-up (sheet on bulletin board) if you can donate a cake. Our cakes need to be at our church by 10:15 on May 14, 2024. With allergies, please no nuts or peanut butter. As Always, if you would like to donate to help with the cost of food, you may put a check in the offering plate and mark for: police lunch.


ARC of the Shoals 

Let's reach out to Arc of the Shoals. The Arc is a non-profit organization that provides a safe adult day care facility for developmentally impaired individuals. It provides a great environment for those attending while giving their caring families a respite. They also provide 24/7 group homes for those without families or those who cannot be taken care of by their families. There is no fee for the families of those attending The Arc. While there is partial governmental  support for this outreach, they are on a shoestring budget. We are asking you to search your heart and help with their mission


Congratulations to Carol Nell and John Sutherland on their new great-granddaughter, Lainey Ray Sparks.  Parents are Jacob and DeKayla Sparks. Lainey was born on April 4.

Ladies Luncheon

Elegance Tea Room

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

This lunch is by pre-order only, and all orders must be in the church office no later than 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 22. Please call Tammy with your order. You will pay for your meal at the Tea Room the day of lunch.  Desserts will be offered that day. If you choose, wear a hat, after all, this is a Tea Room!  The Tea Room seats 25, so be sure not to wait too late to call in your lunch order.

Location: Corner of Mobile & Court St. across from the Rogers Bldg.

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Pastor Matt will be having eye surgery as soon as the Dr’s can coordinate a date.

Lisa Terry and her three sons lost their father (David Terry) in a car accident on May 7.

Nelia Westenberger has been diagnosed with breast cancer; she has asked for your prayers.

Continued Prayers: Liz Moore, Kay Stegall, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Brixton Peters, Neal & Carolyn Davis, Christy Schollenberger, Mary Beechum, Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Jean Harrison, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

May 2, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024  Pastor Matt   

Scripture: Acts 20:7-12  

Sermon Title: "Brother Juniper"


MAY 14, 2024

Volunteer Servers

Volunteers are needed from 10:00 - 2:00.

(Sign-up sheets on bulletin board)


Our Law enforcement and their support staff always compliment the bakers of our church on their wonderful cakes! We are asking for 5 cakes, 9x13. Please sign-up (sheet on bulletin board) if you can donate a cake. Our cakes need to be at our church by 10:15 on May 14, 2024. With allergies, please no nuts or peanut butter. As Always, if you would like to donate to help with the cost of food, you may put a check in the offering plate and mark for: police lunch.


ARC of the Shoals

Let's reach out to Arc of the Shoals. The Arc is a non-profit organization that provides a safe adult day care facility for developmentally impaired individuals. It provides a great environment for those attending while giving their caring families a respite. They also provide 24/7 group homes for those without families or those who cannot be taken care of by their families. There is no fee for the families of those attending The Arc. While there is partial governmental  support for this outreach, they are on a shoestring budget. We are asking you to search your heart and help with their mission


Logan Smith, student at The University of North Alabama, was inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, the International Honor Society for Education. Congratulations Logan, we are excited for you!

Ladies Luncheon

            Elegance Tea Room - Tuesday, May 28, 2024

This lunch is by pre-order only, and all orders must be in the church office no later than 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 22.

Please call Tammy with your order. You will pay for your meal at the Tea Room the day of lunch.

Desserts will be offered that day. If you choose, wear a hat, after all, this is a Tea Room!

The Tea Room seats 25, so be sure not to wait too late to call in your lunch order.

Location: Corner of Mobile & Court St. across from the Rogers Bldg.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

From my personal reading-experience, Colleen Coble is a very-engaging writer of novels. Set within Michigan's rugged and beautiful Upper Peninsula, Haven of Swans is from her Rock Harbor series. This skillfully woven thriller includes the character Gideon, a man who sees himself as the destroyer of evil who is set on ridding the world of its abominations. Gideon has already killed five victims and is sure to kill again, patiently waiting and planning. A beautiful barefoot and bleeding woman stands by the side of the road, child in arms. Someone has just attempted to kill her and now she cannot remember her own name. Meanwhile, a suburban cop is inspecting the scene of a crime unlike any he has ever seen, a kitchen in disarray with a woman and child now missing. Located in the wilderness near the location where the wild swans gather, lies a secret geocache (container) with the unspeakable clue that links them all.

Music in the Park – May 8

The Cane Creek Cliff Dwellers be playing during: Music in the Park at Wilson Park. 

    Music in the Park - Wednesday, May 8th - 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

               Band members include: Rose and Terry McGee, Faye Sanders, Kaye Fleming, Tim and Emily Kelley and Ernie Fite.

This is our first time playing this event, and we are very excited about it. Hope to see you there! Bring your chair!

Central High School Drama Department Presents:

Mary Poppins Jr.

Central's Mary Poppins Jr. cast has been working incredibly hard on this show. As we tirelessly rehearse and reinforce lines, we ask you to join us on May 3rd at 7pm at the Shoals Community Theatre for the opening night of Mary Poppins Jr.! Tickets will be sold online for $13, and $15 at the door. We hope to see you there!

Musical Director: Tonitia Butler!

Show Dates:

Friday, May 3 - 7pm

Saturday, May 4 - 2pm & 7pm

Sunday, May 5 - 2pm


Outreach: ARC of the Shoals

May 2: National Day of Prayer

May 12: Mother’s Day

May 14: Law Enforcement Luncheon

May 19: Pentecost

May 19: Graduate recognition

May 27: Memorial Day

May 28: Ladies Luncheon

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Brixton Peters, son of a friend of Thomas Harrison, is having tests run at St. Jude.

Neal & Carolyn Davis, cousins of Paula Babcock. Neal is in the hospital and is being put in hospice, Carolyn is currently in Mitchell in Rehab.

Christy Schollenberger and family, friends of Tammy Hendrix and Taylor Henderson. Christy has cancer that has progressed. She is home in Hospice care.

Continued Prayers: Liz Moore, Kay Stegall, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd. 

Friends and Family of First Christian: Mary Beechum,

Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Jean Harrison, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

April 23, 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Scripture:Luke 2:41-51

Jesus:The Teenage Years


ARC of the Shoals


Let's reach out to Arc of the Shoals. The Arc is a non-profit organization that provides a safe adult day care facility for developmentally impaired individuals. It provides a great environment for those attending while giving their caring families a respite. They also provide 24/7 group homes for those without families or those who cannot be taken care of by their families. There is no fee for the families of those attending The Arc. While there is partial governmental  support for this outreach, they are on a shoestring budget. We are asking you to search your heart and help with their mission


If you have a child or grandchild graduating, or if you are graduating, we want to know. We will be honoring all our graduates on May 19. We do not want to leave ANYONE out!!!

Please email or text me the following:

Graduate name,

High school, College tech school, from which they are graduating.

If going to college, what school and Major, if known.

If graduating from College, what’s next?

A Senior photo or current photo!!



April 25: All Saints Ministry

April 28: Board Meeting


Outreach: ARC of the Shoals

May 12: Mother’s Day

May 14: Law Enforcement Luncheon

May 19: Pentecost

May 19: Graduate recognition

May 27: Memorial Day

Florence High School Show Choir Presents:

 Dance the Night Away

Our own Morgan Johnson is a part of this production!! Morgan was asked: How has being part of Connection Show Choir affected your life? “ “It makes me very happy. Meeting new people that are kind and share the same interests as me, always brings me joy. I love my chorus family.”


Congratulations to Caroline and Igor Dyky on the birth of their little girl! She looks just like big Sister Addison! Grandparents are Maryjane & George Hean, great grandmother is Kay Stegall.

Annalise Rae Dyky

Born April 17th, 2024 at 1:56 pm

7 lbs. 12 oz 19 1/2 inches long

Change in Date

We are postponing the church picnic that was scheduled for May. Once we have another date, we will have a notice in the newsletter and sign-up sheets on the bulletin board. Thank you for your understanding.

M. H. Harper Library

 Thomas Harrison

Amy-Jill Levine, University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies and Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School, has dedicated herself to the cause of eliminating anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and homophobic theologies. Levine's career has focused on helping Christians and Jews realize the "Jewishness" of Jesus and on deepening their comprehension of Jesus toward greater interfaith dialogue. In The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, Levine shows how liberal Christians tend to misunderstand Judaism and the New Testament. Viewing Jesus outside of his Jewish context has promoted a hatred of Jews. The intent of Levine's work is to promote honest dialogue between Christians and Jews toward a greater understanding of Jesus and a greater respect for each other's beliefs. "In the first several chapters, Levine treads familiar ground, discussing Jesus within the context of Judaism and examining how Christianity evolved from a Jewish sect to a gentile church. This information can be found in other, more clearly written sources, but what Levine does very well is discuss Jewish-Christian relations throughout the millennia, even as she provides a context for discussion. Though Levine clearly shows how Judaism has become a scapegoat of Christianity and offers many examples of Judaism's tenets taken out of context by church writers, she is not writing to stir up trouble. What she wants readers to understand is that lifting Jesus from Judaism is not helpful to either group and that there are plenty of ways to focus on similarities. As Levine concludes, 'As different as they are, church and synagogue have... the same destination, whether called... the kingdom of heaven or the messianic age.' " Ilene Cooper, American Library Association. 


MAY 14, 2024

Volunteer Servers: Volunteers are needed from 10:00 - 2:00.

(Sign-up sheets on bulletin board)



Our Law enforcement and their support staff always compliment the bakers of our church on their wonderful cakes! We are asking for 5 cakes, 9x13. Please sign-up (sheet on bulletin board) if you can donate a cake. Our cakes need to be at our church by 10:15 on May 14, 2024. With allergies, please no nuts or peanut butter. As Always, if you would like to donate to help with the cost of food, you may put a check in the offering plate and mark for: police lunch.

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Requests:

Neal & Carolyn Davis, cousins of Paula Babcock. Neal is in the hospital and is being put on hospice, Carolyn is currently in Mitchell in Rehab.

Christy Schollenberger and family, friends of Tammy Hendrix and Taylor Henderson. Christy has cancer that has progressed. She is currently in Vanderbilt and not doing well.

Continued Prayers: Liz Moore, Kay Stegall, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Mary Beechum,

Lili Holland, Barbara Sharp, Fred McClusky, Mark Miller, Jean Harrison, Paul Holloway, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


























































































April17, 2024

Note From Pastor Matt


Dear church family,

I wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed being with you. I have been able to have lunch, dinner, strawberry milkshakes, and so much more with many of you when I come in on the weekends. Remember there is a sign-up sheet in the hallway if you would like to have dinner with me when I get there on Saturday. I don’t want any of you to go out of your way and make a dinner at home. So, I am happy to meet you somewhere and pay for it.

          The main reason I started looking for a church is that I wanted a place that I could call home and Christian people I could call family. I truly believe that I have found that. You all have been so good to me, and I am very thankful for it. I hope to continue growing closer to you so that you can trust me and vice versa.

          I am aware that some people (I don’t know who or how many) don’t like where the doxology is in the order of worship. I placed it there very intentionally. That has been the very ancient place in worship where the doxology would go. It is how we express our gratitude for all the gifts that God has given to us and that we give back in the offering. I look over the order of worship and make sure  I think it works and flows well. If you have any questions about it, please contact me. I am very easy to reach.

          I told the search committee that I had a wedding long scheduled for this coming weekend. The wedding reception isn’t until 5:30 in Pevely, MO. It would be very tough to get to Alabama for Sunday. So, I am very sorry that I won’t be with you Sunday, but you’ll be in the very capable hands of Sir Larry Bates.

          Last week. I preached about the “Good Samaritan.” I told you some of the divisions that the Samaritans and Jews had. They were very similar in their religious beliefs and practices. In that scripture, the Samaritan is the one person of everyone to stop and help the beaten man. I was reading more about the Samaritans. They are still a race of people that exists. According to census data, only about 900 Samaritans remain. That means it is up to you and me to show Christian love to people all over the world.

Have a great week.

Sincerely, Pastor Matt

April 17, 2024

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Larry Bates is filling in for Pastor Matt

“Jesus and the Wooly Bullies”

Scripture: John 10:11-18


If you have a child or grandchild graduating, or if you are graduating, we want to know. We will be honoring all our graduates on May 19. We do not want to leave ANYONE out!!!

Please email or text me the following:

Graduate name,

High school, College tech school, from which they are graduating.

If going to college, what school and Major, if known.

If graduating from College, what’s next?

A Senior photo or current photo!!

Graduates I have on my list:

1.       Abbey Sanford

2.      Sam Storie

3.      Gracie Ozbirn – have photo & info

4.      Emme Sanders – have photo & info

5.      Annie Champagne

6.      Ella Coussons

7.      Ann Lilly McDaniel – college graduate

😊  Thank you for your help



Let's reach out to the Help Center for our April Outreach. The Help Center fills boxes of food three days a week to serve the homeless and those that need a helping hand. Each family or individual can receive one box of food per month. They have asked us for monetary donations to help cover the costs of the food they provide. Please prayerfully consider this much needed outreach to our community.


APRIL    Outreach: Help Center

April 25: All Saints Ministry will use either

inside or outside area for lunch hour.

April 28: Board Meeting

MAY – Outreach: ARC of The Shoals

May 12: Mother’s Day

May 19: Pentecost

May 19: Graduate recognition

Prayer Requests


Preston Hillis, brother of Mike, passed away on April 16.

New Prayer Request:

Mary Beechum, sister of Don McCamy has cancer.

Skip Hodges has had covid.

Lili Holland, Claire McCamy’s sister-in-law is having medical problems.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter is in NAMC with Pneumonia.

Fred McClusky, father of Marsha Carter has been in rehabilitation at JW Somner.

Liz Moore is recovering from surgery and doing well.

Mark Miller, son of Myra & John Finch remains in ICU. He now has pneumonia and strep and on a respirator.

Jean Harrison, stepmother of Thomas Harrison is in Hospice care

Continued Prayers: Kay Stegall, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Ann Marie Carney, Forrest Davis, Paul Holloway, Bayleigh Phillips, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Patricia & Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Brian Davis, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Scriptures: Luke 10:25-37

Pastor Matthew Ricks



Let's reach out to the Help Center for our April Outreach. The Help Center fills boxes of food three days a week to serve the homeless and those that need a helping hand. Each family or individual can receive one box of food per month. They have asked us for monetary donations to help cover the costs of the food they provide. Please prayerfully consider this much needed outreach to our community.

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be on Tuesday, April 16 at 11:15. We will eat at Ichiban Hibachi Grill located in the TJ Maxx shopping center. Please let Lynne Davis or Judy Goode know if you will be attending so that a correct count may be given for seating.

Address: 173 South Cox Creek Parkway, Florence

April 14- All Church Birthday Party!!

Come celebrate all of our birthdays together in one place. Sit with friends who have birthdays the same month as you. Light lunch and dessert will be served!! This was so much fun last year! Hope to see you there!

Dare to Care

Dare to Care will meet on April 14, following the All-Church Birthday Party.

Soup Kitchen, March 30, 2024


If you have a child or grandchild graduating, or if you are graduating, we want to know. We will be honoring all our graduates in May and do not want to leave ANYONE out!!!

Please email me the following: Graduate name, High school, College tech school, etc. from which they are graduating. If going to college, what school and Major, if known, and what’s next……AND a photo!!

Please do not forget to send me even the “obvious” people I SHOULD know! Sometimes we all forget 😊

Thank you for your help.

NENON Leadout 2024

Coby Futrell - Junior, Florence High School - Ella Coussons & Annie Champagne - Seniors, Florence High School.


April 14: All Church birthday Party after worship.

April 14: Dare to Care will meet following the Church Birthday Party.

April 16: Ladies Luncheon

April 16: Fellowship hall reserved

April 28: Board Meeting

April 11, 18, 25: All Saints Ministry use fellowship hall.

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

The Andy and Sandy series of five books, from Caldecott and Newbery Honoree Tomie dePaola and Emmy Award-winning writer for the Muppets, Jim Lewis, is a set of easy-to-read picture books about friendship. These books are perfect for little ones just learning to read on their own. Andy is introduced in the first book, Andy: That’s My Name. Being proud of his wagon full of letters, young Andy is very upset when the bigger kids take them from him to use for themselves. And when they then take the letters that spell Andy's name, he simply cannot bear it, so he takes a strong stand against them. This introduction to Andy is followed by When Andy Met Sandy. Andy is small, while Sandy is tall. Andy is quiet, while Sandy is LOUD. But when these two seemingly opposite children meet at the playground one day, a beautiful friendship is born! This series by the late Christian-author Tomie dePaola is completed by these three titles: Andy & Sandy’s Anything AdventureAndy & Sandy and the First Snow; and Andy & Sandy and the Big Talent Show.

Prayer Requests

Prayer Update: 

Liz Moore had surgery this week in Huntsville.

Mark Miller, son of Myra & John Finch had emergency surgery on April 7. Mark lives in St. Louis Mo. He has been in ICU and on a ventilator.

Jean Harrison, stepmother of Thomas Harrison is on Hospice care.

Ann Marie Carney, friend of The Henderson and Hendrix families. had a kidney transplant on April 3 and is now home recovering. Forrest Davis, who donated his Kidney for Anne Marie is home recovering.

Blakley, granddaughter of Cameron & Diane Douglas has her tonsils removed.

Patricia Chandler has moved to Spain rehabilitation in Georgia and is doing well.

Continued Prayers: Kay Stegall, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Paul Holloway, Bayleigh Phillips, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

April 4, 2024

Note from Pastor Matt

Well, first, I will not be there this coming Sunday. I am very sorry and will miss seeing each of you. I have a continuing education class that I must do this weekend. I thought I would tell you a little about it and how it might affect you.

A few years ago, I started the Doctor of Ministry program at Lexington Theological Seminary. I really wanted to focus my four years working with Amish spirituality, what mainline Protestants can learn from it, and developing a program to bring Amish spirituality to everyone else. Heck, I could barely find any Amish resources in the school’s library database. Finding primary resources was a nightmare! Even, my advisor and one teacher highly recommended that I do something else because they thought most people would not find it interesting or useful. I was disappointed with my experience there and the failure to undergird my passion for Christian spirituality.

So, I made the decision to become a Spiritual Director. It requires a two-year program of study, practice, and supervision. I don’t get a recognized degree or fancy title like “Dr.” out of it, but I don’t care. I get to learn more about what can help us grow closer to God and I get to actually put that into practice rather than writing a really long document no one other than a doctoral review board would read.

You may be wondering what spiritual direction is. It sounds simple enough. It sounds like being directed spiritually. That is such a poor definition of what it is and what it does. I’ll tell you what Spiritual Direction is not. It is not counseling or therapy. It’s not non-Christian Voodoo. It’s not even Pastoral Care. Spiritual Direction however does share some things in common with all those things (except the Voodoo that is).

So, “What is Spiritual Direction then?” Good question. I’m still trying to come up with a really good answer … especially one that is not fifteen minutes long. Actually, at our class this weekend we are going to have to come up with our “elevator pitch” for Spiritual Direction.

It is an ancient part of Christianity, going all the way back to when the church was being formed largely outside of Jerusalem. It has changed some over the years in the Catholic church. There are some names associated with Spiritual Direction that you may recognize, such as St. Ignatius of Loyola. Since his day, Spiritual Direction went by the wayside especially with the Reformation.

For me, Spiritual Direction is an intentional relationship between two people in which the Director uses various methods to helps the Directee to grow closer to God and discern God’s will in their lives. That is a huge oversimplification, but it’s a start. How about I tell you what a normal meeting between the Director and Directee looks like (typically they will meet once a month or every other week). First, to calm our minds, I invite the Directee to take as much silence as he or she would like and then say, “ok.” This can be time to just breathe or pray. Then, I will pray for our time together. Then I’ll simply say, “What do you bring with you?” In response, you’re free to talk about anything faith related or otherwise. The odd thing you may notice is that I don’t say much. I don’t tell you my thoughts on what you’re saying (although I may really want too sometimes!!). What you will see is that I listen deeply to you. I’m looking in everything you say for where God is and where God is leading us. As my teacher says, I’m looking for the shimmer. When you have finished talking, I won’t give you opinions, directions, or anything else. Instead, I will simply ask a carefully crafted question. You will answer it and then I will ask another carefully crafted question. The cycle repeats again and again as we seek God through this process. At the end of our session (usually about 50 minutes), I’ll bring us to a point of wrapping up. Then, I will take the remaining time we have to teach you a new spiritual discipline or habit. Or we might redo one of your favorites from the past.

In my business, people must pay for this. You all get it for FREE! If you have any questions or interest in doing this, please let me know. We can definitely do it over Zoom.

~Pastor Matt April 3, 2024

Sunday, April 7, 2024 - Special Music Service

Scriptures: John 20:30-31, Acts 1:1-5, Acts 1:6-11

April 14- All Church Birthday Party!!

This Sunday there will be someone in the entryway for you to sign up to attend the All-Church Birthday Party. There is also a place for those who would like to decorate a table and for those who would like to be the dessert provider for a table. This was so much fun last year. Please be sure to sign-up to attend!!

Dinner with Pastor Matt

Want to get to know Pastor Matt? Learn a little more about him and his family? Let him get to know you and learn about your family?

Let’s have dinner with him!!! Pastor Matt comes into Florence on Saturday and would love to have dinner with you around 4:30-5:00 on one of those Saturdays. If you would like to grab a bite and spend some time introducing yourself and telling him a little about your favorite areas of Florence so he gets to know the area, set a time to go eat! A sign-up Sheet is on the bulletin board. Let’s have dinner with Pastor Matt!!


If you have a child or grandchild graduating, or if you are graduating, we want to know. We will be honoring all our graduates in May and do not want to leave ANYONE out!!!

Please email me the following: Graduate name, High school, College tech school, etc. from which they are graduating. If going to college, what school and Major, if known, and what’s next……AND a photo!!

Please do not forget to send me even the “obvious” people I SHOULD know! Sometimes we all forget 😊

Thank you for your help


April 8-11: Set up for All Church birthday.

April 14: All Church birthday Party  

after worship. Dare to Care will meet following the Church Birthday Party.

April 16: Ladies Luncheon

April 16: Fellowship hall reserved

April 28: Board Meeting

April 4, 11, 18, 25: All Saints Ministry

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies Luncheon will be on Tuesday, April 16 at 11:15. We will eat at Ichiban Hibachi Grill located in the TJ Maxx shopping center. Please let Lynne Davis or Judy Goode know if you will be attending so that a correct count may be given for seating.

Address: 173 South Cox Creek Parkway, Florence


Let's reach out to the Help Center for our April Outreach. The Help Center fills boxes of food three days a week to serve the homeless and those that need a helping hand. Each family or individual can receive one box of food per month. They have asked us for monetary donations to help cover the costs of the food they provide. Please prayerfully consider this much needed outreach to our community.

Dare to Care

Dare to Care will meet on April 14, following the All-Church Birthday Party.

Prayer Requests

Prayer Update: 

Patricia Chandler has moved to Spain rehabilitation in Georgia.

New Prayer Requests:

Ann Marie Carney, friend of The Henderson and Hendrix families. had a kidney transplant on Wednesday.

Forrest Davis, who donated his Kidney for Anne Marie.

Continued Prayers: Kay Stegall, Lee Todd, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Paul Holloway, 

Bayleigh Phillips, Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

“Before Easter: Beating.”

John 19:1-16

Pastor Matthew Ricks

M. H. Harper Library - Thomas Harrison

With much appreciation to my Memphis friend, Anne Kelly, for her kind donation of a bookcase, now all of our DVDs are consolidated in one location. This pictured case is located just to the left upon entering the annex off the main library room. You ask, "What types of DVDs are there?"  I thought you would never ask! Well, there are classics such as The Robe (1953); Fiddler on the Roof (1971); Barabbas (1961); and It's a Wonderful Life (1946). There are more-recent beautiful films like The Book Thief (2013); The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008); and The Five People You Meet in Heaven (2004). A few great television series are also among the items available: Christy (1994); Love Comes Softly (2004-2011); and When Calls the Heart (2014-2023). There are especially many children's DVDs: character-building programs from Veggie Tales and Biblical stories about Moses, Noah, Ruth, Jesus, and Paul. So, make your choices, dust off your DVD players, and pop some popcorn.



Outreach: Safeplace

March 28: Maundy Thursday Service 7 p.m.

March 30: Easter Egg Hunt: 2-4 pm. Please invite your family and friends. **We need candy to fill the Easter eggs. Please no hard candy.

March 30: Soup Kitchen Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

March 31: Easter Sunday–Biscuits will be served during the Sunday School Hour.


Outreach: Help Center

April 1: Office closed in observance of Easter

April 8-11: Set up tables for All Church birthday.

April 14: All Church birthday Party following worship.

April 16: Fellowship hall reserved-Tonitia Butler

April 28: Board Meeting

April 4, 11, 18, 25: All Saints Ministry will use either inside or outside area for lunch hour.

March 31 - EASTER!

We will provide biscuits for breakfast in the fellowship hall during the Sunday school hour on Easter morning. Remember to come by and have a biscuit before our Easter Service. (There will be sausage biscuits, bacon biscuits and plain biscuits and jelly.)

March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt

for our little ones, grands, and community friends.

2-4 pm at FCC, Florence.

We need your help with Easter Candy for the Egg Hunt the church is having on March 30. Please drop off bags of individually wrapped candy in the fellowship hall by March 28. Please NO HARD Candy. Thank you!!



Let us reach out to Safe Place and help domestic violence victims and their children. Domestic violence victims turn to Safe Place when they know they must leave an unpleasant situation.


Safeplace is asking for:

snack foods, paper towels

toilet tissue, Kleenex

dish washing detergent

disinfectant wipes, shampoo

conditioner, deodorant

ladies' hygiene products

wipes, razors

light bulbs, bug spray

sheets (twin or full)

small tote bags


diapers (sizes 4,5,6)

and pull-ups

As always, you may make a monetary donation and place in the offering plate. Please mark “for” Safeplace.

April 14-

All Church Birthday Party!!

A sign-up sheet will be located on the bulletin board to decorate a table.

This was so much fun last year.

Be sure to come!!

Prayer Requests

Paul Holloway, friend of Ruth & Donnie Haynes is dealing with cancer and other health issues.

Continued Prayers:

Kay Stegall, Lee Todd, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.


Friends and Family of First Christian: Dr. Ricky Irons, Alex Nelson, Peggy & David Goodlet, Patricia Chandler, James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis,  Jimmy Harlan, Regina Kennamore, Jeanette Wilkinson, Jerry Don Chandler, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Sunday, March 17, 2024

Before Easter: Beating.”

John 19:1-16

Pastor Matthew Ricks


Let us reach out to Safe Place and help domestic violence victims and their children. Domestic violence victims turn to Safe Place when they know they must leave an unpleasant situation.


Safeplace is asking for:

snack foods, paper towels

toilet tissue, Kleenex

dish washing detergent

disinfectant wipes, shampoo

conditioner, deodorant

ladies' hygiene products

wipes, razors

light bulbs, bug spray

sheets (twin or full)

small tote bags


diapers (sizes 4,5,6)


As always, you may make a monetary donation and place in the offering plate. Please mark “for” Safeplace

Easter Flowers

This year for Easter, instead of Calla Lillys, we will have Hydrangeas. The cost will be $32 each, orders will need to be in the church office by March 17 to place our order with the Florist. Please be sure to put Hydrangeas on your check when paying.

**These will be beautiful, planted in your yard following Easter! Order forms are beside the bulletins, outside the pastor’s office.

Ladies Luncheon

 Tuesday March 19 - 11:15 at Romas Italian restaurant in Sheffield. They are next to Stanfield’s (in the old Outback building). Please let Lynne Davis know if you will be attending so seating may be reserved.


March Outreach: Safeplace

3-17-24: All Church & All Saints Pot-Luck Luncheon.

3-17-24: Hydrangea Orders due in church office

3-19-24: Ladies luncheon, -11:15 @ Romas Italian restaurant, Sheffield

                 (next to Stanfield’s in old Outback building)

3-24-24: Palm Sunday

3-28-24: Maundy Thursday service – 7 p.m.

3-29-24: Good Friday

3-30-24: Easter Egg Hunt: 2-4 pm.

3-30-24: Soup Kitchen

3-31-24: Easter Sunday 


4-1-24: Office closed in observance of Easter Holiday.

4-14-24: All Church Birthday Party

4-16-24: Fellowship Hall Reserved – Tonitia Butler

4-28-24: Board Meeting


Sunday, March 17 - All Saints Camus Group will be joining FCC for church service and a Church wide potluck lunch.

Remember to bring the dish you signed up for. Let’s welcome these UNA students to our church.

March 31 - EASTER!

We will provide biscuits for breakfast in the fellowship hall during the Sunday school hour on Easter morning. Remember to come by and have a biscuit before our Easter Service.

(There will be sausage biscuits, bacon biscuits and plain biscuits and jelly.)

March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt

for our little ones,

grands, and community friends.

2-4 pm at FCC


We need your help with Easter Candy for the Egg Hunt the church is having on March 30. Please drop off bags of individually wrapped candy in the fellowship hall by March 28. Please NO HARD Candy. Thank you!!

April 14- All Church Birthday Party!!

A sign-up sheet will be located on the bulletin board to decorate a table.

This was so much fun last year. Be sure to come!!

Florence Camerata

Florence Camerata has a concert on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m.


First Presbyterian Church, Florence

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Request:

Trace Hendrix, husband of Tammy, had surgery on March 12.  

Patricia Chandler is in NAMC following a stroke and heart attack.

Peggy & David Goodlet, friends of George Pinkston. David is dealing with dementia.

Alex Nelson, friend of Robert & Barbara Crittenden, is in treatment at Vanderbilt for cancer

Dr. Ricky Irons, friend of Robert & Barbara Crittenden, is in treatment at UAB.


Continued Prayers: Kay Stegall, Garry Watson, Lee Todd, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: James & Glenda Foster, Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Jeanette Wilkinson, Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

March 6, 2024

Sunday, March 10, 2024

“Before Easter: Trial”

John 18:28-40

Pastor Matthew Ricks



Let us reach out to Safe Place and help domestic violence victims and their children. Domestic violence victims turn to Safe Place when they know they must leave an unpleasant situation.

Safeplace is asking for:

snack foods, paper towels

toilet tissue, Kleenex

dish washing detergent

disinfectant wipes, shampoo

conditioner, deodorant

ladies' hygiene products

wipes, razors

light bulbs, bug spray

sheets (twin or full)

small tote bags


diapers (sizes 4,5,6)


As always, you may make a monetary donation and place in the offering plate. Please mark “for” Safeplace

Charlie & Marilyn Highfield Update

Jennifer Highfield updated her Facebook page regarding Charlie and Marilyn, and I thought I would share for those of you who have wondered how they are.

Charlie is now settled at Morning Pointe of Danville Assisted Living. He is doing well and loves the company and activities. Marilyn is going to be moving in with Jennifer sometime in the next couple of months. Jennifer says they will be roomies like Dorothy & Sophia on the Golden Girls!!

Daylight Savings Time

Reminder: Spring Forward ONE hour! Adjust your clocks before you go to bed on Saturday night, March 9.

Ladies Luncheon

 Tuesday March 19 - 11:15 at Romas Italian restaurant in Sheffield. They are next to Stanfield’s (in the old Outback building). Please let Lynne Davis know if you will be attending so seating may be reserved.

Easter Flowers

This year for Easter, instead of Calla Lillys, we will have Hydrangeas. The cost will be $32 each, orders will need to be in the church office by March 17 to place our order with the Florist. Please be sure to put Hydrangeas on your check when paying.

**These will be beautiful, planted in your yard following Easter!

Order forms are beside the bulletins,

outside the pastor’s office.

Board Meeting

There will be a called Board meeting this Sunday, March 10, in the Library, following worship.


March Outreach: Safeplace

3-9-24: Daylight Savings time: Spring Forward one hour before bed!

3-10-24 Called Board Meeting in Library, following worship.

3-17-24: All Church & All Saints Pot-Luck Luncheon.

3-17-24: Hydrangea Orders due in church office

3-19-24: Ladies luncheon, -11:15 @ Romas Italian restaurant, Sheffield

                 (next to Stanfield’s in old Outback building)

3-24-24: Palm Sunday

3-28-24: Maundy Thursday service – 7 p.m.

3-29-24: Good Friday

3-30-24: Easter Egg Hunt: 2-4 pm.

3-30-24: Soup Kitchen

3-31-24: Easter Sunday 


4-1-24: Office closed in observance of Easter Holiday.

4-14-24: All Church Birthday Party

4-16-24: Fellowship Hall Reserved – Tonitia Butler

4-28-24: Board Meeting


February 29, 2024

Dear Friends,

The Noles’ family wishes to express our gratitude for all the kindness and prayers you have offered during our Mother’s recent illness and passing. The flowers were beautiful and your presence most appreciated.

Thank you, The Noles


Dear First Christian Church,

Safeplace would like to thank you so much for your continuing support and help of the families served. Your donations are greatly appreciated and are essential in helping meet current needs.

While needs are great and growing Safeplace provides the services that empower survivors and their children to live in peace. Without you none of this would be possible. Thank You

Sincerely, Safeplace


Our sympathy is extended to Lane May on the

passing of Shelia, on February 29. Services were

held at Greenview Funeral Home on March 4,

with burial in Greenview Cemetery. Please

remember Lane as well as Shelia’s sister,

Mary Collier, and family. Shelia leaves behind

two children, Chris Willis and Lisa Cobb and their families.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who has been saving medicine bottles for the local clinic. They have been delivered and are very appreciative of all we are doing to help. The collection bin remains in the fellowship hall.

Prayer Requests

New Prayer Request:

Family of June Warren, friend of Thomas Harrison, who passed away Sunday.

Trace Hendrix, husband of Tammy, will have knee replacement surgery on March 12.


Continued Prayers: Kay Stegall, Garry Watson, Lee Todd, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Lucia Hill, Tia Davis, Regina Kennamore, Jeanette Wilkinson, Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

February 28, 2024

Pastor Matt’s Notes:

As I understand, some of your previous pastors have written weekly notes to you here. There will be times when I do the same and there will be some weeks when I encourage one of the committee chairs or a leader from the church to write something. Sometimes, this will be a place of encouragement. At other times it will be a place to educate you about your faith and how it intersects with the world. I think it would be wonderful to occasionally shine the spotlight on one of our members and get to know them. At other times, this will be a place to maybe pull out a scripture that has been meaningful to me and share it with you. There will be weeks when I will share a little about myself or tell you something that I think is important for our church. In other words, there are all kinds of things that we can do with this space.

This week, I want to tell you some things about myself and some things that are important to us being the church that Christ intended it to be. I’m sure that I will be sharing more in the future as we get to know one another. I like to use bullet points as that helps us move clearly from one thing to the next. So, here we go.

·         I’ll get this out there straight away. I don’t wear suits unless I’m going to a wedding or funeral. Even then sometimes, I will be wearing a robe and stole. I have two suits: a black one and a blue one that just barely fit. I’m a simple person and a suit negates that for me.

·         Once I do get to living in Florence full-time, I will usually work from home or a coffee shop on Monday when I write my sermon and do all my other preparations for the rest of the week and Sunday. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days to take care of administrative tasks, visit with people, and study. Those two days are the days when I will spend some time in the office. However, I want to emphasize that Jesus didn’t have an office. His office was out with the people of the world … I try to follow that model as well. Friday, I go over my sermon many times and fix things that aren’t working. Then, I record it for a podcast I have. I am off on Wednesday and part of Saturday. Generally, I turn the ringer off on my phone for a few hours in the evening. But I do check it for anything urgent.

·         If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of how I do my job, please come and talk to me. Going to someone or talking about it with others in the parking lot won’t do us any good. Even worse, it will make us an unhealthy church. We should kindly just go talk to one another. Triangulating is one of the worst things that can happen to a church. It creates distrust, it fosters miscommunication and misunderstanding, it puts up barriers between people who are supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ, and it becomes wildly tempting to gossip and verbally tear people down. As I have told one of the leaders I don’t listen to anonymous complaints or complains from “people.” If I am told that “people” don’t like something I can’t go talk to them to better understand what’s going on because I have no idea who they are. Even worse I don’t know if this is two people or seventy-six. That greatly affects how things are handled. When Judas betrayed Jesus, Jesus did not go around talking about it to everyone else. He went straight to Judas and received the holy kiss at his arrest. That is a completely different way of dealing with personal differences!

·         As I have told you, I really want to get to know all of you. So, feel free to have lunch or whatever with me. As my old friend Joe used to say, “I eat lunch every day.” That was his way of saying I was welcome with him anytime. The same absolutely goes for you.

·         I’ll give you one random fact that you’ll learn about me sooner or later: I must have my fingernails trimmed and polished every Friday or I am convinced the sermon isn’t going to go well. I am so picky about my fingernail files that the one I have was made in Germany. To top that, I bought an extra one in case they ever stopped selling them. We are all a little weird. Even me.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

In the novel The Apothecary's Daughter by Julie Klassen, Lilly Haswell is the brilliant daughter of the local apothecary. She has an exceptional memory that she applies when working

for her father. In spite of her success as his assistant, since women cannot practice as an apothecary in 19th-century England, Lilly yearns for more adventure and experience than

her life in their small village can supply. Lilly also longs to know the truth behind her mother's disappearance following the birth of Lilly's 

disabled brother, an event which villagers

whisper about, but her father refuses to discuss. The opportunity for a different life comes when her aunt and uncle in London offer to educate her as a lady. Having been exposed to fashionable society and romance, as well as gaining some clues about her mother, Lilly is torn when she is summoned back to her ailing father's bedside. In order to save the family legacy, Lilly will have to make it appear as if her father is still making all the diagnoses and decisions. She finds that the eyes of a competing

apothecary, as well as those of a suspicious scholarly physician, are upon her. At the same time, Lilly finds three men vying for her heart, one of whom has followed her from London. “The Apothecary’s Daughter is another stunning read from Julie Klassen." Christian Review of Books.




Let's reach out to Safe Place and help domestic violence victims and their children. Domestic violence victims turn to Safe Place when they know they must leave a bad situation.

Safeplace is asking for:

snack foods, paper towels, toilet tissue, Kleenex, dish washing detergent, disinfectant wipes

shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, ladies' hygiene products, wipes, razors, light bulbs

bug spray, sheets (twin or full), small tote bags, journals, diapers (sizes 4,5,6), pull-ups

As always, you may make a monetary donation and place in the offering plate. Please mark “for” Safeplace

Thank You

Dear First Christian Church,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming generosity you've shown us through the numerous cards, very touching written thoughts, cash gifts, and gift cards. Your kindness has truly touched us, and I am incredibly humbled by your gestures. Opening each card and reading your thoughtful messages brought me immense joy and comfort. Yes, I’ll miss being with you. Your words of encouragement and support have been a source of strength for us, and I am deeply thankful for the time and effort you put into expressing your care and love. I am grateful beyond words for your kindness. Know that your thoughtfulness has not gone unnoticed, and we are truly blessed to have each of you in our life. I will forever cherish the love you've shown us. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible generosity. We are forever grateful for your kindness. With deepest appreciation and warmest regards,  Cameron and Diane


Our sympathy is extended to Jim & Jackie Noles and the entire Noles family on the passing of Jim’s mother, Grace Noles. Services were held on February 27 at Greenview in Florence, with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Noles was 106.

FCC Spring Activities


FCC Spring Activities 〰️

Spring Forward into a round of activities for First Christian Church!

  • March 17 - All Saints Campus Group will be joining FCC for church service and a Church wide potluck lunch.  Look for signup sheets on what dish to bring!

  • March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt for our little ones, grands, and community friends.  2-4 pm at FCC Florence.  More details coming soon!

  • March 31 - EASTER!

  •  April - All Church Birthday Party!!                                                                                                                                      

  •  May – Mother’s Day and celebrating our Graduates 

More details  on all FCC Activities coming soon (We don’t want to overwhelm you)! March blessings from The Activities Committee

Pot-Luck lunch ~ Easter Egg Hunt ~ All Church Birthday ~Mother's Day - Graduation!


Pot-Luck lunch ~ Easter Egg Hunt ~ All Church Birthday ~Mother's Day - Graduation! 〰️

Easter Flowers

This year for Easter, instead of Calla Lillys, we will have Hydrangeas. The cost will be $32 each, orders will need to be in the church office by March 17 to place our order with the Florist. Please be sure to put Hydrangeas on your check when paying.

**These will be beautiful, planted in your yard following Easter!

Order forms are beside the bulletins, outside the pastor’s office.

Prayer Requests 

Kay Stegall is dealing with a recurring medical problem and will be having some decisions to make in the near future. She asks for your


William Ebrom & Family (brother of Jessica Johnson) lost a baby this past week.

Tammy & Trace Hendrix have both had covid.

Taylor, Sam & Wallace Henderson have all had covid.

Regina Kennamore, sister of Chris Thomas, had heart surgery this past week at UAB. She is home recovering.

Shelia May is in long-term care at home. Please keep her and Lane and the family in your prayers.

Tia Davis’s bone marrow transplant went well.

Garry Watson had a spine injection to relieve pain.

Lucia Hill, friend of Gloria Jones, had brain surgery to place a shunt.

Suzanne Morris will be having a back injection for pain.

Aria Todd is having digestion issues. Prayers for Insurance coverage and new medicines that will help.

Aaron Michael is in Florence Rehab.

Continued Prayers: Robert Crittenden, Lee Todd, Grace Noles, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Jeanette Wilkinson, Jerry Don Chandler, Jimmy Harlan, Jeremy Jennings, James Meredith, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Tia Davis, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

February 7, 2024

Pastor Cameron’s Corner

Dear Members of First Christian Church,

I wish to express my deep gratitude for the privilege of serving as your interim minister for the past two and a half years (31 months). It has been an honor and a joy to work with such a dedicated and welcoming congregation. I have been blessed by the relationships I have formed with so many of you, and I will cherish those memories always.

During my time here, I have seen the church thrive in new and exciting ways. I have watched as the congregation has come together to support one another in times of need, and I have been inspired by your commitment to serving the community.

As I prepare to leave, I want to assure you that I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition for the church. I will work closely with the leadership to ensure that all necessary information is passed on to my successor and that the church continues to move forward with strength and purpose.

Once again, I want to thank you for the privilege of serving as your interim minister. I will always cherish the memories of our time together, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Rev. Dr. Cameron Douglas

 Date to Remember

February 11: Reception for Cameron & Diane Douglas, following worship.

February 11: Dare to Care will meet immediately following the reception.

February 13: Ladies Luncheon

@ Ricks BBQ, Cox Creek.

February 14: Ash Wednesday Service – 5:30

February 18: Week of Compassion offering

February 19: Presidents Day: Office Closed


Cane Creek Cliff Dwellers Performing

The Cane Creek Cliff Dwellers, including several of our church members, will be performing for the Florence Music Study Club, this Saturday, February 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church Chapel on Tombigbee Street. The program will include a collection of old and new songs and the historical origins of each piece. The performance will last about an hour and is sponsored by a longtime group of music lovers in our community.

Hope to see you then.

Rose Faye, Kaye, and Terry

Office Hours

February 12-15

Tammy will be on vacation the week of February 12-16.

Cameron will be in the office on February 13 & 14 if you have a need. If you need anything on the other days, please be sure to contact your Elder.

Tammy will be back in the office on Tuesday, February 20.

February Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

 Let us work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation: outreach You may place it in the offering tray or box on the wall by the pastor’s office.

In memory of Sidney Carson & her fight against depression, addiction & physical abuse. Sidney’s Safe Foundation helps those in need. "Sidney's Safe!" Foundation ensures that children are fed each week in the Shoals area by distributing bags of food to schools, which are then discretely put in backpacks of students each Friday who need meals over the weekend. ​Sidney’s Safe does this and so much more to make an impact in the Shoals community. SSF is run by Sidney’s sister, Sarah Jennifer Carson.


 The membership committee wants to provide this update regarding the reception in the fellowship hall for Cameron and Diane Douglas on February 11th immediately following worship.

We have all the food taken care of on the sign-up sheet and wanted to thank all of you for volunteering. Please come and enjoy this time of showing our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to Cameron and Diane for everything they have done for our church during his time here as our interim pastor.

A card or note basket will be available in the foyer for the next two Sundays for those who would like to participate. We will be giving them to Cameron and Diane on the 11th!

 Thanks so much and we look forward to our time together! The Membership and Activities committees.

Thank You

Thank you to Leon Nale, Bill Davis, Joe Miller, and Scott Jackson for all your hard work scraping and painting in the sanctuary. We appreciate your service and love to our church and for keeping our Sanctuary beautiful!

I love the colors from the stained-glass windows when the sun shines through early in the mornings!


This year for Easter, instead of Calla Lillys, we will have Hydrangeas. The cost will be $32 each and orders will need to be in the church office by March 17. This is to have time to get them ordered from the florist. Order forms will be on the podium on Sundays. Please be sure to put Hydrangeas on your check when paying.

**These will be beautiful planted in your yard following Easter!

Prayer Requests 

Robert Crittenden had hernia repair surgery.

Jeanette Wilkinson, friend of Claire McCamy.

Jerry Don Chandler has started chemo.

Jimmy Harlan, father of Tracy Futrell has moved to rehab.

Grace Simpson had a second cataract surgery on February 6.

Jeremy Jennings, son-in-law of Tammy Hendrix had skin graft surgery last week.

Continued Prayers: Lee Todd, Grace Noles, Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: James Meredith, Sara Fulford, Reverend Dan Barton, Barbara Sharp, Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Tia Davis, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

January 30, 2024

Date to Remember

February 11: Reception for Cameron & Diane Douglas, following worship.

February 11: Dare to Care will  meet immediately following reception.

February 13: Ladies Luncheon

@ Ricks BBQ, Florence Blvd.

February 14: Ash Wednesday Service – 5:30

February 18: Week of Compassion offering

February 19: Presidents Day: Office

Thank You 

Dear First Christian Church family,

Thank you all so very much for your kindness and thoughtfulness during the recent passing of my stepmother, Mary McClusky. Your calls, texts, beautiful cards, and visits during the service meant the world to my family, but even more so to Bob and me. You have been our home and rock for a long time, and times like these remind us of the very reason, brothers, and sisters like you.

With the Love of Christ, Marsha & Bob Carter

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

The Man of the Desert is a 1914 novel by Grace Livingston Hill (April 16, 1865 - February 23, 1947), an early 20th-century novelist who wrote under both her real name and a pseudonym, Marcia Macdonald. Hill wrote over one hundred novels and numerous short stories. Her main characters were most often young Christian-women or women who became Christians within the passage of the story, which is true of this novel. Fleeing the unwanted attentions of an aggressive suitor, wealthy and beautiful Hazel Radcliffe becomes hopelessly lost in the Arizona desert. Weak and weary, she falls from her horse and is left unconscious. However, Hazel is soon found by John Brownleigh, a handsome missionary from New Hampshire who now lives in the desert in service to Native Americans. As he carefully nurses Hazel back to health, a strong but unfulfilled attraction begins to grow between them. John, humble and of limited means, knows he is not a sophisticate of Hazel's society world, so he does not speak of his burgeoning love. And because Hazel feels very unworthy of John and his selfless work, she likewise remains silent. Thus, they part, returning to their lives without acknowledging the growing love between them. Back home with her New York City family and friends, Hazel makes a startling decision: she will take on the daunting journey of doing all that she can to change and become deserving of John's love and his service to God. However, can Hazel do so before it is too late? Over a 100 years ago, Hill wrote within this novel's introduction, "It must come as a shock for youth of today's generation to realize that in my Mother’s Day a decent girl would never consider going on a trip without a chaperone... It may be more of a shock to find that there were young people who knew what standards of right and wrong meant... They found satisfaction and contentment from (their) personal experience of the meaning of the Cross of Jesus Christ in their lives."

February Outreach

Sidney’s Safe Foundation

 Let us work together and reach out to help SSF provide snacks for hungry children in the Shoals.

We are asking for nonperishable, individually packaged, easy-to-eat food such as: jars of peanut butter, jars of jelly, boxes of saltines, Little Debbies, fruit bars, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti.

Collections bins are in the fellowship hall and in the entryway hall. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make your check out to FCC, and make a notation: outreach You may place it in the offering tray or box on the wall by the pastor’s office.

In memory of Sidney Carson & her fight against depression, addiction & physical abuse. Sidney’s Safe Foundation helps those in need.

"Sidney's Safe!" Foundation ensures that children are fed each week in the Shoals area by distributing bags of food to schools, which are then discretely put in backpacks of students each Friday who need meals over the weekend. ​Sidney’s Safe does this and so much more to make an impact in the Shoals community.

SSF is run by Sidney’s sister, Sarah Jennifer Carson


 The membership committee wants to provide this update regarding the reception in the fellowship hall for Cameron and Diane Douglas on February 11th immediately following worship.

We have all the food taken care of on the sign-up sheet and wanted to thank all of you for volunteering. Please come and enjoy this time of showing our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to Cameron and Diane for everything they have done for our church during his time here as our interim pastor.

A card or note basket will be available in the foyer for the next two Sundays for those who would like to participate. We will be giving them to Cameron and Diane on the 11th!

 Thanks so much and we look forward to our time together! The Membership and Activities committees.

Prayer Requests 

Christopher Thomas and family on the loss of his aunt, Betty Schaefer.

Lee Todd, husband of Anna Todd has been battling with a wound on his toe.

Grace Noles, mother of Bob Noles, fell and is at Summitt Rehab. She is 106.

Sara, daughter of Sid Fulford had to have surgery on her elbow.

Melissa Tash, daughter-in-law of Faye Tash, fell and broke her knee cap.

Reverend Dan Barton, friend of Cameron Douglas, is not recovering well after an infection in his spine.

Family of Helen Greer, friend of Thomas Harrison, who passed away due to cancer.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter, moved to Columbia Cottage 

Jerry Don Chandler has started chemo.

Jimmy Harlan, father of Tracy Futrell has been in the hospital.

James Meredith, son of Carol & Bob Hill is having blood pressure issues.

Grace Simpson had cataract surgery on January 23, she will have the other eye done on February 6.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Charlie & Marilyn Highfield, Scott Miller, Jeremy Jennings, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Tia Davis, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

january 25, 2024

Pastor Cameron’s Corner

Anyone You Recognize?

Fred Everybody, Thomas Somebody, Peter Anybody, and Joe Nobody were neighbors, but not the type that most would want to know. They were odd people, troublesome, and difficult to understand. The way they lived their lives was a shame. These men all went to the same church, but most would not have wanted them as parishioners. 

Everybody went fishing on Sundays or stayed home and spoke with his friends. Anybody wanted to worship, but he was afraid that Somebody would speak with him. Thus, guess who went to church - that's right, Nobody. 

Actually, Nobody was the only decent one of the lot. Nobody did the parish census; Nobody joined the parish council. One day there was a call in the bulletin for people to apply for a position as a teacher in the religious education program. Everybody thought Anybody would apply; Anybody thought Somebody would apply. So, guess who applied? You are right - Nobody! 

My friends, let's not be an everybody, somebody, or anybody. Rather, let us truly strive to be a nobody. In such a way we empty ourselves so we can be filled with the amazing power of Christ, who died to set us free and, thus, will always be our brother, friend, and Lord.

I Hope to See you Sunday, Pastor Cameron


Sunday, January 28, 2024 ~ Reverend Cameron Douglas

Sermon: “The Catch”

Scripture: Mark 1:14-20

Date to Remember

February 11: Luncheon for Cameron & Diane Douglas, following worship.

February 11: Dare to Care – 2 p.m.

February 13: Ladies Luncheon

@ Ricks BBQ, Florence Blvd.

February 14: Ash Wednesday Service – 5:30

February 18: Week of Compassion offering

February 19: Presidents Day: Office Closed


Goodbyes & Farewells are never easy, so instead, we are having a Keep-in-Touch Luncheon for Dianne & Cameron on February 11.

There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer for the next two Sundays. Also, at the table for these two Sundays, there will be a basket to collect all the cards & notes you would like to leave for Diane and Cameron.

Hope to see you there. Membership Committee.

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

In Julie Klassen's The Sisters of Sea View, Sarah, Emily, Viola, and Georgianna Summers find themselves left to care for their ailing mother subsequent to the untimely death of their father. With their circumstance being that they have no brother as an heir, their father's Gloucestershire estate and wealth are transferred to a relatively-unknown male relative. Fortunately, the ladies are left with Sea View, their seaside vacation home in Sidmouth, England, because it had been purchased with money from their maternal side. Determined to stay together, eldest-sibling Sarah convinces the others to open their new home to guests in order to make ends meet and to provide for their mother. However, instead of the elderly invalids they had expected to receive as guests, they find themselves hosting an assortment of wealthy couples, handsome men - including a widower father, and at least one unusual widower and his unusual parakeet. Shy Viola wears a veil to cover her facial scar, and she begs to seek employment reading to the elderly and infirm rather than being exposed to the house guests, which leads to its own delicate circumstance. Julie Klassen is a fan of Jane Austen and this very-well-written novel reflects her love of Austen's English literature.

January Outreach

Healing Place

The Healing Place is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit agency in Muscle Shoals. The Healing Place provides grief education and support services to children from low to moderate income families.  Both group and individual services are provided in 49 local schools by Healing Place staff. Services are also provided in the office and groups are held in the evening for children and their family members. The primary counties served by The Healing Place are Lauderdale, Colbert, and Franklin counties. All services are free of charge to the children and families served by The Healing Place. The agency relies solely on donations, grants, and fundraising events. Currently, The Healing Place does not receive state or federal funding. Please reach out to help support The Healing Place with a monetary donation. You may drop in the mail to the church with The Healing Place in the “for” section.

Bereavement Committee

Volunteers Needed 

We are starting a new list for Bereavement meals. This committee provides a meal when there is a need within our church family. Would you like to prepare a dish or make a donation towards the meal? If so, please put your name and phone number on the list posted on the bulletin board or contact Judy Goode 256-483-1650. If you are currently on the list, please go ahead and add your name as well, so we will have an up-to-date list. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Prayer Requests

Reverend Dan Barton, friend of Cameron Douglas.

Family of Helen Greer, friend of Thomas Harrison, who passed away due to cancer.

Charlie & Marilyn Highfield: Charlie is now in a residential assisted living in KY.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter, will move to Columbia Cottage 

Jerry Don Chandler was diagnosed with cancer and has numerous surgeries and health issues related to his treatment. 

Grace Simpson had cataract surgery on January 23.

James Meredith, son of Carol & Bob Hill is having some health issues.

Jimmy Harlan, father of Tracy Futrell is in NAMC. He has had pneumonia and other issues.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Scott Miller, Jeremy Jennings, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Tia Davis, Jerome Glaister, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Florence, AlaBAMA

january 11, 2024

Pastor Cameron’s Corner

The Courageous Heart: Embracing a Christian Lifestyle


Courage is a virtue deeply intertwined with the essence of a Christian lifestyle. It's not just the absence of fear, but the audacity to act with faith despite it. Throughout history, countless figures exemplified courage, none more profoundly than Jesus Christ.

In the Gospels, Jesus personifies courage in its purest form. His entire earthly journey is a testament to unwavering bravery rooted in love, compassion, and a resolute commitment to God's will. He fearlessly challenged societal norms, confronted injustice, and fearlessly spoke truth to power, regardless of the personal risk.

Jesus' life was marked by countless instances where He exhibited remarkable courage. He fearlessly faced temptations in the wilderness, demonstrating the strength to resist worldly allure. He confronted religious hypocrisy, overturning tables in the temple to uphold the sanctity of worship. Jesus boldly stood by the marginalized, offering healing and hope to the sick, oppressed, and outcast, despite societal scorn.

However, the pinnacle of Jesus' courage was His sacrifice on the cross. In Gethsemane, He grappled with the weight of the impending crucifixion, pleading with God in prayer. Yet, His unwavering courage stemmed from obedience and love for humanity. He willingly endured immense suffering, epitomizing selflessness, and surrendering to God's plan for redemption.

Courage in a Christian lifestyle involves speaking truth with compassion, even when it's unpopular, extending forgiveness in the face of hurt, and walking in faith when the path is uncertain. It's about being bold in demonstrating God's love through actions, even amid adversity.

When fear tempts to paralyze, Jesus' example stands as a beacon of hope and strength. He assured His disciples, saying, "Take courage; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). This promise echoes through generations, empowering Christians to navigate life's challenges with steadfastness and unwavering trust in God's sovereignty.

See you Sunday, Pastor Cameron


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sermon: “Close Encounter of Another Kind”

Scripture: John 1: 43-51

Reverend Cameron Douglas

M. H. Harper Library

Thomas Harrison

The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent is a novel about prejudice that demonstrates how gossip, fear, and misplaced self-righteousness can escalate into massive persecution and horror. Notably, author Kent is a direct descendant of the real-life Martha Carrier, who is central to this historical-fiction novel.  In Salem4, 1752, Sarah Carrier Chapman, who is weak with infirmity, writes a letter to her granddaughter that reveals the secret she has closely guarded for six decades: how she survived the Salem Witch Trials when her mother, Martha Carrier, did not. Martha Carrier's story is one of courageous defiance and ultimate sacrifice for family, which begins herein more than a year before the trials, as the Carrier family arrives in the Andover community, which is already gripped by superstition and fear. Innocent and unfortunate circumstances are misperceived by the community and soon Martha becomes witness to neighbor becoming pitted against neighbor and friend against friend. The Christian community shuns the family, becoming swept into hysteria and judgment based on speculation and prejudice. As circumstances escalate, more than two hundred men, women, and children are ultimately imprisoned. When Martha is arrested, she attempts to protect her children by asking them to commit an act of heresy... to lie about their mother's true beliefs and actions. A "heart-wrenching story of family love and sacrifice" (USA Today). The New York Times review praised the book as a tale in which “tragedy is trumped by an unsinkable faith in human nature.” 


Thank you so much for your recent donation to meals on wheels! Our seniors appreciate your continued love and compassion. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without donations like yours! 

With Much Gratitude, Meals on Wheels - Community Action of NWAL



We appreciate the support of First Christian Church in the work that we do. You support helps provide a centralized, collaborative, community effort that provides victims of domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, child abuse, and elder abuse with necessary services under one roof and ensures the safety of victims and offender accountability.

We appreciate and thank you for your donation to One Place of the Shoals.

Donna Beck, Executive Director


January 14: Board meeting following worship

January 14: Dare to Care - 2 p.m.

January 16: Ladies Luncheon 11:15 @ Ricks BBQ.

Ladies Luncheon

Our next Ladies luncheon will be on Tuesday, January 16 at 11:15.

We will meet at Ricks BBQ on Cox Creek in Florence. Please contact either Lynne Davis or Judy Goode if you will be attending so they will prepare for enough seating.

Bereavement Committee

Volunteers Needed

We are starting a new list for Bereavement meals. This committee provides a meal when there is a need within our church family. Would you like to prepare a dish or make a donation towards the meal? If so, please put your name and phone number on the list posted on the bulletin board or contact Judy Goode 256-483-1650. If you are currently on the list, please go ahead and add your name as well, so we will have an up-to-date list. Your  help is greatly appreciated.

Prayer Requests

Charlie & Marilyn Highfield: Charlie is now in a residential assisted living in KY.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter, has moved to Mitchell Hollingsworth rehabilitation.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Scott Miller, (son of Myra & John Finch), Grace Reidel, Jeremy Jennings, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Tia Davis, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.

Weather calls for the chance of some snow next week. Nothing like we got the last time we had a good amount. Thought you would like to see this photo taken a few years ago, of our beautiful church in the quiet of the night with the snow! I am sorry, I do not remember who took this to give them credit. But, thanks!!

January 3, 2024

Pastor Cameron’s Corner

Year One

We have a tendency to fall in love with anything new. I like new technology. I’m not really a geek. I just like new devices and the newness of what they can now do. It is sort of like out with the old and in with the new. For example, I get a new Apple iPhone, iWatch, iPad, Mac computer as often as I can afford it (which is BTW NOT annually). I don’t know why I like it; I just do. 

We all like just about anything new — and that includes a new year. 

I understand that the Japanese have an interesting way of keeping track of the passage of time. The traditional Japanese calendar is based on the reign period of the emperor. Each time a different emperor begins to rule, a new counting of the years begins, and the period acquires a new name. The calendar starts all over again at "Year One."  For example, in this new year 2024, in Japan it is Reiwa 6. It’s interesting the Bible reckons time in a similar way, as in Matthew 2:1 (NIV) “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem.” 

For our Western world time is reckoned by the coming of Jesus Christ who signaled a break with the past — darkness became light, despair became hope, condemnation became grace. As William Barclay puts it, "Even the calendar tells us that with the birth of Jesus Christ history started all over again." So, this is not "year one" or even "year one hundred." Rather it is year two thousand twenty-four of our Lord. 

And yet there is a sense in which because Christ has come into the world, this year is potentially "year one" for each of us. Year one of a new life. Year one of a new beginning. Year one of a new creation. A new year offers a promise of starting all over again. That's a word of hope. 

It’s a new year, See you Sunday,

Pastor Cameron


Sunday, January 7, 2024 ~ Epiphany Sunday

Sermon: “From Chaos to Creativity”

Scripture: Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31

Reverend Cameron Douglas


Jan 7:  Congregational vote on board officers today following worship.

Jan 7: Decorations will be taken down today following worship. Everyone is invited to help.  

January 14: Board meeting following worship

January 14: Dare to Care - 2 p.m.

January 16: Ladies Luncheon 11:15 @ Ricks BBQ on Cox Creek, Florence.

Soup Kitchen

This past Saturday we served 98 plates for take-out and a served meal at First Presbyterian Church.  We had prepared food for over 120 people therefore, about one third of it was left.
As many of you know, there was a fire at Courtview Towers this past Friday. Over 200 residents have been displaced. The Red Cross has a shelter set up at the Mane Room on Pine Street. After consulting, the FCC Soup Kitchen volunteers, which included 3 elders, we delivered the remainder of the food to the shelter at the Mane Room. It was greatly received, and they expressed their gratitude as many of the displaced residents helped us unload.  This donation of food and paper products. We also, took a number of items First Presbyterian Church sent with us. Thanks
to all your generosity and care for your community, First Christian Church has impacted many in need during the end of this Christmas season.  Please be in prayer for this Outreach Ministry as we continue  to do His work in our community.
Rose McGee

First Christian Church

Nominees for 2024

Trustee - Term ends Dec 31. 2026

Tom Lard

Garry Watson

Elders - Term ends Dec 31, 2026

Bob Hill

Connie Lard

John Sutherland

Deryll Banning

Committee Chairs

Term ends Dec 31, 2024

Activities Coordinator - Marsha Carter

Christian Education - Patsy Blasingame

Children And Youth - Laura Aldridge

Community and World Outreach - Carol Hill

Diaconate - Bob Carter

Membership - Suzanne Morris

Personnel - Rose McGee

Property - Leon Nale

Property - Bill Davis

Stewardship - Deryll Banning

Worship - James McCorkle

Treasurer - Tracy Futrell

Bereavement - Judy Goode

Safety and Security - Bob Hill

Board Secretary - Carol Hill

Diaconate -Term ends Dec 31, 2026

Terry McGee

Tracy Johnson

Jessica Johnson

Scott Jackson

Susan Jackson

Bill Davis

Lynne Davis

Love Offering

Scott Miller, son of Myra & John Finch, lost his home and all his belongings to a house fire the week of Dec 11. If you would like to contribute to the love offering for Scott, be sure to note as “Love offering” on the envelope or check.  All donations should be at the church office by January 5.

Thank You

Thank you so much for the donation to the ARC. We will use it for the good of those we support. May God Bless you.

Mike, ARC of the Shoals


Congratulations to Mary Lindsay & David Berrens on the birth of their son, John David. John David

was born on December 19 and weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. John David is the grandson of Amy & Scott Lovelace.

Prayer Requests

Scott Miller, son of Myra & John Finch, lost his home and all his belongings to a house fire the week of Dec 11. If you would like to contribute to the love offering for Scott, be sure to note as “Love offering” on the envelope or check.  All donations should be at the church office by January 5.

Charlie & Marilyn Highfield: Charlie is now in a residential assisted living in KY.

Barbara Sharp, mother of Marsha Carter, is in NAMC, but will be moving to rehabilitation.

Amy Lovelace will be having another heart procedure on Jan. 8, at UAB.

Continued Prayers: Bobby Moore, Louise Tanner, Scott Dawsey, Aaron Michael, Katrina Kelley, Bill Coussons, George Pinkston, June Helton, Aria Todd.

Friends and Family of First Christian: Johnny Faulkner, Grace Reidel, Jeremy Jennings, Brian Davis, Jean Harrison, S.J. Cates, Rev. Dan Barton, David Hessong, Dr. Scott Benefield, Carl White, Burt Helton, Tia Davis, Jerry Trousdale, Paige Hines, Kathy Vandiver, Audrey Hubbard, James Smith, Jerome Glaister, Janet Tanner, and Ragan Morris.


Mary McCluskey, stepmother of Marsha Carter, passed away on January 2. Please keep Marsha’s father, Marsha, and the entire family in your prayers.


Guess who started Pre-school! Wallace has started pre-school part time at Kings Kids while Taylor is working.