Congratulations to Jill Englett on being inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society today. Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest all-discipline honor society with the motto "Let the love of learning rule humanity.”
Congratulations to Jill Englett on being inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society today. Phi Kappa Phi is the oldest all-discipline honor society with the motto "Let the love of learning rule humanity.”
Deryll Banning completed his 3rd degree Black Belt testing. Congratulations
Larry Bates is the recipient of the Eleanor Gaunder Teaching Award, sponsored by the UNA Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, an academic honor society. The award is named after Gaunder, a professor of English at UNA, recognized for her outstanding teaching. Bates, who received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Auburn University, is in his 19th year at UNA. He served two terms on the Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology, which oversees all psychology licensees in the state. Bates was honored during a ceremony in the Guillot University Center.
Congratulations to the new Alabama State Parks Foundation and its new Board President Dan Hendricks!!!! The photo is of Dan and his wife Barb.
Regional Assembly
New officers for the AL/NW FL and Meridian, MS Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Jim was elected second vice-moderator for the region.
September 20, 2017
What a joyful and wonderful weekend we have enjoyed! Your centennial committee has been blessed to serve you, and we leave you with these thoughts to ponder. For 100 years this church has met and worshipped, witnessing in many ways to the Lordship of Christ here in Florence, Alabama --reaching out in widening circles of service in our town, our region, our nation, and to the uttermost parts of the world. We have worked together, rejoiced together, wept together, loved one another and sometimes agreed to disagree. But we have always been God’s people.
Like a tree nurtured by earth and water, we have received strength and love from God’s care. We have grown – putting down deep roots of faith – putting out new shoots – reaching out to be a source of shade in the heat of a broken world – trying to reflect the One who has blessed us so bountifully. We have matured and brought fourth fruits with which to feed the needs of a people hungry for God’s word, hungry for a sign that God does love and wants only good for His creation. We have put forth leaves in Christ, “leaves for the healing of the nations”. Our purpose and mission is far from being done, even after 100 years! So now, we have rededicated this church – this body of Christ in the world – to renewed effort, rejoicing in the beauty of God’s love and resolving again to be a movement for wholeness in our fragmented world. Amen
~From your Centennial Committee.